Qt 类带简短描述:
用于渲染 3D 条形图的方法 | |
用于渲染 3D 条形图的方法 | |
在 3D 空间中的摄像头表示 | |
基于滚轮鼠标的基本输入处理程序 | |
基于滚轮鼠标的基本输入处理程序 | |
在 3D 空间表示光源 | |
Simple base class for all the objects in a 3D scene | |
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs | |
Methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs | |
Description of the 3D scene being visualized | |
Description of the 3D scene being visualized | |
Methods for rendering 3D surface plots | |
Methods for rendering 3D surface plots | |
用于图形的视觉样式 | |
用于图形的视觉样式 | |
Base class for the axes of a graph | |
Base class for the axes of a 3D graph | |
用于图形的窗口和渲染循环 | |
用于图形的窗口和渲染循环 | |
Base class for implementations of input handlers | |
Base class for implementations of 3D input handlers | |
所有数据系列的基类 | |
Base class for all 3D data series | |
所有动画的基础 | |
用于专用轴类的基类 | |
用于专用轴类的基类 | |
用于所有条形系列类的抽象父级类 | |
用于所有条形系列类的抽象父级类 | |
按钮 Widget 抽象基类,为按钮提供公共功能 | |
Base class for all data visualization data proxies | |
Base class for all 3D graph proxies | |
管理 Qt 事件队列的接口 | |
Interface for extension factories in Qt Designer | |
Interface for extension managers in Qt Designer | |
用于 QFileSystemModel 类的文件图标 | |
Default implementation for classes that create user interfaces at run-time | |
用于所有路径项的公共基 | |
Interface that represents common gRPC channel functionality | |
Bridge between gRPC clients and channels | |
API to subclass to implement an HTTP server | |
用于显示和编辑来自模型的数据项 | |
用于项模型类的抽象接口 | |
Serves as a convenience class for Replicas of Sources based on QAbstractItemModel | |
帮助测试 QAbstractItemModel 子类 | |
用于项视图类的基本功能 | |
可以被子类化以创建一维列表模型的抽象模型 | |
用于接收本机事件 (譬如 MSG 或 XCB 事件结构) 的接口 | |
用于实现缓存的接口 | |
OAuth 身份验证方法的所有实现的基 | |
OAuth 2 身份验证方法的所有实现的基 | |
处理对 OAuth 身份验证请求的回复 | |
暴露各 OpenGL 版本及 Profile (配置文件) 所有功能的一系列类的基类 | |
为用于配置打印机的打印对话框的基实现 | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization | |
可以履行排序、过滤或其它数据处理任务的代理项模型基类 | |
带按需滚动条的卷动区域 | |
用于所有 Qt Chart 系列的基类 | |
Base class for all Qt Graphs for 2D series | |
在范围内的整数值 | |
所有套接字类型共有的基本功能 | |
Spinbox 和显示值的行编辑 | |
QStateMachine 的状态基类 | |
可以子类化以创建表格模型的抽象模型 | |
用于实现 QTextDocument 自定义布局的抽象基类 | |
QAbstractState 对象之间的过渡基类 | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes | |
与可访问性相关的枚举和静态函数 | |
Implements support for invocable actions in the interface | |
实现对具有可编辑文本的对象的支持 | |
用于可访问性通知的基类 | |
定义暴露有关可访问对象的信息的接口 | |
为 QObjects 实现 QAccessibleInterface 部分 | |
为用户界面元素提供可访问性信息的插件的抽象基类 | |
Implements support for selection handling | |
通知可访问性框架对象的状态已改变 | |
实现对 IAccessibleTable2 单元格接口的支持 | |
Implements support for the IAccessibleTable2 interface | |
表示表格、列表或树中添加或移除单元格的变化。若改变影响多行,firstColumn 和 lastColumn 将返回 -1。同样,对于列,行函数可能返回 -1 | |
光标移动的通知 | |
正在插入文本的通知 | |
实现对文本处理的支持 | |
正被删除文本的通知 | |
对象文本选定改变的信号 | |
有关文本改变的通知。这用于支持可编辑文本 (譬如:行编辑) 的可访问。例如,此事件发生,当选中文本的一部分被粘贴新文本或在编辑器覆盖模式下被替换时。 | |
描述可访问对象的值改变 | |
实现对操纵值对象的支持 | |
为 QWidgets 实现 QAccessibleInterface | |
可以被添加到不同用户界面组件的用户命令的抽象 | |
当添加、移除或改变 QAction 时生成的事件 | |
把动作分组在一起 | |
帮手标签类 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the ambient light sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
立体声叠加声音 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Holds readings of the ambient temperature | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
用于从主 Android 活动 onActivityResult() 回调的接口 | |
包裹 Android Binder 类最重要方法 | |
包裹 Android Intent 类的最重要方法 | |
包裹 Android Parcel 类的最重要方法 | |
包裹 Android Service 类的最重要方法 | |
包裹 Android ServiceConnection 类的最重要方法 | |
动画组的抽象基类 | |
带有 QString API 只读子集的 Latin-1、UTF-8 或 UTF-16 字符串统一视图 | |
管理 GUI 应用程序的控制流和主要设置 | |
Legend marker for an area series | |
在区域图表中呈现数据 | |
关联 QVariant 容器的可迭代接口 | |
于 int 上独立于平台的原子操作 | |
于整数上独立于平台的原子操作 | |
为指针提供独立于平台的原子操作的模板类 | |
Provides a QScopedValueRollback for atomic variables | |
表示具有特定格式和采样率的一批音频样本 | |
实现解码音频 | |
音频设备及其功能的有关信息 | |
管理 3D 声场 | |
存储音频流参数信息 | |
表示音频的输入通道 | |
定义由 QAudioEngine 定义声场的收听人的位置和取向 | |
表示音频的输出通道 | |
把音频数据发送到音频输出设备的接口 | |
从音频输入设备接收音频数据的接口 | |
身份验证对象 | |
实现额外 COM 接口的抽象基类 | |
提供初始化和访问 COM 对象的 API 的抽象类 | |
用于 QAxObject 的静态特性和信号 | |
用于 QAxWidget 的静态特性和信号 | |
在 QWidget 和 ActiveX 客户端之间的接口 | |
定义用于创建 COM 组件的工厂 | |
包裹 COM 对象的 QObject | |
提供 QAxObject 和 QAxWidget 公共特性的接口 | |
围绕脚本代码的包裹器 | |
围绕脚本引擎的包裹器 | |
应用程序对象和脚本代码之间的桥梁 | |
用于选择注册 COM 组件的对话框 | |
包裹 ActiveX 控件的 QWidget | |
独立于平台的大端在前整数 | |
用于 QWindow 的绘制区域 | |
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graph | |
Represents a data series in a 3D bar graph | |
将类别添加到图表轴 | |
Adds categories to a graph's axes | |
Container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs | |
Container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs | |
The data proxy for a 3D bars graph | |
The data proxy for a 3D bars graph | |
Legend marker for a bar series | |
将一系列数据按类别分组呈现为垂直条形 | |
将一系列数据按类别分组呈现为垂直条形 | |
表示条形图表中的一组条形 | |
Represents one set of bars in a bar graph | |
针对对象的计时器事件 | |
围绕启用绑定特性的包裹器类。它允许类型安全操作,同时抽象出各种特性类之间的差异 | |
位数组 | |
单色 (1 位深度) 像素图 | |
Assigns an address to the Bluetooth device | |
Discovers the Bluetooth devices nearby | |
Stores information about the Bluetooth device | |
Encapsulates the details of a local QBluetooth device | |
Enables access to the local Bluetooth device | |
访问蓝牙外围设备 | |
Uses the RFCOMM or L2cap protocol to communicate with a Bluetooth device | |
Enables you to query for Bluetooth services | |
Enables access to the attributes of a Bluetooth service | |
Enables connection to a Bluetooth device running a bluetooth server | |
Generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service | |
水平或垂直排列子级 Widget | |
Legend marker for a box plot series | |
Presents data in box-and-whiskers charts | |
Represents one item in a box-and-whiskers chart | |
定义 QPainter 绘制形状的填充图案 | |
QByteArray 的 QIODevice 接口 | |
用于组织按钮 Widget 组的容器 | |
字节数组 | |
字节数组列表 | |
保持在字节数组中可以快速匹配的字节序列 | |
带有只读 QByteArray API 子集的字节数组视图 | |
提供缓存的模板类 | |
描述日历系统 | |
访问用户的日历 | |
允许用户选择日期,基于月份的日历 Widget | |
系统摄像头设备接口 | |
有关摄像头设备的一般信息 | |
描述摄像头设备所支持的视频格式 | |
访问摄像头为取得图片 (或视频) | |
处理总线插件的注册和创建 | |
用于 CAN bus 的接口类 | |
有关 CAN Bus 接口的信息 | |
用作 CAN Bus 插件的插件接口的工厂类 | |
表示单 CAN 帧的容器类 | |
可以用于剖析 DBC 文件 | |
Can be used to decode a QCanBusFrame or to convert the input data into a QCanBusFrame that is ready to be sent to the receiver | |
Describes the rules to process a CAN message and represent it in an application-defined format | |
Describes the rules to extract one value out of the CAN frame and represent it in an application-defined format | |
Describes the rules for accessing a unique identifier in a QCanBusFrame | |
Legend marker for a candlestick series | |
Abstract model mapper class for candlestick series | |
Presents data as candlesticks | |
Represents a single candlestick item in a candlestick chart | |
用于获取可捕获窗口的基本信息 | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Places named ranges on the axis | |
用于保持 CBOR (简明二进制对象表示) 元素的数组 | |
保持I当剖析或验证 CBOR 流时发现的错误条件 | |
用于保持以 CBOR 表示的关联容器 | |
用于 QCborValue 以报告剖析错误 | |
操作 QByteArray 或 QIODevice 的简单 CBOR 流解码器 | |
操作单向流的简单 CBOR 编码器 | |
封装值在 CBOR 中 | |
16 位 Unicode 字符 | |
管理图表的系列、图例和轴的图形表示 | |
可以显示图表的独立 Widget | |
带文本标签的复选框 | |
包含子级对象事件的事件参数 | |
Contains event parameters for child window changes | |
访问窗口系统剪贴板 | |
包含关闭事件的描述参数 | |
允许应用程序发送 CoAP 请求和接收回复 | |
Holds information about a CoAP message that can be a request or a reply | |
保持有关 CoAP 选项的数据 | |
Interface for managing CoAP security keys | |
Holds the data of a CoAP reply | |
Holds a CoAP request. This request can be sent with QCoapClient | |
Holds information about a discovered resource | |
Holds the data of a CoAP reply for a resource discovery request | |
Holds configuration options during the authentication process | |
根据本地整理算法比较字符串 | |
可以用于加速字符串整理 | |
基于 RGB、HSV 或 CMYK 值的颜色 | |
Displays a color scale as one of the chart's axes | |
用于指定颜色的对话框 Widget | |
色彩空间的抽象 | |
在色彩空间之间变换 | |
将设备无关 QColors 映射到与设备相关像素值 | |
列视图的模型/视图实现 | |
组合按钮与下拉列表 | |
定义可能的命令行选项 | |
用于处理命令行选项的手段 | |
Vista 风格的命令链接按钮 | |
封装 GUI 的常见外观和感觉 | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from a compass | |
基于项模型的补全 | |
访问压缩帮助文件有关细节 | |
代理多个源模型,串联其行 | |
用于组合 QBrush 以指定锥形渐变笔刷 | |
允许迭代 QVariant 容器 | |
访问用户的联系人 | |
包含上下文菜单事件的描述参数 | |
提供连续缓存的模板类 | |
用于没有 UI 的 Qt 应用程序的事件循环 | |
生成加密哈希的办法 | |
具有任意形状的鼠标光标 | |
向图形添加自定义项 | |
向图形添加自定义项 | |
向图形添加自定义标签 | |
向图形添加自定义标签 | |
Adds a volume rendered object to a graph | |
Adds a volume rendered object to a graph | |
D-Bus 适配器类的基类 | |
Qt D-Bus 绑定中所有 D-Bus 接口的基类 (允许访问远程接口) | |
用于编组和解组 D-Bus 自变量 | |
表示到 D-Bus 总线守护程序的连接 | |
访问 D-Bus 总线守护程序服务 | |
允许槽确定调用的 D-Bus 上下文 | |
表示从 D-Bus 总线或从在总线中发现的远程应用程序收到的错误 | |
远程对象上的接口代理 | |
表示通过 D-Bus 总线发送 (或接收) 的一条消息 | |
使程序员能够标识由 D-Bus 类型系统提供的 OBJECT_PATH 类型 | |
引用一待决异步调用 | |
等待异步回复的方便手段 | |
包含异步方法调用的回复 | |
将方法调用回复存储到远程对象 | |
在同一计算机中的进程间点对点通信 | |
允许用户看守总线服务改变 | |
使程序员能够标识由 D-Bus 类型系统提供的 SIGNATURE 类型 | |
保持一 Unix 文件描述符 | |
使程序员能够标识由 D-Bus 类型系统提供的变量类型 | |
用于采用一个类处理多个 DBus 路径 | |
把二进制数据序列化到 QIODevice | |
在数据模型区间与 Widget 之间的映射 | |
日期功能 | |
用于编辑日期的 Widget (基于 QDateTimeEdit 小部件) | |
日期和时间功能 | |
Adds dates and times to a chart's axis | |
用于编辑日期和时间的 Widget | |
标记未来截止日期 | |
调试信息输出流 | |
自定义 QDebug 运算符的方便类 | |
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's action editor | |
Allows you to add pages to a custom multi-page container in Qt Designer's workspace | |
Allows you to include several custom widgets in one single library | |
Enables Qt Designer to access and construct custom widgets | |
Allows you to manipulate a widget's dynamic properties in Qt Designer's property editor | |
Allows you to access Qt Designer's various components | |
Allows you to query and modify a form window's widget selection, and in addition modify the properties of all the form's widgets | |
Allows you to query and manipulate form windows appearing in Qt Designer's workspace | |
Allows you to manipulate the collection of form windows in Qt Designer, and control Qt Designer's form editing actions | |
Allows you to manipulate a widget's member functions which is displayed when configuring connections using Qt Designer's mode for editing signals and slots | |
Allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's object inspector | |
Allows you to query and manipulate the current state of Qt Designer's property editor | |
Allows you to manipulate a widget's properties which is displayed in Qt Designer's property editor | |
Allows you to add custom menu entries to Qt Designer's task menu | |
Allows you to control the contents of Qt Designer's widget box | |
用于访问常见桌面服务的方法 | |
四舍五入范围控制 (像速度计或电位计) | |
对话框窗口的基类 | |
在适合当前小部件风格的布局中呈现按钮的 Widget | |
访问目录结构及其内容 | |
目录条目列表迭代器 | |
存储域名记录的有关信息 | |
存储有关主机地址记录的信息 | |
表示 DNS 查找 | |
存储有关 DNS MX 记录的信息 | |
存储有关 DNS SRV 记录的信息 | |
存储有关 DNS TXT 记录的信息 | |
可以停放在 QMainWindow 内 (或浮动在桌面上作为顶层窗口) 的小部件 | |
表示 QDomElement 的一属性 | |
表示 XML CDATA 区间 | |
表示一般 DOM 字符串 | |
表示 XML 注释 | |
表示 XML 文档 | |
QDomNode 树通常是不完整 QDomDocument | |
文档树中的 DTD (文档类型定义) 表示 | |
表示一个 DOM 树元素 | |
表示 XML 实体 | |
表示 XML 实体引用 | |
DOM 实现特征的有关信息 | |
包含可以按名称访问的节点集合 | |
所有 DOM 树节点的基类 | |
QDomNode 对象列表 | |
表示 XML 表示法 | |
表示 XML 处理指令 | |
表示 XML 文档的剖析文本数据 | |
采用双精度的自旋框 Widget | |
浮点数的范围校验 | |
支持基于 MIME 的拖放数据传输 | |
被发送给 Widget 的事件当拖放动作进入时 | |
被发送给 Widget 的事件当拖放动作离开时 | |
发送的事件,在拖放动作进行期间 | |
被发送的事件当拖放操作完成时 | |
此类为 UDP (用户数据报协议) 套接字提供加密 | |
此类实现服务器侧 DTLS Cookie 的生成和验证 | |
包含动态特性更改事件的事件参数 | |
控制动画的缓和曲线 | |
计算消耗时间的快速方式 | |
允许为已由共享指针管理的对象获取 QSharedPointer 的基类 | |
包含进入事件的描述参数 | |
错误消息显示对话框 | |
所有事件类的基类。事件对象包含事件参数 | |
进入和离开事件循环的手段 | |
离开事件循环的手段当不再需要时。 | |
QPointerEvent 点的有关信息 | |
用于 Qt 事件的特定 QObject 过渡 | |
可以跨线程转移异常的基类 | |
表示指向明确共享对象的指针 | |
包含用于暴露事件的事件参数 | |
Allows you to create a factory that is able to make instances of custom extensions in Qt Designer | |
Extension management facilities for Qt Designer | |
用于读写文件的接口 | |
用于读写打开文件的接口 | |
Dialog that allows users to select files or directories | |
用于 QFileSystemModel 类的文件图标 | |
OS-independent API to retrieve information about file system entries | |
当有打开文件或 URL 的请求时会发送的事件 | |
选择文件变体的便捷方式 | |
用于本地文件系统的数据模型 | |
用于监视修改文件和目录的接口 | |
最终状态 | |
用于 QFlags 的帮手数据类型 | |
存储枚举值 OR 组合的类型安全方式 | |
包含 Widget 聚焦事件的事件参数 | |
聚焦框可以在 Widget 的正常可描绘区域之外 | |
指定用于绘制文本的字体查询 | |
让用户选择字体系列的组合框 | |
底层窗口系统中可用字体的有关信息 | |
用于选择字体的对话框 Widget | |
有关字体的一般信息 | |
字体规格信息 | |
字体规格信息 | |
Used to dynamically construct user interfaces from UI files at run-time | |
管理输入 Widget 表单及其关联标签 | |
可以拥有框架的 Widget 基类 | |
表示异步计算的结果 | |
用于 QFuture 的 Java 风格常量迭代器 | |
简化 QFuture 同步的方便类 | |
允许监视 QFuture 使用信号和插槽 | |
用于编组自变量的内部帮助程序类 | |
表示具有 N 列和 M 行的 NxM 变换矩阵的模板类 | |
用于插件的抽象基类 | |
创建插件驱动程序 | |
用于编组自变量的内部帮助程序类 | |
表示 QGeoLocation 的地址 | |
表示接近要监视区域或地区的参数 | |
Enables the detection of proximity changes for a specified set of coordinates | |
Defines a circular geographic area | |
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoCodingManager | |
Support for geocoding operations | |
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide support for geocoding operations | |
Defines a geographical position on the surface of the Earth | |
Represents basic information about a location | |
Represents the information relevant to the point at which two QGeoRouteSegments meet | |
定义地理路径 | |
Defines a geographic polygon | |
包含特定时间点的全局位置、方向和速度的有关聚合信息 | |
Abstract base class for the distribution of positional updates | |
Factory class used as the plugin interface for external providers of positioning data | |
Defines a rectangular geographic area | |
Represents a route between two points | |
Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoRoutingManager | |
Represents the parameters and restrictions which define a request for routing information | |
Represents a segment of a route | |
Support for geographic routing operations | |
Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing information | |
包含有关卫星的基本信息 | |
Abstract base class for the distribution of satellite information updates | |
Aggregates access to services which provide geographical information | |
Defines a geographic area | |
表示包含描述相应用户输入特性的手势 | |
触发手势的描述 | |
用于手势识别的基础设施 | |
用于实现全局静态对象 | |
直接访问字体中的内部字形 | |
用于组合 QBrush 以指定渐变填充 | |
Handles theming of the graph | |
表示 QGraphicsAnchorLayout 中 2 项之间的锚点 | |
可以在图形视图中将 Widget 锚定在一起的布局 | |
模糊效果 | |
彩色化效果 | |
投影效果 | |
用于所有图形效果的基类 | |
可以添加到 QGraphicsScene 的椭圆项 | |
用于在图形视图中管理 Widget 的栅格布局 | |
QGraphicsScene 中所有图形项的基类 | |
将一组项视为单项的容器 | |
基类为图形视图中的所有布局 | |
可以被继承以允许自定义项由布局进行管理 | |
可以添加到 QGraphicsScene 的线项 | |
用于在图形视图中管理 Widget 的水平或垂直布局 | |
基类用于所有要求信号、槽及特性的图形项 | |
不透明度效果 | |
可添加到 QGraphicsScene 的路径项 | |
可以添加到 QGraphicsScene 的像素图项 | |
可以添加到 QGraphicsScene 的多边形项 | |
用于将 QWidget 嵌入 QGraphicsScene 的代理层 | |
可以添加到 QGraphicsScene 的矩形项 | |
围绕给定轴的旋转变换 | |
比例缩放变换 | |
用于管理大量 2D 图形项的表面 | |
在图形视图框架中的上下文菜单事件 | |
用于图形视图框架的拖放事件 | |
基类为所有图形视图相关事件 | |
当请求工具提示时的事件 | |
在图形视图框架中的悬停事件 | |
在图形视图框架中的鼠标事件 | |
用于在图形视图框架中移动 Widget 的事件 | |
用于在图形视图框架中重置 Widget 大小的事件 | |
在图形视图框架中的滚轮事件 | |
可添加到 QGraphicsScene 的简单文本路径项 | |
用于渲染 SVG 文件内容的 QGraphicsItem | |
可添加到 QGraphicsScene,以显示格式化文本的文本项 | |
抽象基类用于在 QGraphicsItems 构建高级变换 | |
显示由 QMediaPlayer 或 QCamera 产生的视频的图形项 | |
用于显示 QGraphicsScene 内容的 Widget | |
基类用于 QGraphicsScene 中的所有 Widget 项 | |
实现格里高利历 (公历) | |
在栅格中布局 Widget | |
带标题的分组框框架 | |
The interface to access the bidirectional gRPC stream functionality from gRPC client side | |
Storage class used to set additional call options | |
Implements logic to handle gRPC calls from the gRPC client side | |
Implements common logic to handle the gRPC communication from the channel side | |
Storage class used to set additional channel options | |
Base class for Qt GRPC client interceptors | |
Manages QGrpcClientInterceptor interceptors | |
The interface to access the client-side gRPC stream functionality from gRPC client side | |
HTTP/2-based of QAbstractGrpcChannel, based on Qt Network HTTP/2 implementation | |
A template class for Qt GRPC interceptor continuation | |
Implements common logic to handle the gRPC communication from the client side | |
The interface to access the server-side gRPC stream functionality from gRPC client side | |
Contains information about last gRPC operation | |
管理 GUI 应用程序的控制流和主要设置 | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensor | |
Horizontal model mapper for bar series | |
水平排列 Widget | |
Horizontal model mapper for box plot series | |
Horizontal model mapper for a candlestick series | |
Horizontal model mapper for pie series | |
Horizontal model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series | |
提供基于哈希表的字典的模板类 | |
用于 QHash 和 QMultiHash 的 Java 风格常量迭代器 | |
用于项视图的标题行 (或标题列) | |
Base proxy class for Q3DSurface | |
Base proxy class for Q3DSurface | |
用于 QHelpContentModel 的项 | |
向视图供给内容的模型 | |
用于显示帮助内容模型项的树视图 | |
访问帮助引擎的内容和索引 | |
帮助系统的核心功能 | |
用于在 Widget 中有关特定点请求有帮助信息的事件 | |
用于 QHelpFilterEngine 的过滤细节 | |
帮助内容的过滤视图 | |
允许创建、编辑和移除过滤的 Widget | |
向视图供给索引关键字的模型 | |
列表视图显示 QHelpIndexModel | |
提供关联帮助链接的数据结构 | |
访问可重用 Widget 以集成全文本搜索、索引及搜索文档编制 | |
使用户能够在标准化输入掩码中输入搜索术语的简单行编辑或高级 Widget | |
关联搜索结果的数据 | |
要显示搜索结果的文本浏览器 | |
在 Widget 被隐藏后发送的事件 | |
返回到先前活动子状态的手段 | |
Presents a series of data as horizontal bars grouped by category | |
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category | |
Presents a series of data as horizontally stacked bars, with one bar per category | |
IP 地址 | |
用于主机名查找的静态函数 | |
包含鼠标事件的描述参数 | |
指定主机支持 HSTS (HTTP 严格传输安全) 策略 | |
控制 HTTP/1 参数和设定 | |
控制 HTTP/2 参数和设定 | |
Class for holding HTTP headers | |
类似于通过 HTTP 被发送的 MIME 多部分消息 | |
保持本体部分 (要在 HTTP 多部分 MIME 消息内使用) | |
Simplified API for QAbstractHttpServer and QHttpServerRouter | |
Encapsulates an HTTP request | |
API for sending replies from an HTTP server | |
Encapsulates an HTTP response | |
Provides functions to bind a URL to a ViewHandler | |
The base class for QHttpServerRouter rules | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Holds readings from the humidity sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
Qt 中所有 I/O 设备的基接口类 | |
提供打开设备模式描述标志的 QIODevice 基类 | |
在不同模式和状态下的可伸缩图标 | |
指示已开始拖拽主图标 | |
用于 QIcon 渲染器的抽象基类 | |
用于自定义 QIconEngine 插件的抽象基 | |
代理未经修改的源模型 | |
独立于硬件的图像表示 (允许直接访问像素数据,且可以被用作描绘设备) | |
用于录制媒体内容 | |
定义用于 Qt 中所有图像格式的常见图像 I/O 接口 | |
定义用于编写图像格式插件的接口 | |
用于从文件 (或其它设备) 读取图像的格式独立接口 | |
用于将图像写入文件 (或其它设备) 的格式独立接口 | |
描述源自 QInputEvent 的设备 | |
从用户获得单一值的简单方便对话框 | |
描述用户输入事件的基类 | |
访问活动文本输入法 | |
用于输入法事件的参数 | |
通过输入上下文发送给输入对象的事件 | |
确保字符串包含指定范围内有效整数的验证器 | |
用于显示和编辑来自模型的数据项的设施 | |
使之可能创建项编辑器创建者库,无需子类化 QItemEditorCreatorBase | |
必须被子类化的抽象基类,当实现新的项编辑器创建者时 | |
用于在视图和委托中编辑项数据的 Widget | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBars | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBars | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatter | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatter | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurface | |
Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurface | |
管理模型选中项的有关信息 | |
保持视图选中项的跟踪 | |
管理模型选中项范围的有关信息 | |
是用于 QSequentialIterable 和 QAssociativeIterable 的基类模板类 | |
允许迭代 QVariant 容器的模板类 | |
用于估算 JavaScript 代码的环境 | |
Represents a value on the JavaScript heap belonging to a QJSEngine | |
An empty marker type to signify the JavaScript null value | |
An empty marker type to signify the JavaScript Undefined type and its single value | |
Operates on primitive types in JavaScript semantics | |
Acts as a container for Qt/JavaScript data types | |
用于 QJSValue 的 Java 风格迭代器 | |
Jalali (Hijri Shamsi) 日历系统实现 | |
访问 JNIEnv (JNI 环境) | |
围绕 JNI (Java 本地接口) 的方便包裹器 | |
封装 JSON 数组 | |
读写 JSON 文档的办法 | |
封装 JSON 对象 | |
用于在 JSON 剖析期间报告错误 | |
把值封装在 JSON 中 | |
儒略历系统实现 | |
存储键和可选修饰符的组合 | |
描述键事件 | |
键事件的过渡 | |
封装作为快捷键使用的键序列 | |
允许输入 QKeySequence | |
迭代关联容器的键/值对 | |
显示带有类似 LCD 数字的数字 | |
独立于平台的小端在前整数 | |
显示文本或图像 | |
8 位 ASCII/Latin-1 字符 | |
如同 QLatin1StringView | |
优化搜索 Latin-1 文本中的子字符串 | |
围绕 US-ASCII/Latin-1 编码字符串文字的瘦包裹器 | |
几何管理器的基类 | |
操纵 QLayout 的抽象项 | |
显示图表的图例 | |
Abstract object that can be used to access markers within a legend | |
在 Runtime 时加载共享库 | |
有关 Qt 库的信息 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the light sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
使用整数精度的 2D 向量 | |
一行文本编辑器 | |
使用浮点精度的 2D 向量 | |
以线图表形式呈现数据 | |
Presents data in line graphs | |
用于组合 QBrush 以指定线性渐变笔刷 | |
提供链接列表的模板类 | |
用于 QLinkedList 的 Java 风格常量迭代器 | |
提供动态数组的模板类 | |
用于 QList 和 QQueue 的 Java 风格常量迭代器 | |
在模型中的列表或图标视图 | |
基于项的列表 Widget | |
用于 QListWidget 项视图类的项 | |
基于本地套接字的服务器 | |
本地套接字 | |
在数字及其各种语言的字符串表示之间转换 | |
访问用户的位置 | |
在进程之间使用文件的锁 | |
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis | |
Formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis | |
Adds a logarithmic scale to a chart's axis | |
表示日志基础设施类别或区域 | |
表示蓝牙低功耗广告期间要广播的数据 | |
表示用于蓝牙低功耗广告的参数 | |
Stores information about a Bluetooth Low Energy service characteristic | |
用于设置 GATT 服务数据 | |
当请求或报告蓝牙 LE 连接的参数更新时使用 | |
Access to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices | |
Stores information about the Bluetooth Low Energy descriptor | |
用于创建 GATT 服务数据 | |
Represents an individual service on a Bluetooth Low Energy Device | |
用于设置 GATT 服务数据 | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the magnetometer | |
主应用程序窗口 | |
提供关联数组的模板类 | |
用于 QMap 的 Java 风格常量迭代器 | |
定义矩形的 4 边距 | |
定义矩形的 4 边距 | |
用于自定义 32 位掩码生成器的抽象基 | |
表示 3D 空间中的 4x4 变换矩阵 | |
显示 MDI 窗口的区域 | |
用于 QMdiArea 的子窗口类 | |
允许捕获音频/视频内容 | |
可用多媒体输入和输出设备的有关信息 | |
描述多媒体文件或流的编码格式 | |
为媒体文件提供元数据 | |
允许播放媒体文件 | |
用于编码和录制捕获会话 | |
表示一组零个或多个不相交的时间间隔 | |
用于菜单栏、上下文菜单及其它弹出菜单的菜单 Widget | |
水平菜单栏 | |
生成基于哈希的消息身份验证代码的办法 | |
用于告知用户或向用户询问问题并接收答案的模态对话框 | |
有关日志消息的额外信息 | |
生成日志消息 | |
有关类的额外信息 | |
有关枚举器的元数据 | |
关于成员函数的元数据 | |
包含有关 Qt 对象的元信息 | |
关于特性的元数据 | |
允许类型擦除对顺序容器的访问 | |
在元对象系统中管理命名类型 | |
为监视访问麦克风 (或录制声音) | |
Milanković 日历系统实现 | |
记录数据 MIME 类型有关信息的容器 | |
维护 MIME 类型数据库 | |
描述由 MIME 类型字符串表示的文件或数据的类型 | |
发送 Modbus 请求的接口 | |
Container class representing single bit and 16 bit word entries in the Modbus register | |
The base class for Modbus classes, QModbusServer and QModbusClient | |
Container class representing the physical and functional description of a Modbus server | |
Container class containing the function and error code inside a Modbus ADU | |
Abstract container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU | |
Contains the data for a request sent with a QModbusClient derived class | |
Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU | |
Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU | |
Represents a Modbus client that uses a serial bus for its communication with the Modbus server | |
Represents a Modbus server that uses a serial port for its communication with the Modbus client | |
接收和处理 Modbus 请求的接口 | |
用于 Modbus TCP 客户端设备的接口类 | |
Represents the interface for objects that can be passed to QModbusTcpServer::installConnectionObserver | |
Represents a Modbus server that uses a TCP server for its communication with the Modbus client | |
用于在数据模型中定位数据 | |
保持角色和与该角色关联的数据 | |
跨越 QModelRoleData 对象的跨度 | |
包含鼠标事件的描述参数 | |
用于鼠标事件的过渡 | |
包含用于移动事件的事件参数 | |
采用 QImageReader 播放影片的方便类 | |
Represents configuration options during the authentication process | |
Represents the central access communicating with an MQTT broker | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when invoking QMqttClient::connectToHost() | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when specifying the last will during connecting to a server | |
Information about a message received from a message broker based on a subscription | |
Represents additional information provided by the server during message delivery | |
Represents configuration options for sending or receiving a message | |
Represents configuration options of a server a QMqttClient is connected to | |
Represents the string pair data type of the MQTT 5.0 standard | |
Receives notifications from an MQTT broker about a specified topic | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when subscribing to a topic filter | |
表示 MQTT 话题过滤 | |
表示 MQTT 话题名称 | |
Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when unsubscribing from a topic filter | |
Represents a list of QMqttStringPair values which can be passed to the server | |
提供多值哈希的方便 QHash 子类 | |
提供具有多个等效键的关联数组的模板类 | |
用于 QMultiMap 的 Java 样式常量迭代器。QMultiMap 同时拥有 Java 样式迭代器和 STL 样式迭代器。STL 样式迭代器效率更高且应首选 | |
用于 QHash 和 QMultiHash 的 Java 风格非常量迭代器 | |
用于 QLinkedList 的 Java 风格非常量迭代器 | |
用于 QList、QQueue 及 QStack 的 Java 风格非常量迭代器 | |
用于 QMap 的 Java 风格非常量迭代器 | |
用于 QMultiMap 的 Java 风格非常量迭代器 | |
用于 QSet 的 Java 风格非常量迭代器 | |
在线程之间串行化访问 | |
简化锁定和解锁互斥的方便类 | |
包含手势事件的描述参数 | |
Android 核心应用程序的本地接口 | |
在 Android 的离屏表面的本机界面 | |
Native interface to a screen | |
在 macOS 的 NSOpenGLContext 的本机接口 | |
ELX 上下文的本机接口 | |
GLX 上下文的本机接口 | |
提供对 Direct3D 11 纹理对象的访问和启用采纳 | |
Provides access to and enables adopting Direct3D 12 texture objects | |
提供对 Metal 纹理对象的访问和启用采纳 | |
提供对 OpenGL 纹理对象的访问和启用采纳 | |
提供对 Vulkan 图像对象的访问和启用采纳 | |
Windows WGL 上下文的本机接口 | |
Wayland 应用程序的本机接口 | |
Native interface to a screen on Wayland | |
Native interface to a screen | |
到 X11 应用程序的本机接口 | |
Holds a native key used by QSystemSemaphore and QSharedMemory | |
Filter for matching NDEF messages | |
NFC NDEF message | |
NFC MIME record to hold an icon | |
NFC RTD-SmartPoster | |
NFC RTD-Text | |
NFC NDEF record | |
Access to notifications for NFC events | |
Interface for communicating with a target device | |
允许应用程序发送网络请求和接收回复 | |
存储由网络接口支持的一个 IP 地址及其关联的 Netmask (网络掩码) 和广播地址 | |
缓存信息 | |
保持一网络 Cookie | |
实现 QNetworkCookie 对象的简单 jar | |
UDP (用户数据报协议) 数据报的数据和元数据 | |
很基本的磁盘缓存 | |
透过本机后端暴露各种网络信息 | |
主机的 IP 地址和网络接口列表 | |
网络层代理 | |
细粒度代理选定 | |
用于查询套接字的代理设置 | |
包含请求数据和头 (发送请求采用 QNetworkAccessManager) | |
保持要采用 QNetworkAccessManager 发送的请求 | |
Convenience class for grouping remote server endpoints that share common network request properties | |
Positional information using a NMEA data source | |
Satellite information using an NMEA data source | |
RAII class to manage NTFS permission checking | |
OAuth 1 协议的实现 | |
实现 OAuth 1 签名方法 | |
授权码授予流程的实现 | |
Handles loopback redirects by setting up a local HTTP server | |
所有 Qt 对象的基类 | |
为存储在 QObject 派生类中的特性数据启用自动特性绑定的模板类 | |
看守多个 QObject 的寿命 | |
帮助将旧特性移植到可绑定特性系统的模板类 | |
此类表示在线证书状态协议响应 | |
表示底层平台的离屏表面 | |
This class stores the necessary information to create a new node on the server | |
This class stores the necessary information to add a new reference on the server | |
OPC UA ApplicationDescription | |
Defines the identity of the application | |
OPC UA ApplicationRecordDataType | |
OPC UA Argument 类型 | |
OPC UA AttributeOperand type | |
OPC UA authentication information | |
OPC UA AxisInformation type | |
Partial implementation of the OPC UA binary data encoding described in OPC UA part 6 | |
OPC UA BrowsePathTarget | |
包含用于调用 OPC UA 浏览服务的参数 | |
Allows interaction with an OPC UA server | |
OPC UA ComplexNumber 类型 | |
Common parameters for a connection to a server | |
OPC UA ContentFilterElement | |
OPC UA ContentFilterElementResult | |
This class stores OPC UA value data and associated metadata | |
This class stores the necessary information to delete a reference from the server | |
Models the OPC UA built-in type DiagnosticInfo | |
OPC UA DoubleComplexNumber type | |
OPC UA EURange type | |
OPC UA ElementOperand type | |
OPC UA EndpointDescription | |
OPC UA EnumDefinition type | |
OPC UA StructureDefinition type | |
Allows investigation and interaction with error state from backends | |
OPCUA EventFilterResult | |
OPC UA ExpandedNodeId | |
OPC UA ExtensionObject | |
Handles communication with the GDS Server | |
Reads a server's data types and decodes/encodes generic structs from/to extension objects | |
Holds the value of a generic OPC UA structured type | |
This class stores historical data values from a node | |
This class stores historical events from a node | |
This class stores the necessary information to request historic data from a server | |
This class stores the necessary information to request historic data from a server | |
This class is used for requesting historical data and storing the results | |
Handles private and public key pairs | |
OPC UA LiteralOperand type | |
OPC UA LocalizedText type | |
Way to set and retrieve parameters for subscriptions and monitored items | |
A container class for multidimensional arrays | |
Allows interaction with an OPC UA node | |
This class manages attribute values for node creation | |
Defines the PKI configuration of the application | |
Creates an instance of QOpcUaClient | |
OPC UA QualifiedName type | |
OPC UA Range 类型 | |
This class stores the options for a read operation | |
This class stores the result of a read operation | |
Contains information about a node | |
OPC UA RelativePathElement | |
OPC UA SimpleAttributeOperand type | |
OPC UA StructureDefinition type | |
OPC UA StructureField type | |
OPC UA UserTokenPolicy | |
OPC UA Variant | |
This class stores the options for a write operation | |
This class stores the result of a write operation | |
Create a certificate signing request | |
Information about a distinguished name item | |
Base class for all X509 extensions | |
Class for X509 basic constraints | |
Class for X509 extended key usage | |
Class for X509 extended key usage | |
Class for an X509 subject alternative name | |
OPC UA XVType | |
用于创建和管理 OpenGL 缓冲对象的函数 | |
表示本机 OpenGL 上下文,使 OpenGL 能够渲染在 QSurface | |
表示共享 OpenGL 资源的上下文组 | |
启用 OpenGL 调试消息的日志 | |
包裹 OpenGL 调试消息 | |
跨平台访问 OpenGL ES 3.0、3.1 及 3.2 API | |
封装 OpenGL 帧缓冲对象 | |
指定 OpenGL 帧缓冲对象的格式 | |
跨平台访问 OpenGL ES 2.0 API | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.0 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 1.1 specification | |
用于 OpenGL 1.2 规范的所有函数 | |
用于 OpenGL 1.3 规范的所有函数 | |
用于 OpenGL 1.4 规范的所有函数 | |
用于 OpenGL 1.5 规范的所有函数 | |
用于 OpenGL 2.0 规范的所有函数 | |
用于 OpenGL 2.1 规范的所有函数 | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.0 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.1 specification | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.2 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.2 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.3 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 3.3 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.0 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.0 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.1 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.1 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.2 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.2 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.3 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.3 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.4 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.4 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.5 compatibility profile | |
All functions for OpenGL 4.5 core profile | |
All functions for OpenGL ES 2 | |
启用使用 QPainter 描绘到 OpenGL 上下文 | |
Describes the pixel storage modes that affect the unpacking of pixels during texture upload | |
允许编译 OpenGL 着色器 | |
允许链接和使用 OpenGL 着色器程序 | |
封装 OpenGL 纹理对象 | |
凭借 OpenGL 绘制纹理四边形的方便手段 | |
包裹一系列 OpenGL 计时器查询对象 | |
包裹 OpenGL 计时器查询对象 | |
Provides access to OpenGL functions for a specified version and profile | |
Represents the version and if applicable the profile of an OpenGL context | |
包裹 OpenGL 顶点数组对象 | |
用于渲染 OpenGL 图形的 Widget | |
履行 OpenGL 描绘的 QWindow 方便子类 | |
有关操作系统版本的信息 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the orientation sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
描述页面大小、取向及边距 | |
表示页面范围的集合 | |
用于打印机页面相关选项的配置对话框 | |
描述定义页面尺寸的大小和名称 | |
表示支持多页的描绘设备 | |
可以采用 QPainter 进行描绘的对象的基类 | |
也是 QPaintDevice 的 QWindow 方便子类 | |
QPainter 如何在给定平台绘制给定设备的抽象定义 | |
活动描绘引擎当前状态的有关信息 | |
包含用于描绘事件的事件参数 | |
在 Widget 和其它描绘设备上履行低级描绘 | |
用于描绘操作的容器,使图形形状能够被构造和重用 | |
用于为给定描绘器路径生成可填充轮廓 | |
包含各 Widget 状态的颜色组 | |
描述由用户做出的平移手势 | |
平行动画组 | |
表示允许无序结果的比较结果 | |
暂停 QSequentialAnimationGroup | |
Holds a tree of of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contents | |
加载 PDF 文档并渲染其页面 | |
保持从 PDF 文档渲染页面的选项 | |
Defines a link between a region on a page (such as a hyperlink or a search result) and a destination (page, location on the page, and zoom level at which to view it) | |
Holds the geometry and the destination for each link that the specified page contains | |
Navigation history within a PDF document | |
封装 PDF 文档页面的渲染 | |
A widget for selecting a PDF page | |
搜索 PDF 文档中的字符串并保持结果 | |
定义在一页 PDF 文档中已选择的文本范围及其几何边界 | |
PDF 查看器 Widget | |
生成可用作描绘设备的 PDF 的类 | |
定义 QPainter 如何绘制线条和形状的轮廓 | |
Presents a series of categorized data as a percentage of each category | |
类型化权限的不透明包裹器 | |
用于在数据模型中定位数据 | |
用于记录和重演 QPainter 命令的描绘设备 | |
Legend marker for a pie series | |
Presents data in pie charts | |
Represents a single slice in a pie series | |
描述由用户做出的捏合手势 | |
用于描述图形缓冲中不同像素布局的类 | |
可以用作描绘设备的离屏图像表示 | |
应用程序范围像素图缓存 | |
Represents a set of data about a place | |
Represents generic attribute information about a place | |
Represents a category that a QPlace can be associated with | |
Represents a contact detail such as a phone number or website url | |
Holds content about places | |
Manages a content retrieval operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents the parameters of a content request | |
Manages a place details fetch operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents an icon | |
Manages operations which return an identifier such as saving and removal operations of places and categories | |
The interface which allows clients to access places stored in a particular backend | |
Interface for implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to place functionality | |
Manages a place matching operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Used to find places from one manager that match those from another. It represents a set of request parameters | |
Represents a search result containing a proposed search | |
Holds rating information about a place | |
Manages an operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager and serves as a base class for more specialized replies | |
Represents a search result containing a place | |
Manages a place search operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents the set of parameters for a search request | |
The base class for search results | |
Manages a search suggestion operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager | |
Represents a supplier of a place or content associated with a place | |
Represents an individual user | |
用于 QTextDocument 的纯文本布局实现 | |
用于编辑和显示纯文本的 Widget | |
用于通知有关本机平台表面事件 | |
在运行时加载插件 | |
使用整数精度定义平面点 | |
使用浮点精度定义平面点 | |
提供指向 QObject 守卫指针的模板类 | |
用于指针事件的基类 | |
描述发源鼠标、触摸或数位板事件的设备 | |
标识用于指向设备的唯一对象 (譬如:令牌或手写笔) | |
Presents data in polar charts | |
使用整数精度的点列表 | |
使用浮点精度的点列表 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Holds readings from the pressure sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
用于指定打印机配置的对话框 | |
定义 QPrinter 如何与给定打印子系统交互的接口 | |
为打印机输出而预览和配置页面布局的 Widget | |
为打印机输出而预览页面布局的 Widget | |
在打印机上描绘的描绘设备 | |
给予访问现有打印机的有关信息 | |
用于启动外部程序并与它们进行通信 | |
保持可以被传递给程序的环境变量 | |
水平 (或垂直) 进度条 | |
慢操作的进度反馈 | |
存储由 QFuture 访问的计算结果的办法 | |
启用自动特性绑定的模板类 | |
动画 Qt 特性 | |
控制安装在 QProperty 上的更改回调的生命周期 | |
用于具有自动特性绑定的特性的帮助程序类 | |
控制安装在 QProperty 上的更改回调的生命周期 | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serializing/deserializing objects, lists, and enums | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization of QProtobufMessage objects to JSON | |
Base class for all protobuf messages | |
Calls the destructor of the child class of a QProtobufMessage | |
Interface that represents basic functions for serialization/deserialization | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the proximity sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
简化动态覆盖 QStyle 元素的方便类 | |
命令按钮 | |
Allows you to control QML file loading | |
从单个 QML 文件加载应用程序的便捷方式 | |
封装 QML 组件定义 | |
在 QML 引擎中定义上下文 | |
用于实例化 QML 组件的环境 | |
用于自定义 QML 扩展插件的抽象基 | |
Encapsulates a QML error | |
Evaluates JavaScript in a QML context | |
Abstract base for custom QML extension plugins with custom type registration functions | |
Static utility methods to categorize URLs | |
A class for applying a QFileSelector to QML file loading | |
Used to register image providers in the QML engine | |
Instances drive the progress of QQmlIncubators | |
Allows QML objects to be created asynchronously | |
Allows logging of QML-related messages | |
Allows applications to expose list-like properties of QObject-derived classes to QML | |
Allows the manipulation of QQmlListProperty properties | |
Creates QNetworkAccessManager instances for a QML engine | |
Updates on the QML parser state | |
Abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML | |
Allows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindings | |
Interface for property value sources such as animations and bindings | |
Represents a single QML property binding for a specific type | |
表示 QML 类型 | |
Base class for all static analysis passes on elements | |
Represents a suggested fix for an issue in the source code | |
Base class for static analysis passes | |
Base class for all static analysis plugins | |
A wrapper around a string literal to uniquely identify warning categories in the QQmlSA framework | |
表示 QML 方法 | |
Can analyze an element and its children with static analysis passes | |
表示 QML 特性 | |
Base class for all static analysis passes on properties | |
Represents a location or region in the source code | |
封装脚本及其上下文 | |
表示由向量和标量组成的四元数 | |
提供队列的通用容器 | |
Helper class for selecting correct surface format | |
Helper functions for the Extensions APIs | |
Base class for defining custom geometry | |
Base class for defining instance tables | |
Base class of all 3D nodes and resources | |
Abstract class for implementing user side render extensions | |
Base class for defining custom texture data | |
Interface for asynchronous control of QML image requests | |
Way to propagate attached properties | |
Convenience class for integrating OpenGL rendering using a framebuffer object (FBO) with Qt Quick | |
Controls lower level graphics settings for the QQuickWindow | |
Opaque container for native graphics objects representing graphics devices or contexts | |
用于支持 QML 中像素图和线程化图像请求的接口 | |
Interface for asynchronous image loading in QQuickAsyncImageProvider | |
The most basic of all visual items in Qt Quick | |
Contains the result from QQuickItem::grabToImage() | |
Way to use the QPainter API in the QML Scene Graph | |
Mechanism for rendering the Qt Quick scenegraph onto an offscreen render target in a fully application-controlled manner | |
Opaque container for native graphics resources specifying a render target, and associated metadata | |
Portable alternative to QQuickFramebufferObject that is not tied to OpenGL, but rather allows integrating rendering with the QRhi APIs with Qt Quick | |
A QQuickRhiItemRenderer implements the rendering logic of a QQuickRhiItem | |
允许配置应用程序样式 | |
Access to the QTextDocument of QQuickTextEdit | |
Interface for loading custom textures from QML | |
用于显示 Qt Quick 用户界面的窗口 | |
由多个页面共享的 Web 引擎 Profile (配置文件) | |
用于显示 Qt Quick 用户界面的 Widget | |
用于显示图形 QML 场景的窗口 | |
用于组合 QBrush 以指定径向渐变笔刷 | |
带文本标签的单选按钮 | |
允许从高品质随机数生成器获取一随机值 | |
允许从高品质、无种子随机数生成器获取一 64 位随机值 | |
在 QWindow 使用 QPainter 的方便类 | |
访问字体的单物理实例 | |
用于读取访问的锁定和解锁的读写锁的方便简化类 | |
读/写锁定 | |
使用整数精度定义平面矩形 | |
使用浮点精度定义有限平面矩形 | |
在线程之间串行化访问 | |
使用正则表达式进行模式匹配 | |
为描绘器指定裁剪区域 | |
使用正则表达式进行模式匹配 | |
QRegularExpression 针对字符串进行匹配的结果 | |
QRegularExpression 对象针对字符串的全局匹配结果迭代器 | |
Used to check a string against a regular expression | |
提供用于将复制 PROP 值设为最后一次使用复制时的值的方法的类 | |
动态实例化 Replica | |
Qt Remote Objects 网络 (主机) 节点 | |
Host 和 RegistryHost 类共有的基本功能 | |
Qt Remote Objects 网络节点 | |
封装异步方法调用的结果 | |
提供基于 QObject 的 API 为看守 QRemoteObjectPendingCall | |
QRemoteObjectPendingCall 的模板化版本 | |
保持 Qt Remote Objects 网络可用 Source 对象有关信息的类 | |
Qt Remote Objects 网络 (主机/注册) 节点 | |
与远程对象网络 Qt API 交互 (但未实现) 的类 | |
包含用于重置尺寸事件的事件参数 | |
用于直接读取资源的接口 | |
Convenience wrapper for QNetworkAccessManager | |
Convenience wrapper for QNetworkReply | |
包含 64 位 RGB 颜色的结构 | |
包含 4 部分 RGBA 浮点颜色的结构 | |
Accelerated 2D/3D graphics API abstraction | |
Vertex, index, or uniform (constant) buffer resource | |
Describes the a single color attachment of a render target | |
Command buffer resource | |
Compute pipeline state resource | |
Direct3D 11 specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the D3D device and device context used by the QRhi | |
Holds the ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1 object that is backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Direct3D 12 specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the D3D12 device used by the QRhi | |
Specifies clear values for a depth or stencil buffer | |
Describes the physical device, adapter, or graphics API implementation that is used by an initialized QRhi | |
OpenGL specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the OpenGL context used by the QRhi | |
Graphics pipeline state resource | |
Base class for backend-specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the MTLCommandBuffer and MTLRenderCommandEncoder objects that are backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Metal specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the Metal device used by the QRhi | |
Base class for classes exposing backend-specific collections of native resource objects | |
Null backend specific initialization parameters | |
Empty | |
Describes a readback (reading back texture contents from possibly GPU-only memory) operation | |
Describes the results of a potentially asynchronous buffer or texture readback operation | |
Renderbuffer resource | |
Render pass resource | |
Represents an onscreen (swapchain) or offscreen (texture) render target | |
Base class for classes encapsulating native resource objects | |
Records upload and copy type of operations | |
Sampler resource | |
Specifies a scissor rectangle | |
Describes the shader resource for a single binding point | |
Encapsulates resources for making buffer, texture, sampler resources visible to shaders | |
Specifies the type and the shader code for a shader stage in the pipeline | |
Statistics provided from the underlying memory allocator | |
Swapchain resource | |
Describes the high dynamic range related information of the swapchain's associated output | |
Opaque data describing native objects needed to set up a swapchain | |
Swapchain render target resource | |
Texture resource | |
Describes a texture-to-texture copy operation | |
Texture render target resource | |
Describes the color and depth or depth/stencil attachments of a render target | |
Describes the source for one mip level in a layer in a texture upload operation | |
Describes a texture upload operation | |
Describes one layer (face for cubemaps, slice for 3D textures, element for texture arrays) in a texture upload operation | |
Describes a single vertex input element | |
Describes a vertex input binding | |
Describes the layout of vertex inputs consumed by a vertex shader | |
Specifies a viewport rectangle | |
Holds the Vulkan command buffer object that is backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Vulkan specific initialization parameters | |
Collects device, queue, and other Vulkan objects that are used by the QRhi | |
Holds the Vulkan render pass object backing a QRhiRenderPassDescriptor | |
Widget for rendering 3D graphics via an accelerated grapics API, such as Vulkan, Metal, or Direct 3D | |
基于古罗马日历的日历共享基 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
Represents one reading from the rotation sensor | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
可以指示选定 (或边界) 的矩形或直线 | |
用于所有可运行对象的基类 | |
Serves as a baseclass for geometry based nodes | |
Implements the clipping functionality in the scene graph | |
Serves as a baseclass for dynamically changing textures, such as content that is rendered to FBO's | |
Convenient way of rendering solid colored geometry in the scene graph | |
Low-level storage for graphics primitives in the Qt Quick Scene Graph | |
用于场景图形中的所有渲染内容 | |
Provided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graph | |
Encapsulates rendering state for a shader program | |
Represents a graphics API independent shader program | |
Used as a unique type token in combination with QSGMaterial | |
所有场景图形节点的基类 | |
用于改变节点的不透明度 | |
Convenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graph | |
Convenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraph | |
Represents a set of custom rendering commands targeting the graphics API that is in use by the scenegraph | |
An interface providing access to some of the graphics API specific internals of the scenegraph | |
Convenience class for drawing solid filled rectangles using scenegraph | |
Provided for convenience to easily draw textured content using the QML scene graph | |
Class for drawing text layouts and text documents in the Qt Quick scene graph | |
The base class for textures used in the scene graph | |
Convenient way of rendering textured geometry in the scene graph | |
在 QML 中封装基于纹理的实体 | |
实现场景图形变换 | |
Convenient way of rendering per-vertex colored geometry in the scene graph | |
Class containing helper functions for getting camera data used for rendering | |
Storage class containing data collected for a frame | |
Class containing helper functions for modifying and setting data for model renderables | |
Aggregate class for sub-parts of the QtQuick3D rendering engine | |
Base class for extension backend node implementations | |
Class containing helper functions for the extensions | |
Class containing helper functions for setting up and render QtQuick3D renderables | |
QSSGRhiContext | |
Graphics pipeline state for the spatial scene graph | |
QSSGRhiSamplerDescription | |
安全写入文件的接口 | |
Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graph | |
Represents a data series in a 3D scatter graph | |
Container for resolved data to be added to scatter graphs | |
Container for resolved data to be added to scatter graphs | |
The data proxy for 3D scatter graphs | |
The data proxy for 3D scatter graphs | |
Presents data in scatter graphs | |
Presents data in scatter charts | |
提供用于在作用域结束时调用函数的作用域守卫 | |
存储动态分配对象数组的指针,并在销毁时删除它 | |
存储动态分配对象的指针,并在销毁时删除它 | |
RAII class around Qt::beginPropertyUpdateGroup()/Qt::endPropertyUpdateGroup() | |
当销毁时将变量重置为其先前值 | |
用于查询屏幕特性 | |
此类用于捕获屏幕 | |
把视图卷动到另一 Widget | |
垂直 (或水平) 滚动条 | |
发送当卷动时 | |
在预备滚动时发送 | |
使任何卷动 Widget 或图形项能够动感卷动 | |
存储用于 QScroller 的设置 | |
基于 SCTP 的服务器 | |
SCTP 套接字 | |
用于 SCXML 文件的编译器 | |
C++ data model for a Qt SCXML state machine | |
The data model base class for a Qt SCXML state machine | |
Creates SCXML service instances from documents loaded at runtime | |
Describes the errors returned by the Qt SCXML state machine when parsing an SCXML file | |
Event for a Qt SCXML state machine | |
AssingmentInfo class represents a data assignment | |
Represents a unit of executable content | |
Represents a foreach construct | |
Represents a service invocation | |
Represents a parameter to a service invocation | |
The base class for services called from state machines | |
Creates invokable service instances | |
The null data model for a Qt SCXML stateMachine | |
Interface to the state machines created from SCXML files | |
Creates SCXML service instances from precompiled documents | |
Used by compiled state machines | |
通用计数信号量 | |
异常安全的 QSemaphore::release() 调用的延迟 | |
Represents a single hardware sensor | |
传感器实现 | |
Instantiates instances of QSensorBackend | |
The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins | |
Efficient callback facility for asynchronous notifications of sensor changes | |
Handles registration and creation of sensor backends | |
The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins | |
Holds the readings from the sensor | |
动画的顺序组 | |
用于 QVariant 容器的可迭代接口 | |
提供访问串行端口的函数 | |
提供有关现有串行端口的信息 | |
Handles theming of series | |
访问会话管理器 | |
提供基于哈希表的集的模板类 | |
用于 QSet 的 Java 风格常量迭代器 | |
平台无关的持久性应用程序设置 | |
Contains multiple versions of a shader translated to multiple shading languages, together with reflection metadata | |
Compiles a GLSL/Vulkan shader into SPIR-V, translates into other shading languages, and gathers reflection metadata | |
Contains source or binary code for a shader and additional metadata | |
Describes the interface of a shader | |
Specifies the shading language, the version with flags, and the variant | |
Specifies the shading language version | |
用于共享数据对象的基类 | |
表示隐式共享对象指针 | |
访问共享内存段 | |
保持共享指针强引用 | |
用于创建键盘快捷键 | |
当用户按下组合键时生成的事件 | |
当展示 Widget 时发送的事件 | |
围绕 QObject::blockSignals() 的异常安全包裹器 | |
捆绑来自可识别发送器的信号 | |
启用信号发出自省 | |
基于 Qt 信号的过渡 | |
包含单点指针事件 (譬如:鼠标事件) 的基类 | |
使用整数点精度定义 2D 对象的大小 | |
使用浮点精度定义 2D 对象的大小 | |
用于重置顶层窗口大小的重置大小手柄 | |
描述水平和垂直重置大小策略的布局属性 | |
垂直 (或水平) 滑块 | |
支持监视文件描述符活动 | |
支持排序和过滤在另一模型和视图之间传递的数据 | |
播放低延迟音效的办法 | |
布局中的空白空间 | |
A non-owning container over contiguous data | |
3D 空间中的声音对象 | |
自旋框 Widget | |
可以在应用程序启动期间展示的闪屏 | |
以样条线图表形式呈现数据 | |
实现分割器 Widget | |
用于分割器的手柄功能 | |
处理数据库连接 | |
Abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases | |
Template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type | |
The base class for SQL driver factories | |
用于自定义 QSqlDriver 插件的抽象基 | |
SQL 数据库错误信息 | |
操纵 SQL 数据库表和视图中的字段 | |
Functions to manipulate and describe database indexes | |
执行和操纵 SQL 语句的手段 | |
Read-only data model for SQL result sets | |
封装数据库记录 | |
Stores information about an SQL foreign key | |
Delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel | |
Editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support | |
Abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases | |
Editable data model for a single database table | |
用于 X509 证书的便捷 API | |
用于访问 X509 证书扩展名的 API | |
表示 SSL 加密密码 | |
保持 SSL 连接的配置和状态 | |
用于服务器的 Diffie-Hellman 参数的接口 | |
表示供椭圆曲线密码算法使用的椭圆曲线 | |
SSL 错误 | |
用于私钥和公钥的接口 | |
用于 PSK (预共享密钥) 密码套件的身份验证数据 | |
通过 TLS (传输层安全) 实现加密的、安全 TCP 服务器 | |
用于客户端和服务器两者的 SSL 加密套接字 | |
提供堆栈的模板类 | |
Presents a series of data as vertically stacked bars, with one bar per category | |
每次仅一 Widget 可见的 Widget 堆栈 | |
每次仅一 Widget 可见的 Widget 堆栈 | |
用于 QStandardItemModel 类的项 | |
不必子类化 QItemEditorCreatorBase 注册 Widget 的可能性 | |
用于存储自定义数据的一般模型 | |
用于访问标准路径的方法 | |
用于 QStateMachine 的一般目的状态 | |
分层有限状态机 | |
QByteArrayMatcher 的编译时版本 | |
QLatin1StringMatcher 的编译时版本 | |
包含静态插件实例及其元数据的引用结构 | |
当文本及其布局很少更新时,启用优化文本绘制 | |
适于呈现状态信息的水平条 | |
用于在状态栏展示消息的事件 | |
提供有关当前挂载的存储和驱动器的信息 | |
Unicode 字符串 | |
用于编码和解码文本的基类 | |
用于文本基于状态的解码器 | |
用于文本基于状态的编码器 | |
字符串列表 | |
向视图供给字符串的模型 | |
保持可以在 Unicode 字符串中快速匹配的字符序列 | |
围绕 QString 子字符串的瘦包裹器 | |
沿给定分隔符将字符串分割成令牌 | |
带有 QString API 只读子集的 UTF-16 字符串统一视图 | |
封装 GUI 外观和感觉的抽象基类 | |
创建 QStyle 对象 | |
返回比基本数据类型更多的样式提示 | |
返回 QRegion 的样式提示 | |
返回 QVariant 的样式提示 | |
包含平台特定提示及设置 | |
存储用于 QStyle 函数的参数 | |
用于绘制按钮的描述参数 | |
用于绘制组合框的描述参数 | |
用于保持所有复杂控件的公共参数 | |
用于绘制停放 Widget 的描述参数 | |
用于采用 QStyle 绘制聚焦矩形的描述参数 | |
用于绘制框架的描述参数 | |
用于绘制 QGraphicsItem 的所需描述参数 | |
用于绘制组框的描述参数 | |
用于绘制 Header (头) 的描述参数 | |
用于绘制 Header (头) 的描述参数 | |
用于绘制菜单项的必要描述参数 | |
用于描述绘制进度条的必要参数 | |
用于绘制橡皮筋的描述参数 | |
用于绘制大小握把的描述参数 | |
用于绘制滑块的所需描述参数 | |
用于描述绘制自旋框的必要参数 | |
用于绘制选项卡栏的描述参数 | |
用于描述选项卡栏的基 (即:选项卡栏通常与之重叠的部分) | |
用于描述围绕选项卡 Widget 绘制框架的参数 | |
用于绘制标题栏的描述参数 | |
用于绘制工具栏的描述参数 | |
用于绘制工具框的所需描述参数 | |
用于绘制工具按钮的描述参数 | |
用于绘制视图 Widget 中项的描述参数 | |
方便类用于在 Widget 内绘制 QStyle 元素 | |
用于自定义 QStyle 插件的抽象基 | |
用于显示和编辑来自模型的数据项的设施 | |
当采用内部 Qt fontdatabase (字体数据库) 注册字体时使用 | |
Qt 中可渲染表面的抽象 | |
Represents a data series in a 3D surface graph | |
Represents a data series in a 3D surface graph | |
Container for resolved data to be added to surface graphs | |
Container for resolved data to be added to surface graphs | |
The data proxy for a 3D surface graph | |
The data proxy for a 3D surface graph | |
表示 QSurface 的格式 | |
用于创建 SVG 绘制的描绘设备 | |
用于将 SVG 文件内容绘制到描绘设备上 | |
用于显示 SVG (可伸缩向量图形) 文件内容的 Widget | |
描述由用户做出的轻扫手势 | |
允许您定义句法高亮规则,此外,还可以使用该类查询文档的当前格式或用户数据 | |
有关系统的信息 | |
常规计数系统信号量 | |
用于系统托盘的应用程序图标 | |
选项卡栏 (如:用于选项卡式对话框) | |
选项卡式 Widget 的堆栈 | |
表格视图的默认模型/视图实现 | |
基于项的表格视图 (具有默认模型) | |
用于 QTableWidget 类的项 | |
在模型中的交互选定方式 (不采用模型索引和选定模型) | |
包含数位板事件的描述参数 | |
包裹迭代器并暴露标准迭代器特质的模板类 | |
描述由用户做出的敲击并保持 (亦称作 LongTap) 手势 | |
描述由用户做出的敲击手势 | |
基于 TCP 的服务器 | |
TCP 套接字 | |
创建临时使用的唯一目录 | |
操作临时文件的 I/O 设备 | |
用于模拟一系列触摸事件 | |
GUI 事件列表 | |
用于 QTextDocument 中文本片段的容器 | |
用于 QTextDocument 文本块的格式化信息 | |
QTextDocument 的文本块容器 | |
用于将自定义数据关联文本块 | |
在字符串中查找 Unicode 文本边界的办法 | |
带 Hypertext (超文本) 导航的富文本浏览器 | |
用于 QTextDocument 字符的格式化信息 | |
在文本编码间转换 | |
提供访问和修改 QTextDocument 的 API | |
基于状态的解码器 | |
保持格式化文本 | |
表示一块来自 QTextDocument 的格式化文本 | |
用于将 QTextDocument 写入文件或其它设备的格式无关接口 | |
用于编辑和显示纯文本 富文本两者的 Widget | |
基于状态的编码器 | |
用于 QTextDocument 的格式化信息 | |
采用单 QTextCharFormat 保存一块 QTextDocument 文本 | |
表示 QTextDocument 框架 | |
用于 QTextDocument 框架的格式化信息 | |
用于 QTextDocument 图像的格式化信息 | |
表示 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout 内联对象及其实现 | |
在自定义描绘引擎中描绘文本所需的所有信息 | |
用于布置和渲染文本 | |
封装用于 QTextDocument 中的不同长度类型 | |
表示一行 QTextLayout 文本 | |
QTextDocument 项的装饰列表 | |
用于 QTextDocument 列表的格式化信息 | |
可以将 QTextDocument 各部分分组在一起的不同种类对象的基类 | |
允许在 QTextDocument 中绘制自定义文本对象 | |
一般富文本特性的描述 | |
用于读写文本的方便接口 | |
表示 QTextDocument 中的表格 | |
表示 QTextTable 中单元格的特性 | |
用于 QTextDocument 中表格单元格的格式化信息 | |
用于 QTextDocument 中表格的格式化信息 | |
方便地访问 TTS (文本转语音) 引擎 | |
独立于平台的线程管理办法 | |
管理一批 QThread | |
每线程数据存储 | |
用于将像素图 (或图像) 分割成 9 图块的规则 | |
围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器 | |
保持来自倾斜传感器的读数 | |
围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器 | |
时钟时间功能 | |
用于编辑时间的 Widget (基于 QDateTimeEdit 小部件) | |
控制动画的时间线 | |
标识 UTC 相关的时间表示 | |
重复和单发计时器 | |
包含计时器事件的描述参数 | |
包含一组控件的可移动面板 | |
选项卡化 Widget 项的列 | |
命令 (或选项) 的快速访问按钮,通常用于 QToolBar | |
用于任何 Widget 的工具提示 (气球帮助) | |
Basic touch display based input handler | |
Basic touch display based input handler | |
包含触摸事件的描述参数 | |
指定坐标系的 2D 变换 | |
用于文本输出的国际化支持 | |
此代理转置源模型 | |
树视图的默认模型/视图实现 | |
使用预定义树模型的树视图 | |
用于 QTreeWidget 方便类的项 | |
遍历 QTreeWidget 实例项的办法 | |
包含版本号的轻量表示,带有两个 8 位段、主要及次要 (其中任一可能未知) | |
UDP (用户数据报协议) 套接字 | |
Enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in plugin paths | |
存储在 QUndoStack 中的所有命令的基类 | |
QUndoStack 对象的组 | |
QUndoCommand 对象的堆栈 | |
显示 QUndoStack 的内容 | |
表示 Qt Concurrent 工作者线程中的未处理异常 | |
Uniform interface over bindable properties like QProperty\
用于操控 URL 的方便接口 | |
在 URL 的查询中操纵键/值对的方法 | |
带有 QString API 只读子集的 UTF-8 字符串统一视图 | |
Converts between a MIME type and a Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) format | |
存储 UUID (通用唯一标识符) | |
Vertical model mapper for bar series | |
垂直排列 Widget | |
Vertical model mapper for box plot series | |
Vertical model mapper for a candlestick series | |
Vertical model mapper for pie series | |
Vertical model mapper for line, spline, and scatter series | |
输入文本的验证 | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Manipulates an axis of a graph | |
Base class for value axis formatters | |
Base class for 3D value axis formatters | |
Adds values to a graph's axes | |
将值添加到图表轴 | |
低级可变长度数组 | |
举动像最常见 Qt 数据类型的并集 | |
动画的基类 | |
基于指针模拟 QVariant 常量指针 | |
基于指针模拟 QVariant 指针的模板类 | |
充当 QVariant 的非常量引用 | |
别名化的 QList | |
表示 2D 空间中的向量或顶点 | |
表示 3D 空间中的向量或顶点 | |
表示 4D 空间中的向量或顶点 | |
包含具有任意数量段的版本号 | |
表示视频数据帧 | |
指定视频呈现表面的流格式 | |
表示视频数据的一般汇点 | |
呈现媒体对象产生视频的小部件 | |
用于输入法的基类 | |
An application-defined dictionary for virtual keyboard input methods | |
Dictionary management for application-defined dictionaries | |
提供对输入上下文的访问 | |
InputEngine 类提供支持 C++ 和 QML 集成的输入引擎 | |
Acts as a hub for keyboard event notifications | |
用于选定列表的列表模型 | |
跟踪是用于触摸输入数据的数据模型 | |
Represents a particular voice | |
Cross-platform access to the device level core Vulkan 1.3 API | |
Represents information about a Vulkan extension | |
Cross-platform access to the instance level core Vulkan 1.3 API | |
A specialized QList for QVulkanLayer and QVulkanExtension | |
表示使 Vulkan 能够渲染到 QSurface 的本机 Vulkan 实例 | |
Represents information about a Vulkan layer | |
用于履行 Vulkan 渲染的 QWindow 方便子类 | |
用于为 QVulkanWindow 实现特定应用程序渲染逻辑 | |
用于同步线程的条件变量 | |
保持对表面缓冲的引用 | |
Represents a client connecting to the QWaylandCompositor | |
管理 Wayland 显示服务器 | |
The base class for compositor extensions | |
Convenience class for subclassing QWaylandCompositorExtension | |
Provides an extension that allows to inhibit the idle behavior of the compositor | |
用于嵌入式样式用户界面的扩展 | |
Simple way to identify and resize a surface | |
Represents a keyboard device | |
The base class for objects that can contain Wayland extensions | |
Represents a displayable area managed by the compositor | |
Holds the resolution and refresh rate of an output | |
Represents a pointer device | |
Extension to get timing for on-screen presentation | |
Provides access to input methods in the compositor | |
Qt Quick item representing a QWaylandView | |
Provides support for shell surface integration with QtQuick | |
Qt Quick item that represents a QWaylandShellSurface | |
Container for a wl_resource | |
Access to keyboard, mouse, and touch input | |
Common interface for surface roles specified by shell extensions | |
Convenience class for creating custom shell surface classes | |
Represents a rectangular area on an output device | |
Allows to read the content of a QWaylandSurface | |
Represents the role of the surface in context of wl_surface | |
Provides access to input methods in the compositor | |
Access to a touch device | |
Represents a view of a surface on an output | |
Provides an extension for surface resizing and cropping | |
Extension for desktop-style user interfaces | |
Desktop-style compositor-specific features to a surface | |
Provides an extension for negotiation of server-side and client-side window decorations | |
Provides an extension for describing outputs in a desktop oriented fashion | |
Represents the popup specific parts of an xdg surface | |
Extension for desktop-style user interfaces | |
Desktop-style compositor-specific features to an xdg surface | |
Represents the toplevel window specific parts of an xdg surface | |
保持共享指针的弱引用 | |
把 QObject 暴露给远程 HTML 客户端 | |
在 C++ QWebChannel 服务器和 HTML/JS 客户端之间的通信通道 | |
证书错误有关信息 | |
包裹客户端证书选定的 QWebEngineClientCertSelection 类 | |
用于客户端证书的在内存存储 | |
Request for populating or extending a context menu with actions | |
访问 Chromium 的 Cookie | |
A request for populating a dialog with available sources for screen capturing | |
关于下载信息 | |
Enables accepting or rejecting requests for local file system access from JavaScript applications | |
封装页面搜索字符串结果 | |
启用接受 (或拒绝) 进入和退出全屏模式请求 | |
Struct provides means to specify the DNS host resolution mode | |
表示 Web 引擎页面的历史 | |
表示一项 Web 引擎页面历史 | |
A data model that represents the history of a web engine page | |
保持要采用 WebEngine 发送的请求 | |
A utility type for the WebEngineView::loadingChanged signal | |
A utility type for the QWebEnginePage::navigationRequested signal | |
A utility type for the QWebEnginePage::newWindowRequested() signal | |
封装 HTML5 Web 通知数据 | |
用于查看和编辑 Web 文档的对象 | |
由多个页面共享的 Web 引擎 Profile (配置文件) | |
使能够接受或拒绝请求,来自 registerProtocolHandler API | |
封装 JavaScript 程序 | |
表示一批用户脚本 | |
用于 QWebEnginePage 的设置存储对象 | |
URL 请求的有关信息 | |
用于 URL 拦截的抽象基类 | |
表示自定义 URL 请求 | |
配置自定义 URL 方案 | |
用于处理自定义 URL 方案的基类 | |
用于查看和编辑 Web 文档的 Widget | |
Encapsulates the data of a PIN WebAuth UX request | |
Encapsulates the data of a WebAuth UX request | |
实现交谈 WebSocket 协议的 TCP 套接字 | |
用于 CORS (跨来源请求) 的身份验证器对象 | |
Collects options for the WebSocket handshake | |
实现基于 WebSocket 的服务器 | |
任何 Widget 的简单描述,即回答 What's This? 问题 | |
可用于处理 What's This? 文本中的超链接的事件 | |
包含滚轮事件的描述参数 | |
所有用户界面对象的基类 | |
通过界面 (把自定义 Widget 插入基于动作的容器) 扩展 QAction,譬如:工具栏 | |
表示 Widget 的布局项 | |
支持 Windows 等待函数 | |
表示在底层窗口系统中的窗口 | |
此类用于捕获窗口 | |
在窗口状态改变之前的窗口状态 | |
将开放标准 MIME 映射到 Windows 剪贴板格式 | |
向导框架 | |
用于向导页面的基类 | |
用于写入访问的锁定和解锁的读写锁的方便简化类 | |
Legend marker for a line, spline, or scatter series | |
Base class for line, spline, and scatter series | |
Parent class for all x & y series classes | |
XML 属性 | |
报告 XML 数据逻辑内容的接口 | |
报告 XML 数据 DTD 内容的接口 | |
报告 XML 数据声明内容的接口 | |
所有 XML 处理程序类的默认实现 | |
用于解析 XML 数据包含外部实体的接口 | |
报告 XML 数据错误的接口 | |
用于 QXmlReader 子类的输入数据 | |
用于报告 XML 数据词法内容的接口 | |
具有有关文件剖析位置信息的 XML 处理程序类 | |
想要包括名称空间支持 XML 读取器的帮手类 | |
用于报告错误采用 QXmlErrorHandler 接口 | |
XML 读取器接口 (即:剖析器) | |
简单 XML 剖析器的实现 | |
表示单 XML 属性 | |
表示 QXmlStreamAttribute 向量 | |
表示 DTD 实体声明 | |
用于 QXmlStreamReader 的实体解析器 | |
表示名称空间声明 | |
表示 DTD 表示法声明 | |
用于凭借简单流化 API 读取格式良好的 XML 的快速剖析器 | |
采用简单流化 API 的 XML 写入器 | |
用于 Qt3D 动画的抽象基类 | |
用于提供关键帧动画数据的类型的基类 | |
The base class for types providing animation playback capabilities | |
The base class for types used to construct animation blend trees | |
Performs an additive blend of two animation clips based on an additive factor | |
Provides key-frame animation capabilities to Qt 3D | |
Represents an animation callback object | |
Specifies key frame animation data | |
Class containing the animation data | |
Enables loading key frame animation data from a file | |
A controller class for animations | |
A class grouping animations together | |
Component providing animation playback capabilities of a tree of blend nodes | |
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto an invocation of a callback object | |
Defines a channel for a QAnimationClipData. The animation system interpolates each channel component independently except in the case the QChannel is called "Rotation" (case sensitive), it has four QChannelComponents and the same number of keyframes for each QChannelComponent. In that case the interpolation will be performed using SLERP | |
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the application | |
Allows to map the channels within the clip onto properties of objects in the application | |
Component providing simple animation playback capabilities | |
Class used for including a clip in a blend tree | |
A base class for handling keyframes | |
A class implementing simple keyframe animation to a QTransform | |
Performs a linear interpolation of two animation clips based on a normalized factor | |
A class providing morph targets to blend-shape animation | |
A class implementing blend-shape morphing animation | |
A class implementing vertex-blend morphing animation | |
The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior | |
用于所有函子的抽象基类 | |
A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh | |
Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders | |
Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the scene | |
Base class for jobs executed in an aspect | |
Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBuffer | |
用于所有 Qt3D 后端节点的基类 | |
Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodes | |
Can be used to override the bounding volume of an entity | |
Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms | |
Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a component | |
保存核心数据处理过程的相关设置 | |
Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior | |
封装几何体 | |
封装几何图形细节 | |
Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes | |
The base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene | |
唯一 QNode 标识 | |
Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes | |
Used to load a skeleton of joints from file | |
Used to perform transforms on meshes | |
Environment for the QAspectEngine and a method for instantiating QML components | |
Basic functionality for camera controllers | |
允许创建 3D 空间锥体 | |
锥形网格 | |
锥形网格 | |
Allows creation of a cuboid in 3D space | |
长方体网格 | |
长方体网格 | |
Allows creation of a cylinder in 3D space | |
圆柱体网格 | |
圆柱体网格 | |
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect | |
Allows creation of a 3D extruded text in 3D space | |
A 3D extruded Text mesh | |
Allows controlling the scene camera from the first person perspective | |
Default FrameGraph implementation of a forward renderer | |
Material that implements the Gooch shading model, popular in CAD and CAM applications | |
Default implementation of PBR lighting | |
Default implementation of the phong lighting effect | |
Allows controlling the scene camera along orbital path | |
Default implementation for rendering the color properties set for each vertex | |
Allows creation of a plane in 3D space | |
A square planar mesh | |
A square planar mesh | |
Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity is a convenience Qt3DCore::QEntity subclass that can be used to insert a skybox in a 3D scene | |
Allows creation of a sphere in 3D space | |
A spherical mesh | |
A spherical mesh | |
Allows creation of a 2D text in 3D space | |
Default implementation of a simple unlit texture material | |
Allows creation of a torus in 3D space | |
环形网格 | |
环形网格 | |
The base class for the Action Input and all Aggregate Action Inputs | |
QAbstractActionInput is the base class for all Axis Input | |
The base class used by Qt3d to interact with arbitrary input devices | |
Qt3DInput::QAbstractPhysicalDeviceProxy acts as a proxy for an actual Qt3DInput::QQAbstractPhysicalDevice device | |
Links a set of QAbstractActionInput that trigger the same event | |
Stores Device and Buttons used to trigger an input event | |
An axis input controlled by an analog input The axis value is controlled like a traditional analog input such as a joystick | |
Stores QAbstractAxisInputs used to trigger an input event | |
Processes velocity or acceleration data from a QAxis | |
Stores settings for the specified list of Axis | |
An axis input controlled by buttons The axis value is controlled by buttons rather than a traditional analog input such as a joystick | |
Responsible for creating physical devices and handling associated jobs | |
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd at once | |
Abstract base class used to define new input methods such as game controllers | |
Represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd one after the other | |
Holds the pointer to an input event source object | |
Event type send by KeyBoardHandler | |
In charge of dispatching keyboard events to attached QQKeyboardHandler objects | |
Provides keyboard event notification | |
Allows the user to define a set of actions that they wish to use within an application | |
Delegates mouse events to the attached MouseHandler objects | |
Qt3DCore::QMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse event | |
Provides a means of being notified about mouse events when attached to a QMouseDevice instance | |
Contains parameters that describe a mouse wheel event | |
Provides a way to have a synchronous function executed each frame | |
Responsible for handling frame synchronization jobs | |
将 QAbstractLight 对象封装在 Qt 3D 场景中 | |
用于在 3D 场景中,投射光线的抽象基类 | |
用于提供纹理的基类 | |
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image | |
Enable alpha-to-coverage multisampling mode | |
指定 Alpha 参考测试 | |
Specifies the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation | |
Encapsulates blending information: specifies how the incoming values (what's going to be drawn) are going to affect the existing values (what is already drawn) | |
FrameGraph node to transfer a rectangle of pixel values from one region of a render target to another | |
Exchanges buffer data between GPU and CPU | |
Defines a view point through which the scene will be rendered | |
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens specifies the projection matrix that will be used to define a Camera for a 3D scene | |
Class to allow for selection of camera to be used | |
用于清零缓冲的类 | |
Enables an additional OpenGL clipping plane that can be in shaders using gl_ClipDistance | |
Allows specifying which color components should be written to the currently bound frame buffer | |
QComponent to issue work for the compute shader on GPU | |
Specifies whether front or back face culling is enabled | |
Enables a visual overlay with scene details | |
Enables remapping depth values written into the depth buffer | |
Tests the fragment shader's depth value against the depth of a sample being written to | |
Encapsulate a Directional Light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
FrameGraph node to issue work for the compute shader on GPU | |
启用抖动 | |
Base class for effects in a Qt 3D scene | |
Encapsulate an environment light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
Storage for filter keys and their values | |
Base class of all FrameGraph configuration nodes | |
Defines front and back facing polygons | |
Enable frustum culling for the FrameGraph | |
封装几何体渲染 | |
Identifies the API required for the attached QTechnique | |
Way of filtering which entities will be rendered | |
Controls layers drawn in a frame graph branch | |
Way of controlling the complexity of rendered entities based on their size on the screen | |
Simple spherical volume, defined by its center and radius | |
Provides a way of enabling child entities based on distance or screen size | |
Specifies the width of rasterized lines | |
Provides an abstract class that should be the base of all material component classes in a scene | |
Class to emplace a memory barrier | |
自定义网格加载器 | |
Enable multisample antialiasing | |
Disable depth write | |
When a Qt3DRender::QNoDraw node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the renderer from rendering any primitive | |
When a Qt3DRender::QNoPicking node is present in a FrameGraph branch, this prevents the render aspect from performing picking selection for the given branch | |
Instantiates a component that can be used to interact with a QEntity by a process known as picking | |
A QAbstractTextureImage that can be written through a QPainter | |
Provides storage for a name and value pair. This maps to a shader uniform | |
Holds information when an object is picked | |
Holds information when a segment of a line is picked | |
Holds information when a segment of a point cloud is picked | |
Holds information when a triangle is picked | |
Can be used to provide an alternate QGeometryView used only for picking | |
Specifies how entity picking is handled | |
Encapsulate a Point Light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
Specifies the size of rasterized points. May either be set statically or by shader programs | |
Sets the scale and steps to calculate depth values for polygon offsets | |
Select entities which are within a distance threshold of a target entity | |
Render state allows to control the type of rasterization to be performed | |
Qt3DRender::QRayCaster is used to perform ray casting tests in 3d world coordinates | |
Details of a hit when casting a ray through a model | |
类 | |
Holds settings related to available rendering engines | |
Frame graph node for render capture | |
Receives the result of render capture request | |
Encapsulates a Render Pass | |
Provides storage for vectors of Filter Keys and Parameters | |
Holds settings related to rendering process and host the active FrameGraph | |
An abstract base class for all render states | |
FrameGraph node offers a way of specifying a set of QRenderState objects to be applied during the execution of a framegraph branch | |
Provides a way of specifying the render surface | |
Encapsulates a target (usually a frame buffer object) which the renderer can render into | |
Allows the specification of an attachment of a render target (whether it is a color texture, a depth texture, etc... ) | |
Provides a way of specifying a render target | |
提供加载现有场景的设施 | |
Discards fragments that fall outside of a certain rectangular portion of the screen | |
Performe ray casting test based on screen coordinates | |
Enables seamless cubemap texture filtering | |
FrameGraphNode used to insert a fence in the graphics command stream | |
Provides a way of specifying values of a Uniform Block or a shader structure | |
Provides Image access to shader programs | |
Encapsulates a Shader Program | |
Generates a Shader Program content from loaded graphs | |
Allows to use a textureId from a separate OpenGL context in a Qt 3D scene | |
Provides storage for the sort types to be used | |
Encapsulate a Spot Light object in a Qt 3D scene | |
Controls the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes | |
Specifies stencil operation | |
Sets the actions to be taken when stencil and depth tests fail | |
Specifies arguments for the stecil test | |
Specifies arguments for stencil test | |
启用或禁用框架图形节点的整个子树 | |
封装技术 | |
A QFrameGraphNode used to select QTechniques to use | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target1D target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target1DArray target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2D target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DArray target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DMultisample target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target2DMultisampleArray target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a Target3D target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetBuffer target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetCubeMap target format | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetCubeMapArray target format | |
Stores texture information such as the target, height, width, depth, layers, wrap, and if mipmaps are enabled | |
Holds content and information required to perform partial updates of a texture content | |
Provides the image data for a texture | |
Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image from an image source | |
Stores data representing a texture | |
Provides texture image data for QAbstractTextureImage | |
Handles the texture loading and setting the texture's properties | |
A QAbstractTexture with a TargetRectangle target format | |
Defines the wrap mode a Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture should apply to a texture | |
A viewport on the Qt3D Scene | |
FrameGraphNode used to wait for a fence in the graphics command stream to become signaled | |
This class enables rendering qml into a texture, which then can be used as a part of 3D scene | |
Qt::partial_ordering represents the result of a comparison that allows for unordered results | |
Qt::strong_ordering represents a comparison where equivalent values are indistinguishable | |
Qt::weak_ordering represents a comparison where equivalent values are still distinguishable | |
用于调节任务参数 | |
QtFuture::WhenAnyResult 用于表示 QtFuture::whenAny() 的结果 | |
A helper class to simplify working with the protobuf Any type | |
保持 Qt Remote Objects 网络可用客户端后端有关信息的类 | |
保持 Qt Remote Objects 网络可用服务器后端有关信息的类 | |
提供 16 位浮点支持 | |
Holds the specifics of an output range |