QPageRanges 类

QPageRanges 类表示页面范围的集合。 更多...

头: #include <QPageRanges>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 6.0


struct Range


QPageRanges ()
QPageRanges (const QPageRanges & other )
QPageRanges (QPageRanges && other )
~QPageRanges ()
void addPage (int pageNumber )
void addRange (int from , int to )
void clear ()
bool contains (int pageNumber ) const
int firstPage () const
bool isEmpty () const
int lastPage () const
QList<QPageRanges::Range> toRangeList () const
QString toString () const
QPageRanges & operator= (const QPageRanges & other )
QPageRanges & operator= (QPageRanges && other )


QPageRanges fromString (const QString & ranges )
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream , const QPageRanges & pageRanges )
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream , QPageRanges & pageRanges )


使用 QPagedPaintDevice::pageRanges () to access the collection of page ranges associated with a paged device.


QPageRanges:: QPageRanges ()

Constructs an empty QPageRanges object.

[noexcept] QPageRanges:: QPageRanges (const QPageRanges & other )

Constructs a QPageRanges object by copying other .

[noexcept] QPageRanges:: QPageRanges ( QPageRanges && other )

Constructs a QPageRanges object by moving from other .

[noexcept] QPageRanges:: ~QPageRanges ()

Destroys the page ranges.

void QPageRanges:: addPage ( int pageNumber )

Adds the single page pageNumber to the ranges.

注意: Page numbers start with 1. Attempts to add page numbers smaller than 1 will be ignored with a warning.

void QPageRanges:: addRange ( int from , int to )

Adds the range specified with from and to to the ranges.

注意: Page numbers start with 1. Attempts to add page numbers smaller than 1 will be ignored with a warning.

void QPageRanges:: clear ()

Removes all page ranges.

bool QPageRanges:: contains ( int pageNumber ) const

返回 true if the ranges include the page pageNumber ;否则返回 false .

int QPageRanges:: firstPage () const

Returns the index of the first page covered by the page ranges, or 0 if the page ranges are empty.

[static] QPageRanges QPageRanges:: fromString (const QString & ranges )

Constructs and returns a QPageRanges object populated with the ranges from the string representation.

QPrinter printer;
QPageRanges ranges = QPageRanges::fromString("1-3,6-7");

In case of parsing error, returns an empty QPageRanges 对象。

另请参阅 isEmpty ().

bool QPageRanges:: isEmpty () const

返回 true if the ranges are empty; otherwise returns false .

int QPageRanges:: lastPage () const

Returns the index of the last page covered by the page ranges, or 0 if the page ranges are empty.

QList < QPageRanges::Range > QPageRanges:: toRangeList () const

Returns a list with the values of the ranges.

QString QPageRanges:: toString () const

Returns the string representation of the page ranges.

[noexcept] QPageRanges &QPageRanges:: operator= (const QPageRanges & other )

赋值 other 到此 QPageRanges 对象。

[noexcept] QPageRanges &QPageRanges:: operator= ( QPageRanges && other )

移动 other 到此 QPageRanges 对象。


QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream , const QPageRanges & pageRanges )

写入 pageRanges to stream as a range string.

另请参阅 QPageRanges::toString .

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream , QPageRanges & pageRanges )

Reads a page ranges string from stream and stores it in pageRanges .

另请参阅 QPageRanges::fromString .