可访问性类 | 确保在可访问应用程序和可访问性工具之间的通信函数。 |
ActiveX in Qt | Qt API's for using ActiveX controls, servers, and COM. |
每个模块的所有 C++ API | C++ 模块列表 |
动画框架 | 提供用于创建动画化 GUI 的轻松手段 |
最佳实践指南 | 如何做和最佳实践指南 |
Qt6 Core 中的 CMake 命令 | |
Qt6 DBus 中的 CMake 命令 | |
CMake Target Properties in Qt6 Core | |
CMake Variables in Qt6 Core | |
用于字符串数据的类 | 用于处理字符串数据的类。 |
数据库类 | Database related classes, e.g. for SQL databases |
桌面范例 | Integrating your Qt application with your favorite desktop |
对话框范例 | 使用 Qt 的标准对话框及构建和使用自定义对话框 |
事件类 | 用于创建和处理事件的类 |
相关类的组 | 若知道想要哪种类 (GUI、描绘、I.O、等),看这里。 |
帮助系统 | 用于为应用程序提供在线帮助的类 |
IPC (进程间通信) 范例 | Inter-Process Communication with Qt. |
隐式共享类 | How to maximize resource usage by implicit data sharing |
输入/输出和网络 | 提供文件输入/输出及目录和网络处理的类 |
Qt 国际化 | Information about Qt's support for internationalization and multiple languages. |
项视图范例 | 使用模型/视图框架 |
在 Qt 中支持 JSON | An overview of JSON support in Qt |
Qt 范例列表 | Alphabetical listing of Qt Examples |
主窗口范例 | Building applications around a main window |
本机接口 | |
网络范例 | How to do network programming in Qt |
网络编程 API | 用于网络编程的类 |
OpenGL Examples from the Qt OpenGL module | 从 Qt 访问 OpenGL |
描绘类 | 提供描绘支持的类 |
描绘范例 | 如何使用 Qt 描绘系统 |
插件类 | 插件相关类 |
打印机和打印 API | 用于产生打印输出的类 |
Qt Assistant 范例 | Using Qt Assistant as a help viewer for Qt applications |
Qt Charts 范例 | Examples for the Qt Charts |
用于国际化的 Qt 类 | How to internationalize your Qt application. |
Qt CoAP 范例 | List of Qt CoAP examples |
Qt Concurrent Examples | List of examples demonstrating the concurrent programming basics |
Qt D-Bus 范例 | Using D-Bus from Qt applications |
Qt Data Visualization 范例 | Examples for the Qt Data Visualization |
Qt Designer 范例 | Using Qt Designer to build your UI |
Qt Help 范例 | Adding context-sensitive help to Qt applications |
Qt Linguist 范例 | 使用 Qt Linguist 国际化 Qt 应用程序 |
Qt MQTT 范例 | List of Qt MQTT examples |
Qt Multimedia 范例 | Demonstrates the multimedia functionality provided by Qt |
Qt Network Authorization 范例 | Example projects demonstrating the functionality in Qt Network Authorization |
Qt OPC UA 范例 | List of Qt OPC UA examples |
Qt Positioning 范例 | Examples for the Qt Positioning module |
Qt QML 范例 | List of Qt QML examples for reference |
Qt Quick 3D 资产条件 | Best practices for importing assets |
Qt Quick 3D 范例和教程 | List of all examples and tutorials for Qt Quick 3D |
Qt Quick Controls 范例 | A collection of examples for Qt Quick Controls |
Qt Quick Scene Graph Material Classes | Classes used to define materials in the Qt Quick Scene Graph |
Qt Quick Scene Graph Node classes | Nodes that can be used as part of the scene graph |
Qt SCXML 范例 | Examples for the Qt SCXML module |
Qt SQL Examples | List of examples demonstrating the SQL use cases |
Qt Sensors 范例 | Examples for the Qt Sensors module |
Qt 串口范例 | List of serial port examples |
Qt SerialBus Examples | Examples for the Qt SerialBus module |
Qt State Machine 范例 | Examples for the Qt State Machine module |
Qt UI Tools 范例 | Using Qt UI Tools to process UI forms |
Qt Virtual Keyboard 范例 | Examples for Qt Virtual Keyboard |
Qt Wayland Compositor 范例 | Examples for the Qt Wayland Compositor module |
Qt WebChannel 范例 | List of Qt WebChannel examples |
Qt WebEngine 许可 | |
Qt WebEngine Quick 范例 | Examples demonstrating the Qt WebEngine usage |
Qt WebEngine Widgets 范例 | Examples demonstrating the Qt WebEngine Widgets usage |
Qt WebSockets 范例 | List of Qt WebSocket examples |
Qt WebView 范例 | Examples for the Qt WebView module |
Qt Widgets 范例 | Lots of examples of how to use different kinds of widgets |
Qt XML Examples | List of examples demonstrating the XML processing use cases |
3D 渲染 | 提供 3D 渲染支持的类 |
富文本范例 | Using the document-oriented rich text engine |
富文本处理 API | How to use Rich Text Processing APIs |
标准对话框 | A list of Qt classes for implementing standard dialogs |
线程类 | How to develop multithreaded applications. |
工具范例 | Using Qt's containers, iterators, and other tool classes. |
ActiveQt 工具 | Tools to help integrate Qt applications with ActiveX components |
Touch Input Examples | Using Qt's touch input capability. |
类型转换 | |
采用 Qt 设计 UI | The Qt components for constructing native look and feel desktop UI's. |
XML 类 | Classes that support XML |
QAxContainer C++ 类 | 用于访问 ActiveX 控件和 COM 对象的仅 Windows 扩展模块 |
QAxServer C++ 类 | 用于将标准 Qt 二进制转换成 COM 服务器的仅 Windows 静态库模块。 |
Qt 3D Animation C++ 类 | Qt 3D Animation modules provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D |
Qt 3D Core C++ 类 | Qt 3D module contains functionality to support near-realtime simulation systems |
Qt 3D Extras C++ 类 | Qt 3D Extras module provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D |
Qt 3D Input C++ 类 | Qt 3D Input module provides classes for handling user input in applications using Qt3D |
Qt 3D Logic C++ 类 | Qt 3D Logic module enables synchronizing frames with the Qt 3D backend |
Qt 3D Render C++ 类 | Qt 3D Render module contains functionality to support 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D |
Qt 3D Scene2D C++ 类 | Qt 3D Scene2D module provides a way to render Quick2 qml content to a Qt 3D texture |
Qt 5 Core Compatibility C++ 类 | Contains the Qt 5 Core APIs removed from Qt 6 |
Qt Bluetooth C++ 类 | Enables basic Bluetooth operations like scanning for devices and connecting them |
Qt Charts C++ 类 | C++ classes for the Qt Charts API |
Qt CoAP C++ 类 | Provides classes to use CoAP protocol |
Qt Concurrent C++ 类 | Qt Concurrent module contains functionality to support concurrent execution of program code |
Qt Core C++ 类 | 提供核心非 GUI 功能 |
Qt D-Bus C++ 类 | Qt D-Bus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to perform Inter-Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol |
Qt Data Visualization C++ 类 | C++ classes for the Qt Data Visualization API |
Qt Designer C++ 类 | Provides classes to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer and classes to access Qt Designer components |
Qt GUI C++ 类 | Qt GUI module provides the basic enablers for graphical applications written with Qt |
Qt Help C++ 类 | Provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications |
Qt MQTT C++ 类 | Provides classes that enable sending messages via the MQTT protocol |
Qt Multimedia 模块 C++ 类 | Qt Multimedia module provides audio, video and camera functionality |
Qt Multimedia Widgets C++ 类 | Classes provided by the Qt Multimedia Widgets module |
Qt NFC C++ 类 | An API for accessing NFC Forum Tags |
Qt Network Authorization C++ 类 | Provides classes for network authorization support (OAuth) |
Qt Network C++ 类 | 提供使网络编程更容易且可移植的类 |
Qt OPC UA C++ Classes | List of C++ classes that provide the Qt OPC UA functionality |
Qt OpenGL C++ 类 | Qt OpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications |
Qt OpenGL Widgets C++ 类 | |
Qt Positioning C++ 类 | Positioning module provides positioning information via QML and C++ interfaces |
Qt Print Support C++ 类 | Qt PrintSupport module provides classes to make printing easier and portable |
Qt QML C++ 类 | C++ API provided by the Qt QML module |
Qt Quick 3D C++ 类 | Provides classes for Qt Quick 3D application development |
Qt Quick C++ 类 | Qt Quick module provides classes for embedding Qt Quick in Qt/C++ applications |
Qt Quick Controls C++ 类 | Provides classes for setting up the controls from C++ |
Qt Quick Test C++ API | Provides macros and functions for tests |
Qt Quick Widgets C++ 类 | C++ API provided by the Qt Quick Widgets module |
Qt Remote Objects C++ 类 | Provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject's properties, signals, or slots, between processes |
Qt SCXML C++ 类 | Provides classes to create and use state machines from SCXML files |
Qt SQL C++ 类 | Provides a driver layer, SQL API layer, and a user interface layer for SQL databases |
Qt SVG C++ 类 | Qt SVG module provides functionality for handling SVG images |
Qt SVG Widgets C++ 类 | |
Qt Sensors C++ 类 | Provides classes for reading sensor data |
Qt Serial Bus C++ 类 | Provides classes to read and write serial bus data |
Qt Serial Port C++ 类 | List of C++ classes that enable access to a serial port |
Qt Shader Tools C++ 类 | Provides classes for shader conditioning at run time |
Qt State Machine C++ 类 | Qt State Machine module provides classes for creating and executing state graphs |
Qt Test C++ 类 | Provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries |
Qt UI Tools C++ 类 | Provides classes to handle forms created with Qt Designer |
Qt Virtual Keyboard C++ 类 | Provides classes to implement input methods for virtual keyboards |
Qt Wayland Compositor C++ 类 | Provides C++ classes for writing custom Wayland display servers |
Qt WebChannel C++ 类 | List of C++ classes that provide the Qt WebChannel functionality |
Qt WebEngine Core C++ 类 | 提供由 QtWebEngine 和 QtWebEngineWidgets 两者共享的公共 API |
Qt WebEngine Quick C++ 类 | Exposes C++ functionality to Qt Quick |
Qt WebEngine Widgets C++ 类 | 提供在基于 QWidget 应用程序中渲染 Web 内容的 C++ 类 |
Qt WebSockets C++ 类 | List of C++ classes that enable WebSocket-based communication |
Qt WebView C++ 类和名称空间 | Provides a helper function to set up and use the WebView |
Qt Widgets C++ 类 | Qt Widgets module extends Qt GUI with C++ widget functionality |
Qt XML C++ 类 | Qt XML module provides C++ implementations of the SAX and DOM standards for XML |
Qt 3D Core QML 类型 | 提供核心 Qt 3D QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Extras QML 类型 | 为 Extras 模块提供 Qt 3D QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Input QML 类型 | 为 Qt 3D 用户输入提供 QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Logic QML 类型 | 提供具有 3D 后端的同步帧的 QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Qt3DAnimation QML 类型 | 为动画模块提供 Qt 3D QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Render QML 类型 | 为渲染提供 Qt 3D QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Scene2D QML 类型 | 为 Scene2D 模块提供 Qt 3D QML 类型 |
Qt 3D Scene3D QML 类型 | 为 Scene3D 模块提供 Qt 3D QML 类型 |
Qt 5 Compatibility APIs: Graphical Effect QML 类型 | Qt Graphical Effects 模块是为兼容采用 Qt 5 编写的应用程序而提供的 |
Qt Charts QML 类型 | 用于 Qt Charts API 的 QML 类型 |
Qt Data Visualization QML 类型 | 用于 Qt Data Visualization API 的 QML 类型 |
Qt Labs FolderListModel QML 类型 | FolderListModel 提供文件系统文件夹内容的模型 |
Qt Labs Platform QML 类型 | 提供用于本机平台扩展的 QML 类型 |
Qt Labs Settings QML Types | Provides persistent platform-independent application settings |
Qt Labs WavefrontMesh QML 类型 | WavefrontMesh 提供基于 Wavefront .obj 文件的网格 |
Qt Lottie Animation QML 类型 | 提供显示 Bodymovin 图形和动画的 QML 类型 |
Qt Multimedia QML 类型 | 为多媒体支持提供 QML 类型 |
Qt OPC UA QML 类型 | 为 Qt OPC UA 提供 QML 类型 |
Qt Positioning QML 类型 | 为位置信息提供 QML 类型 |
Qt QML Core QML 类型 | 在 QML 中提供核心系统功能 |
Qt QML Models QML 类型 | 为数据模型提供 QML 类型 |
Qt QML Models experimental QML 类型 | 提供用于数据模型的 QML experimental (实验性) 类型 |
Qt QML QML 类型 | List of QML types provided by the Qt QML module |
Qt QML WorkerScript QML 类型 | Provides QML types for worker scripts |
Qt Quick 3D Asset Utility QML Types | Provides a way to load 3D assets directly from source at runtime |
Qt Quick 3D Effects QML 类型 | Provides QML types for the effects included in the Qt Quick 3D effect library |
Qt Quick 3D Helpers QML 类型 | Module containing helpers for creating applications using Qt Quick 3D |
Qt Quick 3D Particles3D QML Types | Module containing Particles for the Qt Quick 3D |
Qt Quick 3D QML 类型 | Provides the QML types to include 3D items into a Qt Quick scene |
Qt Quick Controls QML 类型 | Provides QML types for user interfaces (Qt Quick Controls) |
Qt Quick Dialogs QML Types | Provides QML types for creating and interacting with system dialogs |
Qt Quick Layouts QML 类型 | Provides QML types for arranging QML items in a user interface |
Qt Quick 本地存储 QML 类型 | Provides a JavaScript object singleton type for accessing a local SQLite database |
Qt Quick Particles QML 类型 | 为粒子效果提供 QML 类型 |
Qt Quick QML 类型 | 提供图形 QML 类型 |
Qt Quick Shapes QML Types | Provides QML types for drawing stroked and filled shapes |
Qt Quick Shared Image Provider | Adds an image provider which utilizes shared CPU memory |
Qt Quick Templates 2 QML 类型 | Provides QML types for templates (Qt Quick Templates) |
Qt Quick Test QML 类型 | 提供 QML 类型以单元测试 QML 应用程序 |
Qt Quick Timeline QML Types | Provides QML types to use timelines and keyframes to animate Qt Quick user interfaces |
Qt Quick Virtual Keyboard Settings QML 类型 | 为 Qt Virtual Keyboard 提供设置 |
Qt Quick Virtual Keyboard Styles QML 类型 | 为 Qt Virtual Keyboard 提供样式 |
Qt Quick 实验性动画类型 | 为动画提供 QML 实验性类型 |
Qt Remote Objects QML 类型 | 为远程对象支持提供 QML 类型 |
Qt SCXML QML 类型 | 采用 QML 启用 SCXML 状态机的使用 |
Qt Sensors QML 类型 | Provides QML types for reading sensor data |
Qt State Machine QML 类型 | 采用 QML 启用状态机的使用 |
Qt Virtual Keyboard QML 类型 | 为输入框架和参考键盘前端提供 QML 类型 |
Qt Wayland Compositor QML 类型 | 为编写自定义 Wayland 显示服务器提供 QML 类型 |
Qt WebChannel QML 类型 | List of QML types that provide WebChannel functionality |
Qt WebEngine QML 类型 | 提供在 QML 应用程序中渲染 Web 内容的 QML 类型 |
Qt WebSockets QML 类型 | 为基于 WebSocket 的通信提供 QML 类型 |
Qt WebView QML 类型 | 为 Qt WebView 提供 QML 类型 |
Qt XmlListModel QML Types | Provides QML types for creating models from XML data |