Qt Quick QML 类型

Qt Quick 模块提供图形图元类型。这些类型仅在 QML 文档中可用,若该文档导入 QtQuick 名称空间。

要使用模块,import QtQuick 模块采用以下语句:

import QtQuick

拜访 Qt Quick 模块文档编制了解有关概念的更多信息,其中枢是 QtQuick .


Qt Quick 包括多个包含额外类型的子模块。

  • 本地存储 - 包含用于 SQLite 数据库的 JavaScript 接口的子模块
  • 粒子 - 为 QML 应用程序提供粒子系统
  • Controls - 提供一组可重用 UI 组件
  • 布局 - 包含用于在用户界面中排列项的类型
  • 测试 - 用于测试 QML 应用程序的类型。


There are a number of basic types that are supported by default in the QML language .

此外, QtQuick import provides the following basic types:

color ARGB color value. The color type refers to an ARGB color value. It can be specified in a number of ways:
font Font value with the properties of QFont. The font type refers to a font value with the properties of QFont
matrix4x4 A matrix4x4 type is a 4-row and 4-column matrix
quaternion A quaternion type has scalar, x, y, and z attributes
vector2d A vector2d type has x and y attributes
vector3d Value with x, y, and z attributes
vector4d A vector4d type has x, y, z and w attributes


Most object types provided by the QtQuick import are based on the Item type, which itself derives from QtObject . QML 对象类型 provided by the Qt QML module (such as QtObject and 组件 ) are also available when you import QtQuick .

Accessible 启用 QML 项的可访问性
AnchorAnimation Animates changes in anchor values
AnchorChanges 指定如何按状态改变项锚点
AnimatedImage Plays animations stored as a series of images
AnimatedSprite 绘制子画面动画
动画 所有 QML 动画的基
AnimationController 启用动画的手动控制
Animator Is the base of all QML animators
应用程序 Provides access to global application state properties shared by many QML components
行为 Defines a default animation for a property change
BorderImage 基于图像描绘边框
BorderImageMesh Defines a mesh with vertices arranged like those of a BorderImage
Canvas Provides a 2D canvas item enabling drawing via JavaScript
CanvasGradient Provides an opaque CanvasGradient interface
CanvasImageData Contains image pixel data in RGBA order
CanvasPixelArray Provides ordered and indexed access to the components of each pixel in image data
ColorAnimation Animates changes in color values
ColorGroup Set of colors by roles
Column Positions its children in a column
Context2D Provides 2D context for shapes on a Canvas item
DoubleValidator Defines a validator for non-integer numbers
Drag For specifying drag and drop events for moved Items
DragEvent Provides information about a drag event
DragHandler Handler for dragging
DropArea For specifying drag and drop handling in an area
EnterKey Provides a property to manipulate the appearance of Enter key on an on-screen keyboard
Flickable 提供可以 "轻弹" 的表面
可翻转 Provides a surface that can be flipped
Flow Positions its children side by side, wrapping as necessary
FocusScope Explicitly creates a focus scope
FontLoader Allows fonts to be loaded by URL
FontMetrics Provides metrics for a given font
GestureEvent Parameter given with the gestureStarted signal
Gradient Defines a gradient fill
GradientStop Defines the color at a position in a Gradient
GraphicsInfo Provides information about the scenegraph backend and the graphics API used by Qt Quick
Grid Positions its children in grid formation
GridMesh Defines a mesh with vertices arranged in a grid
GridView For specifying a grid view of items provided by a model
HandlerPoint An event point
HoverHandler Handler for mouse and tablet hover
图像 显示图像
IntValidator Defines a validator for integer values
Item A basic visual QML type
ItemGrabResult Contains the results from a call to Item::grabToImage()
KeyEvent Provides information about a key event
KeyNavigation Supports key navigation by arrow keys
Provides key handling to Items
LayoutMirroring Property used to mirror layout behavior
ListView Provides a list view of items provided by a model
Loader Allows dynamic loading of a subtree from a URL or Component
Matrix4x4 Provides a way to apply a 4x4 tranformation matrix to an Item
MouseArea Enables simple mouse handling
MouseEvent Provides information about a mouse event
MultiPointHandler Abstract handler for multi-point Pointer Events
MultiPointTouchArea 启用处理多触摸点
NumberAnimation Animates changes in qreal-type values
OpacityAnimator Type animates the opacity of an Item
Palette QQuickPalette class contains color groups for each QML item state
ParallelAnimation Enables animations to be run in parallel
ParentAnimation Animates changes in parent values
ParentChange 指定如何在状态改变时重设项父级
Path Defines a path for use by PathView and Shape
PathAngleArc Defines an arc with the given radii and center
PathAnimation Animates an item along a path
PathArc Defines an arc with the given radius
PathAttribute Specifies how to set an attribute at a given position in a Path
PathCubic Defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points
PathCurve Defines a point on a Catmull-Rom curve
PathElement 基路径类型
PathInterpolator Specifies how to manually animate along a path
PathLine Defines a straight line
PathMove 移动路径的位置
PathMultiline Defines a set of polylines through a list of lists of coordinates
PathPercent Manipulates the way a path is interpreted
PathPolyline Defines a polyline through a list of coordinates
PathQuad Defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point
PathSvg Defines a path using an SVG path data string
PathText Defines a string in a specified font
PathView Lays out model-provided items on a path
PauseAnimation Provides a pause for an animation
PinchArea 启用简单捏合手势处理
PinchEvent For specifying information about a pinch event
PinchHandler Handler for pinch gestures
PointHandler Handler for reacting to a single touchpoint
PointerDeviceHandler Abstract handler for pointer events with device-specific constraints
PointerHandler Abstract handler for pointer events
Positioner Provides attached properties that contain details on where an item exists in a positioner
PropertyAction Specifies immediate property changes during animation
PropertyAnimation Animates changes in property values
PropertyChanges 描述状态的新特性绑定或值
Rectangle Paints a filled rectangle with an optional border
RegularExpressionValidator Provides a string validator
Repeater Instantiates a number of Item-based components using a provided model
Rotation Provides a way to rotate an Item
RotationAnimation Animates changes in rotation values
RotationAnimator Type animates the rotation of an Item
Row Positions its children in a row
Scale Provides a way to scale an Item
ScaleAnimator Type animates the scale factor of an Item
Screen Attached object provides information about the Screen an Item or Window is displayed on
ScriptAction Defines scripts to be run during an animation
SequentialAnimation Allows animations to be run sequentially
ShaderEffect Applies custom shaders to a rectangle
ShaderEffectSource Renders a Qt Quick item into a texture and displays it
Shortcut 提供键盘快捷键
SinglePointHandler Abstract handler for single-point Pointer Events
SmoothedAnimation Allows a property to smoothly track a value
SpringAnimation Allows a property to track a value in a spring-like motion
Sprite Specifies sprite animations
SpriteSequence 绘制子画面动画
State 定义对象和特性的配置
StateChangeScript 指定如何按状态运行脚本
StateGroup 为非项类型提供内置状态支持
SystemPalette Provides access to the Qt palettes
TableView Provides a table view of items to display data from a model
TapHandler Handler for taps and clicks
文本 Specifies how to add formatted text to a scene
TextEdit Displays multiple lines of editable formatted text
TextInput Displays an editable line of text
TextMetrics Provides metrics for a given font and text
TouchPoint Describes a touch point in a MultiPointTouchArea
Transform For specifying advanced transformations on Items
Transition Defines animated transitions that occur on state changes
Translate Provides a way to move an Item without changing its x or y properties
UniformAnimator Type animates a uniform of a ShaderEffect
Vector3dAnimation Animates changes in QVector3d values
ViewTransition Specifies items under transition in a view
WheelEvent Provides information about a mouse wheel event
WheelHandler Handler for the mouse wheel
Window Creates a new top-level window
XAnimator Type animates the x position of an Item
YAnimator Type animates the y position of an Item