StateGroup QML 类型

为非项类型提供内置状态支持。 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick 2.2



Item (and all derived types) provides built in support for states and transitions via its state , states and transitions properties. StateGroup provides an easy way to use this support in other (non-Item-derived) types.

MyCustomObject {
    StateGroup {
        id: myStateGroup
        states: State {
            name: "state1"
            // ...
        transitions: Transition {
            // ...
    onSomethingHappened: myStateGroup.state = "state1";

另请参阅 Qt Quick 状态 , 过渡 ,和 Qt QML .


state : string

This property holds the name of the current state of the state group.

This property is often used in scripts to change between states. For example:

function toggle() {
    if (button.state == 'On')
        button.state = 'Off';
        button.state = 'On';

If the state group is in its base state (i.e. no explicit state has been set), state will be a blank string. Likewise, you can return a state group to its base state by setting its current state to '' .

另请参阅 Qt Quick 状态 .

states : list < State >

This property holds a list of states defined by the state group.

StateGroup {
    states: [
        State {
            // State definition...
        State {
            // ...
        // Other states...

另请参阅 Qt Quick 状态 .

transitions : list < Transition >

This property holds a list of transitions defined by the state group.

StateGroup {
    transitions: [
        Transition {
          // ...
        Transition {
          // ...
        // ...

另请参阅 过渡 .