可以把 QML 类型导入应用程序,使用以下 import 语句在 .qml 文件:

import QtOpcUa 5.12 as QtOpcUa

To link against the module, add the following QT variable to your cmake 工程文件:

target_link_libraries(mytarget Qt::OpcUa)
ApplicationDescription OPC UA ApplicationDescription
AttributeOperand OPC UA AttributeOperand type
AuthenticationInformation OPC UA authentication information
Connection Connects to a server
ElementOperand OPC UA ElementOperand type
EndpointDescription OPC UA EndpointDescription
EndpointDiscovery Provides information about available endpoints on a server
EventFilter Defines an EventFilter for a monitored item
FilterElement OPC UA ContentFilterElement
LiteralOperand OPC UA LiteralOperand type
LocalizedText Contains a text with associated locale
MethodArgument Arguments for OpcUa method calls
MethodNode Calls a method on the server
Node Represents a node on a server
NodeId Specifies a node by an identifier
ReadItem Specifies an item to be read from the server
ReadResult Contains result data after reading from the server
RelativeNodeId Specifies a relative node by a start node and a path
RelativeNodePath Specifies a relative node path element
ServerDiscovery Provides information about available servers
SimpleAttributeOperand OPC UA SimpleAttributeOperand type
Status Code of an OPC UA function
UserTokenPolicy OPC UA ApplicationDescription
ValueNode Represents a value node from a server
WriteItem Specifies an item to be written to the server
WriteResult Contains result data after writing to the server