RelativeNodePath QML Type

Specifies a relative node path element. 更多...

导入语句: import QtOpcUa
Since: QtOpcUa 5.12



import QtOpcUa 5.13 as QtOpcUa
QtOpcUa.RelativeNodePath {
    ns: "Test Namespace"
    browseName: "SomeName"

另请参阅 Node , NodeId ,和 RelativeNodeId .


browseName : NodeId

Browse name of this path element.

includeSubtypes : bool

Whether subtypes are included when matching this path element. The default value of this property is true .

isInverse : bool

Whether the reference to follow is inverse. The default value of this property is false .

ns : NodeId

Namespace name of this path element. The identifier can be the index as a number or the name as string. A string which can be converted to an integer is considered a namespace index.

referenceType : QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId

Type of reference when mathing this path element. This can be a QOpcUa::ReferenceTypeId NodeId . The default value of this property is Constants.ReferenceTypeId.References .