NodeId QML Type

Specifies a node by an identifier. 更多...

导入语句: import QtOpcUa
Since: QtOpcUa 5.12




import QtOpcUa 5.13 as QtOpcUa
QtOpcUa.NodeId {
    identifier: "s=Example.Node"
    ns: "Example Namespace"


identifier : string

Identifer of the node. The identifier has to be given in one of the followig types.

类型 范例
Numeric i=23
字符串 s=MyStringIdentifier
GUID g=08081e75-8e5e-319b-954f-f3a7613dc29b
Opaque (base64) b=UXQgZnR3IQ==

It is possible but not recommended to include the namespace index ns=X;s=... . In this case the given namespace index is internally stripped off the identifier and set to the namespace property.

ns : string

Namespace of the node identifier. The identifier can be the index as a number or the name as string. A string which can be converted to an integer is considered a namespace index.


nodeChanged ()

Emitted when the underlying node has changed. This happens when the namespace or identifier has changed.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onNodeChanged .