Qt 3D Core C++ 类

Qt 3D 模块包含支持近实时仿真系统的功能。 更多...

该模块在 Qt 5.7 引入。


Qt3DCore 包含用于 Qt 3D 模拟框架的基础类,及提供使用 Qt 3D 框架进行渲染的能力类
Qt3DCore::Quick 包含用于把 QML 功能实现到 Qt3D 应用程序的类

Qt3DCore::QAbstractAspect The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior
Qt3DCore::QAbstractFunctor 用于所有函子的抽象基类
Qt3DCore::QAbstractSkeleton A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh
Qt3DCore::QArmature Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders
Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the scene
Qt3DCore::QAspectJob Base class for jobs executed in an aspect
Qt3DCore::QAttribute Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBuffer
Qt3DCore::QBackendNode 用于所有 Qt3D 后端节点的基类
Qt3DCore::QBackendNodeMapper Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodes
Qt3DCore::QBoundingVolume Can be used to override the bounding volume of an entity
Qt3DCore::QBuffer Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms
Qt3DCore::QComponent Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a component
Qt3DCore::QCoreSettings 保存核心数据处理过程的相关设置
Qt3DCore::QEntity Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior
Qt3DCore::QGeometry 封装几何体
Qt3DCore::QGeometryView 封装几何图形细节
Qt3DCore::QJoint Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes
Qt3DCore::QNode The base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene
Qt3DCore::QNodeId 唯一 QNode 标识
Qt3DCore::QSkeleton Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes
Qt3DCore::QSkeletonLoader Used to load a skeleton of joints from file
Qt3DCore::QTransform Used to perform transforms on meshes
Qt3DCore::Quick::QQmlAspectEngine Environment for the QAspectEngine and a method for instantiating QML components


Qt 3D 模块提供用于近实时模拟 (构建在 Qt 3D 框架上) 的基础和核心类型。