QTransform 类

class Qt3DCore ::QTransform

Used to perform transforms on meshes. 更多...

头: #include <QTransform>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS 3dcore REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3dcore)
qmake: QT += 3dcore
Since: Qt 5.6
实例化: Transform
继承: Qt3DCore::QComponent



  QTransform (Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
QMatrix4x4 matrix () const
QQuaternion rotation () const
float rotationX () const
float rotationY () const
float rotationZ () const
float scale () const
QVector3D scale3D () const
QVector3D translation () const
QMatrix4x4 worldMatrix () const


void setMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & matrix )
void setRotation (const QQuaternion & rotation )
void setRotationX (float rotationX )
void setRotationY (float rotationY )
void setRotationZ (float rotationZ )
void setScale (float scale )
void setScale3D (const QVector3D & scale )
void setTranslation (const QVector3D & translation )


void matrixChanged ()
void rotationChanged (const QQuaternion & rotation )
void rotationXChanged (float rotationX )
void rotationYChanged (float rotationY )
void rotationZChanged (float rotationZ )
void scale3DChanged (const QVector3D & scale )
void scaleChanged (float scale )
void translationChanged (const QVector3D & translation )
void worldMatrixChanged (const QMatrix4x4 & worldMatrix )


QQuaternion fromAxes (const QVector3D & xAxis , const QVector3D & yAxis , const QVector3D & zAxis )
QQuaternion fromAxesAndAngles (const QVector3D & axis1 , float angle1 , const QVector3D & axis2 , float angle2 )
QQuaternion fromAxesAndAngles (const QVector3D & axis1 , float angle1 , const QVector3D & axis2 , float angle2 , const QVector3D & axis3 , float angle3 )
QQuaternion fromAxisAndAngle (const QVector3D & axis , float angle )
QQuaternion fromAxisAndAngle (float x , float y , float z , float angle )
QQuaternion fromEulerAngles (const QVector3D & eulerAngles )
QQuaternion fromEulerAngles (float pitch , float yaw , float roll )
QMatrix4x4 rotateAround (const QVector3D & point , float angle , const QVector3D & axis )
QMatrix4x4 rotateFromAxes (const QVector3D & xAxis , const QVector3D & yAxis , const QVector3D & zAxis )


The QTransform component is not shareable between multiple QEntity 。变换的保持如 QVector3D 比例, QQuaternion 旋转和 QVector3D translation components. The transformations are applied to the mesh in that order. When QTransform::matrix property is set, it is decomposed to these transform components and corresponding signals are emitted.

Several helper functions are provided to set up the QTransform; fromAxisAndAngle and fromAxesAndAngles can be used to set the rotation around specific axes, fromEulerAngles can be used to set the rotation based on euler angles and rotateAround can be used to rotate the object around specific point relative to local origin.


matrix : QMatrix4x4

保持 QMatrix4x4 of the transform.

注意: When the matrix property is set, it is decomposed to translation, rotation and scale components.


QMatrix4x4 matrix () const
void setMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & matrix )


void matrixChanged ()

rotation : QQuaternion

Holds the rotation of the transform as QQuaternion .


QQuaternion rotation () const
void setRotation (const QQuaternion & rotation )


void rotationChanged (const QQuaternion & rotation )

rotationX : float

Holds the x rotation of the transform as Euler angle.


float rotationX () const
void setRotationX (float rotationX )


void rotationXChanged (float rotationX )

rotationY : float

Holds the y rotation of the transform as Euler angle.


float rotationY () const
void setRotationY (float rotationY )


void rotationYChanged (float rotationY )

rotationZ : float

Holds the z rotation of the transform as Euler angle.


float rotationZ () const
void setRotationZ (float rotationZ )


void rotationZChanged (float rotationZ )

scale : float

Holds the uniform scale of the transform. If the scale has been set with setScale3D , holds the x value only.


float scale () const
void setScale (float scale )


void scaleChanged (float scale )

scale3D : QVector3D

Holds the scale of the transform as QVector3D .


QVector3D scale3D () const
void setScale3D (const QVector3D & scale )


void scale3DChanged (const QVector3D & scale )

translation : QVector3D

Holds the translation of the transform as QVector3D .


QVector3D translation () const
void setTranslation (const QVector3D & translation )


void translationChanged (const QVector3D & translation )

[read-only, since 5.14] worldMatrix : const QMatrix4x4

Holds the world transformation matrix for the transform. This assumes the QTransform component is being referenced by a QEntity . This makes it more convenient to identify when a QEntity part of a subtree has been transformed in the world even though its local transformation might not have changed.

该特性在 Qt 5.14 引入。


QMatrix4x4 worldMatrix () const


void worldMatrixChanged (const QMatrix4x4 & worldMatrix )


QTransform:: QTransform ( Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QTransform with parent .

[static invokable, since 5.11] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromAxes (const QVector3D & xAxis , const QVector3D & yAxis , const QVector3D & zAxis )

Creates a QQuaterniom definining a rotation from the axes xAxis , yAxis and zAxis .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

该函数在 Qt 5.11 引入。

[static invokable] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromAxesAndAngles (const QVector3D & axis1 , float angle1 , const QVector3D & axis2 , float angle2 )

创建 QQuaternion from axis1 , angle1 , axis2 ,和 angle2 . Returns the resulting QQuaternion .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromAxesAndAngles (const QVector3D & axis1 , float angle1 , const QVector3D & axis2 , float angle2 , const QVector3D & axis3 , float angle3 )

创建 QQuaternion from axis1 , angle1 , axis2 , angle2 , axis3 ,和 angle3 . Returns the resulting QQuaternion .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromAxisAndAngle (const QVector3D & axis , float angle )

创建 QQuaternion from axis and angle . Returns the resulting QQuaternion .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromAxisAndAngle ( float x , float y , float z , float angle )

创建 QQuaternion from x , y , z ,和 angle . Returns the resulting QQuaternion .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromEulerAngles (const QVector3D & eulerAngles )

创建 QQuaternion from eulerAngles . Returns the resulting QQuaternion .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable] QQuaternion QTransform:: fromEulerAngles ( float pitch , float yaw , float roll )

创建 QQuaternion from pitch , yaw ,和 roll . Returns the resulting QQuaternion .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable] QMatrix4x4 QTransform:: rotateAround (const QVector3D & point , float angle , const QVector3D & axis )

Creates a rotation matrix from axis and angle around point . Returns the resulting QMatrix4x4 .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[static invokable, since 5.11] QMatrix4x4 QTransform:: rotateFromAxes (const QVector3D & xAxis , const QVector3D & yAxis , const QVector3D & zAxis )

Returns a rotation matrix defined from the axes xAxis , yAxis , zAxis .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

该函数在 Qt 5.11 引入。

[since 5.14] QMatrix4x4 QTransform:: worldMatrix () const

Returns the world transformation matrix associated to the QTransform when referenced by a QEntity which may be part of a QEntity hierarchy.

注意: Getter function for property worldMatrix.

该函数在 Qt 5.14 引入。