
Qt is equipped with a range of capable tool classes, from containers and iterators to classes for string handling and manipulation.

Other classes provide application infrastructure support, handling plugin loading and managing configuration files.

补全器范例 Completer example shows how to provide string-completion facilities for an input widget based on data provided by a model
自定义补全器范例 Custom Completer example shows how to provide string-completion facilities for an input widget based on data provided by a model. The completer pops up suggestions for possible words based on the first three characters input by the user and the user's choice of word is inserted into the TextEdit using QTextCursor
回显插件范例 This example shows how to create a Qt plugin
I18N 范例 Internationalization (I18N) example demonstrates Qt's support for translated text. Developers can write the initial application text in one language, and translations can be provided later without any modifications to the code. It also demonstrates how to detect the system language settings and show the UI in the appropriate language
插件和描绘范例 Demonstrates how to extend Qt applications using plugins
QRegularExpression 范例 QRegularExpression example shows how regular expressions in Qt are applied to text by providing an environment in which new regular expressions can be created and tested on custom text strings
设置编辑器范例 Settings Editor example shows how Qt's standard settings support is used in an application by providing an editor that enables the user to view the settings for installed applications, and modify those that can be edited
样式插件范例 This example shows how to create a plugin that extends Qt with a new GUI look and feel
树模型补全器范例 Tree Model Completer example shows how to provide completion facilities for a hierarchical model, using a period as the separator to access Child, GrandChild and GrandGrandChild level objects
撤消框架 This example shows Qt's undo framework in action
撤消框架范例 This example shows how to implement undo/redo functionality with the Qt undo framework