采用 Qt 设计 UI

These pages are about Qt's traditional set of GUI components for building both native look and feel and custom UI's for the desktop environment. Use Qt Quick for building UI's for mobile devices.

应用程序主窗口 Creating the application window
桌面集成 集成用户桌面环境。
对话框窗口 An overview over dialog windows
拖放 An overview of the drag and drop system provided by Qt
Widget 和图形视图中的手势 An overview of Qt support for Gesture programming
布局管理 A tour of the standard layout managers and an introduction to custom layouts
Qt 样式表 How to use style sheets to customize the appearance of widgets
标准对话框 A list of Qt classes for implementing standard dialogs
样式和样式感知 Widget Styles and the styling of widgets
动画框架 An overview of the Animation Framework
Widgets 类 Primary elements for designing user interfaces in Qt
窗口和对话框 Widget Windows and Dialogs in Qt