Qt 3D Core QML 类型

该模块在 Qt 5.7 引入。

要导入和使用模块的 QML 类型,使用下列语句:

import Qt3D.Core 2.2

Qt 3D QML 类型 了解 Qt 3D 中的所有 QML 类型的列表。

QML 类型

AbstractSkeleton A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh
Armature Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders
Attribute Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a Buffer
BoundingVolume Can be used to override an entity's bounding volume
Buffer Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms
Component3D Provides the base type for creating Qt 3D components
CoreSettings 保存核心数据处理过程的相关设置
Entity Node subclass that can aggregate several Component3D instances that will specify its behavior
EntityLoader Provides a way to dynamically load an Entity subtree
几何体 封装几何体
GeometryView 封装几何图形细节
Joint Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes
Node A base QML type that other types inherit. It cannot be directly created
NodeInstantiator 动态创建节点
QuaternionAnimation A PropertyAnimation for quaternions
Skeleton Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes
SkeletonLoader Used to load a skeleton of joints from file
Transform Used to perform transforms on meshes