Qt Quick 3D Particles3D QML Types

This module provides particles using Qt Quick 3D .

Affector3D Affectors modify the attributes of particles during their lifetime
Attractor3D Attracts particles towards a position or a shape
Direction3D Directions assign velocity for the emitted particles
EmitBurst3D Declarative emitter bursts
Gravity3D Accelerates particles to a vector of the specified magnitude in the specified direction
ModelBlendParticle3D Blends particle effect with a 3D model
ModelParticle3D Particle using a Qt Quick 3D Model
Particle3D Abstract logical particle
ParticleAbstractShape3D Abstract base type of particle shapes
ParticleEmitter3D Emitter for logical particles
ParticleModelShape3D Offers particle shape from model for emitters and affectors
ParticleShape3D Offers 3D shapes for emitters and affectors
ParticleSystem3D A system which includes particle, emitter, and affector types
ParticleSystem3DLogging Provides information of the particle system
PointRotator3D Rotates particles around a pivot point
SpriteParticle3D Particle using a 2D sprite texture
SpriteSequence3D Provides image sequence features for the Sprite particles
TargetDirection3D For specifying a direction towards the target position
TrailEmitter3D Emitter for logical particles from other particles
VectorDirection3D For specifying a direction towards the target direction
Wander3D Applies random wave curves to particles