EmitBurst3D QML Type

Declarative emitter bursts. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Particles3D
Since: Qt 6.2
继承: QtObject



This element defines particle bursts in the ParticleEmitter3D .

For example, to emit 100 particles at the beginning, and 50 particles at 2 seconds, so that both bursts take 200 milliseconds:

ParticleEmitter3D {
    emitBursts: [
        EmitBurst3D {
            time: 0
            amount: 100
            duration: 200
        EmitBurst3D {
            time: 2000
            amount: 50
            duration: 200


amount : int

This property defines the amount of particles emitted during the burst.

默认值为 0 .

duration : int

This property defines the duration of the burst. The default value is 0, meaning all particles will burst at the beginning of time . If the duration is set, particles emitting is distributed between time and time + duration .

For example, to have emit rate of 400 between 1000 and 1200 milliseconds:

EmitBurst3D {
    time: 1000
    amount: 80
    duration: 1200

默认值为 0 .

time : int

This property defines the time in milliseconds when emitting the burst starts.

默认值为 0 .