提供凭借 MQTT 协议启用发送消息的类。 更多...
QMqtt | 包含整个 Qt MQTT 模块所用的各种标识符 |
QMqttAuthenticationProperties | Represents configuration options during the authentication process |
QMqttClient | Represents the central access communicating with an MQTT broker |
QMqttConnectionProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when invoking QMqttClient::connectToHost() |
QMqttLastWillProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when specifying the last will during connecting to a server |
QMqttMessage | Information about a message received from a message broker based on a subscription |
QMqttMessageStatusProperties | Represents additional information provided by the server during message delivery |
QMqttPublishProperties | Represents configuration options for sending or receiving a message |
QMqttServerConnectionProperties | Represents configuration options of a server a QMqttClient is connected to |
QMqttStringPair | Represents the string pair data type of the MQTT 5.0 standard |
QMqttSubscription | Receives notifications from an MQTT broker about a specified topic |
QMqttSubscriptionProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when subscribing to a topic filter |
QMqttTopicFilter | 表示 MQTT 话题过滤 |
QMqttTopicName | 表示 MQTT 话题名称 |
QMqttUnsubscriptionProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when unsubscribing from a topic filter |
QMqttUserProperties | Represents a list of QMqttStringPair values which can be passed to the server |
要在应用程序中使用这些类,请使用以下 include 语句:
#include <QtMqtt/QtMqtt>
QT += mqtt