Qt MQTT C++ 类

Provides classes that enable sending messages via the MQTT protocol. 更多...


QMqtt 包含整个 Qt MQTT 模块所用的各种标识符

QMqttAuthenticationProperties Represents configuration options during the authentication process
QMqttClient Represents the central access communicating with an MQTT broker
QMqttConnectionProperties Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when invoking QMqttClient::connectToHost()
QMqttLastWillProperties Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when specifying the last will during connecting to a server
QMqttMessage Information about a message received from a message broker based on a subscription
QMqttMessageStatusProperties Represents additional information provided by the server during message delivery
QMqttPublishProperties Represents configuration options for sending or receiving a message
QMqttServerConnectionProperties Represents configuration options of a server a QMqttClient is connected to
QMqttStringPair Represents the string pair data type of the MQTT 5.0 standard
QMqttSubscription Receives notifications from an MQTT broker about a specified topic
QMqttSubscriptionProperties Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when subscribing to a topic filter
QMqttTopicFilter 表示 MQTT 话题过滤
QMqttTopicName 表示 MQTT 话题名称
QMqttUnsubscriptionProperties Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when unsubscribing from a topic filter
QMqttUserProperties Represents a list of QMqttStringPair values which can be passed to the server


要在应用程序中使用这些类,请使用以下 include 语句:

#include <QtMqtt/QtMqtt>

要链接到模块,添加此行到 qmake .pro 文件:

QT += mqtt