提供 Qt OPC UA 功能的 C++ 类列表。 更多...
This module was introduced in Qt 5.11.
QOpcUa::NodeIds | 此名称空间包含具有已知节点 ID 的枚举 |
QOpcUaAddNodeItem | This class stores the necessary information to create a new node on the server |
QOpcUaAddReferenceItem | This class stores the necessary information to add a new reference on the server |
QOpcUaApplicationDescription | OPC UA ApplicationDescription |
QOpcUaApplicationIdentity | Defines the identity of the application |
QOpcUaApplicationRecordDataType | OPC UA ApplicationRecordDataType |
QOpcUaArgument | OPC UA Argument 类型 |
QOpcUaAttributeOperand | OPC UA AttributeOperand type |
QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation | OPC UA authentication information |
QOpcUaAxisInformation | OPC UA AxisInformation type |
QOpcUaBinaryDataEncoding | Partial implementation of the OPC UA binary data encoding described in OPC-UA part 6 |
QOpcUaBrowsePathTarget | OPC UA BrowsePathTarget |
QOpcUaBrowseRequest | 包含用于调用 OPC UA 浏览服务的参数 |
QOpcUaClient | Allows interaction with an OPC UA server |
QOpcUaComplexNumber | OPC UA ComplexNumber 类型 |
QOpcUaContentFilterElement | OPC UA ContentFilterElement |
QOpcUaContentFilterElementResult | OPC UA ContentFilterElementResult |
QOpcUaDeleteReferenceItem | This class stores the necessary information to delete a reference from the server |
QOpcUaDoubleComplexNumber | OPC UA DoubleComplexNumber type |
QOpcUaEUInformation | OPC UA EURange type |
QOpcUaElementOperand | OPC UA ElementOperand type |
QOpcUaEndpointDescription | OPC UA EndpointDescription |
QOpcUaErrorState | Allows investigation and interaction with error state from backends |
QOpcUaEventFilterResult | OPCUA EventFilterResult |
QOpcUaExpandedNodeId | OPC UA ExpandedNodeId |
QOpcUaExtensionObject | OPC UA ExtensionObject |
QOpcUaGdsClient | Handles communication with the GDS Server |
QOpcUaKeyPair | Handles private and public key pairs |
QOpcUaLiteralOperand | OPC UA LiteralOperand type |
QOpcUaLocalizedText | OPC UA LocalizedText type |
QOpcUaMonitoringParameters | Way to set and retrieve parameters for subscriptions and monitored items |
QOpcUaMonitoringParameters::DataChangeFilter | Defines a DataChangeFilter for a monitored item |
QOpcUaMonitoringParameters::EventFilter | Defines an EventFilter for a monitored item |
QOpcUaMultiDimensionalArray | A container class for multidimensional arrays |
QOpcUaNode | Allows interaction with an OPC UA node |
QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes | This class manages attribute values for node creation |
QOpcUaPkiConfiguration | Defines the PKI configuration of the application |
QOpcUaProvider | Creates an instance of QOpcUaClient |
QOpcUaQualifiedName | OPC UA QualifiedName type |
QOpcUaRange | OPC UA Range 类型 |
QOpcUaReadItem | This class stores the options for a read operation |
QOpcUaReadResult | This class stores the result of a read operation |
QOpcUaReferenceDescription | Contains information about a node |
QOpcUaRelativePathElement | OPC UA RelativePathElement |
QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand | OPC UA SimpleAttributeOperand type |
QOpcUaUserTokenPolicy | OPC UA UserTokenPolicy |
QOpcUaWriteItem | This class stores the options for a write operation |
QOpcUaWriteResult | This class stores the result of a write operation |
QOpcUaX509CertificateSigningRequest | Create a certificate signing request |
QOpcUaX509DistinguishedName | Information about a distinguished name item |
QOpcUaX509Extension | Base class for all X509 extensions |
QOpcUaX509ExtensionBasicConstraints | Class for X509 basic constraints |
QOpcUaX509ExtensionExtendedKeyUsage | Class for X509 extended key usage |
QOpcUaX509ExtensionKeyUsage | Class for X509 extended key usage |
QOpcUaX509ExtensionSubjectAlternativeName | Class for an X509 subject alternative name |
QOpcUaXValue | OPC UA XVType |
要链接到模块,添加此行到 cmake 工程文件:
target_link_libraries(mytarget Qt::OpcUa)