QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation Class

The OPC UA authentication information. 更多...

头: #include <QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation>
qmake: QT += opcua
Since: QtOpcUa 5.13


  QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation (const QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & rhs )
QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & operator= (const QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & rhs )
const QVariant & authenticationData () const
QOpcUaUserTokenPolicy::TokenType authenticationType () const
void setAnonymousAuthentication ()
void setCertificateAuthentication ()
void setUsernameAuthentication (const QString & username , const QString & password )
bool operator== (const QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & rhs ) const


This class holds the information necessary to perform a login on a server. Supported authentication mechanisms are

  • Anonymous
  • Username
  • Certificate

The anonymous method is used by default but also can be set manually.

This is an example authentication using username and password.

QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation authInfo;
authInfo.setUsernameAuthentication("user", "password");

另请参阅 setAnonymousAuthentication (), setUsernameAuthentication (),和 setCertificateAuthentication ().


QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation (const QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & rhs )

Constructs an authentication information from rhs .

QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation &QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: operator= (const QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & rhs )

设置值从 rhs in this authentication information.

const QVariant &QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: authenticationData () const

The content of the QVariant returned by this method depends on the currently selected authentication method.

[invokable] QOpcUaUserTokenPolicy::TokenType QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: authenticationType () const

Returns the current authentication type.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

另请参阅 QOpcUaUserTokenPolicy::TokenType .

[invokable] void QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: setAnonymousAuthentication ()

Sets the authentication method to anonymous.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[invokable] void QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: setCertificateAuthentication ()

Sets the authentication method to use certificates.

When using this authentication type a proper configured QOpcUaPkiConfiguration has to be set to the QOpcUaClient .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

另请参阅 QOpcUaPkiConfiguration and QOpcUaClient::setPkiConfiguration ().

[invokable] void QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: setUsernameAuthentication (const QString & username , const QString & password )

Sets the authentication method to username, using the given username and password .

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

bool QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:: operator== (const QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation & rhs ) const

返回 true if this authentication information has the same value as rhs .