Qt Sensors C++ 类

提供用于读取传感器数据的类。 更多...

QAccelerometer 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QAccelerometerFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QAccelerometerReading Reports on linear acceleration along the X, Y and Z axes
QAmbientLightFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QAmbientLightReading Represents one reading from the ambient light sensor
QAmbientLightSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QAmbientTemperatureFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QAmbientTemperatureReading Holds readings of the ambient temperature
QAmbientTemperatureSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QCompass 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QCompassFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QCompassReading Represents one reading from a compass
QGyroscope 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QGyroscopeFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QGyroscopeReading Represents one reading from the gyroscope sensor
QHumidityFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QHumidityReading Holds readings from the humidity sensor
QHumiditySensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QLightFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QLightReading Represents one reading from the light sensor
QLightSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QMagnetometer 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QMagnetometerFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QMagnetometerReading Represents one reading from the magnetometer
QOrientationFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QOrientationReading Represents one reading from the orientation sensor
QOrientationSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QPressureFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QPressureReading Holds readings from the pressure sensor
QPressureSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QProximityFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QProximityReading Represents one reading from the proximity sensor
QProximitySensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QRotationFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QRotationReading Represents one reading from the rotation sensor
QRotationSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
QSensor Represents a single hardware sensor
QSensorBackend 传感器实现
QSensorBackendFactory Instantiates instances of QSensorBackend
QSensorChangesInterface The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins
QSensorFilter Efficient callback facility for asynchronous notifications of sensor changes
QSensorManager Handles registration and creation of sensor backends
QSensorPluginInterface The pure virtual interface to sensor plugins
QSensorReading Holds the readings from the sensor
QTiltFilter 围绕 QSensorFilter 的方便包裹器
QTiltReading 保持来自倾斜传感器的读数
QTiltSensor 围绕 QSensor 的方便包裹器
qoutputrange Holds the specifics of an output range


Mobile devices contain sensor hardware that allow detecting changes in various physical properties of the device itself or its immediate environment. Examples of device properties include the angle at which the device is held, whereas environmental properties include for example the current level of ambient light.