Qt NFC C++ 类

An API for accessing NFC Forum Tags. 更多...

QNdefFilter Filter for matching NDEF messages
QNdefFilter::Record QNdefFilter::Record struct contains the information about a filter record
QNdefMessage NFC NDEF message
QNdefNfcIconRecord NFC MIME record to hold an icon
QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord NFC RTD-SmartPoster
QNdefNfcTextRecord NFC RTD-Text
QNdefNfcUriRecord NFC RTD-URI
QNdefRecord NFC NDEF record
QNearFieldManager Access to notifications for NFC events
QNearFieldTarget Interface for communicating with a target device
QNearFieldTarget::RequestId A request id handle


Qt NFC C++ API enables an application to access NFC Forum Tags.


使用 Qt 模块要求直接或透过其它依赖链接到模块库。一些构建工具为此有贡献支持,包括 CMake and qmake .

构建采用 CMake

使用 find_package() 命令去定位所需模块组件,在 Qt6 包:

find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Nfc REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt::Nfc)

采用 qmake 构建

要配置采用 qmake 构建模块,添加模块作为值为 QT 变量在工程的 .pro 文件:

QT += nfc