RequestId Class

class QNearFieldTarget ::RequestId

A request id handle. 更多...


  RequestId (const RequestId & other )
  RequestId ()
RequestId & operator= (const RequestId & other )
  ~RequestId ()
bool isValid () const
int refCount () const



RequestId:: RequestId (const RequestId & other )

Constructs a new request id handle that is a copy of other .

RequestId:: RequestId ()

Constructs a new invalid request id handle.

RequestId &RequestId:: operator= (const RequestId & other )

赋值副本为 other to this request id and returns a reference to this request id.

RequestId:: ~RequestId ()

Destroys the request id handle.

bool RequestId:: isValid () const

返回 true if this is a valid request id; otherwise returns false .

int RequestId:: refCount () const

Returns the current reference count of the request id.