PropertyPass Class

class QQmlSA ::PropertyPass

Base class for all static analysis passes on properties. 更多...

头: #include <PropertyPass>
继承: QQmlSA::GenericPass
Status: Technical Preview


virtual void onBinding (const QQmlSA::Element & element , const QString & propertyName , const QQmlSA::Binding & binding , const QQmlSA::Element & bindingScope , const QQmlSA::Element & value )
virtual void onRead (const QQmlSA::Element & element , const QString & propertyName , const QQmlSA::Element & readScope , QQmlSA::SourceLocation location )
virtual void onWrite (const QQmlSA::Element & element , const QString & propertyName , const QQmlSA::Element & expressionType , const QQmlSA::Element & writeScope , QQmlSA::SourceLocation location )



[virtual] void PropertyPass:: onBinding (const QQmlSA::Element & element , const QString & propertyName , const QQmlSA::Binding & binding , const QQmlSA::Element & bindingScope , const QQmlSA::Element & value )

Executes whenever a property gets bound to a value.

The property propertyName of element is bound to the value within bindingScope with binding .

[virtual] void PropertyPass:: onRead (const QQmlSA::Element & element , const QString & propertyName , const QQmlSA::Element & readScope , QQmlSA::SourceLocation location )

Executes whenever a property is read.

The property propertyName of element is read by an instruction within readScope defined at location .

[virtual] void PropertyPass:: onWrite (const QQmlSA::Element & element , const QString & propertyName , const QQmlSA::Element & expressionType , const QQmlSA::Element & writeScope , QQmlSA::SourceLocation location )

Executes whenever a property is written to.

The property propertyName of element is written to by an instruction within writeScope defined at location . The type of the expression written to propertyName is expressionType .