Element 类

class QQmlSA ::Element

Represents a QML type. 更多...

头: #include <Element>
Status: Technical Preview


QQmlSA::AccessSemantics accessSemantics () const
QQmlSA::Element baseType () const
QString baseTypeName () const
QQmlJS::ConstPtrWrapperIterator childScopesBegin () const
QQmlJS::ConstPtrWrapperIterator childScopesEnd () const
QString defaultPropertyName () const
QString filePath () const
bool hasMethod (const QString & methodName ) const
bool hasOwnPropertyBindings (const QString & propertyName ) const
bool hasProperty (const QString & propertyName ) const
bool hasPropertyBindings (const QString & name ) const
bool inherits (const QQmlSA::Element & element ) const
bool isComposite () const
bool isPropertyRequired (const QString & propertyName ) const
QString name () const
Method::Methods ownMethods () const
Binding::Bindings ownPropertyBindings () const
Binding::Bindings ownPropertyBindings (const QString & propertyName ) const
QQmlSA::Element parentScope () const
QQmlSA::Property property (const QString & propertyName ) const
QList<QQmlSA::Binding> propertyBindings (const QString & propertyName ) const
QQmlSA::ScopeType scopeType () const
QQmlSA::SourceLocation sourceLocation () const



QQmlSA::AccessSemantics Element:: accessSemantics () const

Returns the access semantics of this Element. For example, Reference, Value or Sequence.

QQmlSA::Element Element:: baseType () const

Returns the Element this Element derives from.

QString Element:: baseTypeName () const

Returns the name of the Element this Element derives from.

QQmlJS::ConstPtrWrapperIterator Element:: childScopesBegin () const

Returns an iterator to the beginning of this Element's children.

QQmlJS::ConstPtrWrapperIterator Element:: childScopesEnd () const

Returns an iterator to the end of this Element's children.

QString Element:: defaultPropertyName () const

Returns the name of the default property of this Element. If it doesn't have one, returns an empty string.

QString Element:: filePath () const

Returns the file path of the QML code that defines this method.

bool Element:: hasMethod (const QString & methodName ) const

Returns whether this Element has a method with the name methodName .

bool Element:: hasOwnPropertyBindings (const QString & propertyName ) const

Returns whether this Element has property bindings which are not defined in its base or extension objects and that have name propertyName .

bool Element:: hasProperty (const QString & propertyName ) const

Returns whether this Element has a property with the name propertyName .

bool Element:: hasPropertyBindings (const QString & name ) const

Returns whethe this Element has a property binding with the name name .

bool Element:: inherits (const QQmlSA::Element & element ) const

Returns whether this Element inherits from element .

bool Element:: isComposite () const

Returns true for objects defined from Qml, and false for objects declared from C++.

bool Element:: isPropertyRequired (const QString & propertyName ) const

Returns whether the property with the name propertyName resolved on this Element is required. Returns false if the the property couldn't be found.

QString Element:: name () const

Returns the name of this Element.

Method::Methods Element:: ownMethods () const

Returns this Elements's method which are not defined on its base or extension objects.

Binding::Bindings Element:: ownPropertyBindings () const

Returns this Element's property bindings which are not defined on its base or extension objects.

Binding::Bindings Element:: ownPropertyBindings (const QString & propertyName ) const

Returns this Element's property bindings which are not defined on its base or extension objects and that have the name propertyName .

QQmlSA::Element Element:: parentScope () const

Returns the Element that encloses this Element.

QQmlSA::Property Element:: property (const QString & propertyName ) const

Returns the property with the name propertyName if it is found in this Element or its base and extension objects, otherwise returns an invalid property.

QList < QQmlSA::Binding > Element:: propertyBindings (const QString & propertyName ) const

Returns this Element's property bindings that have the name propertyName .

QQmlSA::ScopeType Element:: scopeType () const

Returns the type of Element's scope.

QQmlSA::SourceLocation Element:: sourceLocation () const

Returns the location in the QML code where this method is defined.