Binding Class

class QQmlSA ::Binding

Represents a single QML property binding for a specific type. 更多...

头: #include <Binding>
Status: Technical Preview


class Bindings


QQmlSA::Element attachingType () const
QQmlSA::Element groupType () const
bool hasObject () const
double numberValue () const
QQmlSA::Element objectType () const
QString propertyName () const
QQmlSA::ScriptBindingKind scriptKind () const
QQmlSA::SourceLocation sourceLocation () const
QString stringValue () const


bool isLiteralBinding (QQmlSA::BindingType bindingType )



QQmlSA::Element Binding:: attachingType () const

Returns the attached type if the content type of this binding is AttachedProperty, otherwise returns an invalid Element.

QQmlSA::Element Binding:: groupType () const

Returns the type of the property if this element is a group property, otherwise returns an invalid Element.

bool Binding:: hasObject () const

返回 true if this binding has an objects, otherwise returns false .

[static] bool Binding:: isLiteralBinding ( QQmlSA::BindingType bindingType )

返回 true if bindingType is a literal type, and false otherwise. Literal types include strings, booleans, numbers, regular expressions among other.

double Binding:: numberValue () const

Returns the associated number if the content type of this binding is NumberLiteral, otherwise returns 0.

QQmlSA::Element Binding:: objectType () const

Returns the type of the associated object if the content type of this binding is Object, otherwise returns an invlaid Element.

QString Binding:: propertyName () const

Returns the name of the property using this binding.

QQmlSA::ScriptBindingKind Binding:: scriptKind () const

Returns the kind of associated associated script if the content type of this binding is Script, otherwise returns Script_Invalid.

QQmlSA::SourceLocation Binding:: sourceLocation () const

Returns the location in the QML code where this binding is defined.

QString Binding:: stringValue () const

Returns the associated string literal if the content type of this binding is StringLiteral, otherwise returns an empty string.