QQmlSA Namespace

Provides tools for static analysis on QML programs. 更多...

头: #include <QQmlSA>
Status: Technical Preview

class Binding
class Element
class ElementPass
class FixSuggestion
class GenericPass
class LintPlugin
class LoggerWarningId
class Method
class PassManager
class Property
class PropertyPass
class SourceLocation


class Binding

Represents a single QML property binding for a specific type. 更多...

class Element

Represents a QML type. 更多...

class ElementPass

Base class for all static analysis passes on elements. 更多...

class FixSuggestion

Represents a suggested fix for an issue in the source code. 更多...

class GenericPass

The base class for static analysis passes. 更多...

class LintPlugin

Base class for all static analysis plugins. 更多...

class LoggerWarningId

A wrapper around a string literal to uniquely identify warning categories in the QQmlSA 框架。 更多...

class Method

Represents a QML method. 更多...

class PassManager

Can analyze an element and its children with static analysis passes. 更多...

class Property

Represents a QML property. 更多...

class PropertyPass

Base class for all static analysis passes on properties. 更多...

class SourceLocation

Represents a location or region in the source code. 更多...