QMenu 类

QMenu 类提供用于菜单栏、上下文菜单及其它弹出菜单的菜单 Widget。 更多...

头: #include <QMenu>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets)
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QWidget



QMenu (QWidget * parent = nullptr)
QMenu (const QString & title , QWidget * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QMenu ()
QAction * actionAt (const QPoint & pt ) const
QRect actionGeometry (QAction * act ) const
QAction * activeAction () const
QAction * addMenu (QMenu * menu )
QMenu * addMenu (const QString & title )
QMenu * addMenu (const QIcon & icon , const QString & title )
QAction * addSection (const QString & text )
QAction * addSection (const QIcon & icon , const QString & text )
QAction * addSeparator ()
void clear ()
QAction * defaultAction () const
QAction * exec ()
QAction * exec (const QPoint & p , QAction * action = nullptr)
void hideTearOffMenu ()
QIcon icon () const
QAction * insertMenu (QAction * before , QMenu * menu )
QAction * insertSection (QAction * before , const QString & text )
QAction * insertSection (QAction * before , const QIcon & icon , const QString & text )
QAction * insertSeparator (QAction * before )
bool isEmpty () const
bool isTearOffEnabled () const
bool isTearOffMenuVisible () const
QAction * menuAction () const
void popup (const QPoint & p , QAction * atAction = nullptr)
bool separatorsCollapsible () const
void setActiveAction (QAction * act )
void setAsDockMenu ()
void setDefaultAction (QAction * act )
void setIcon (const QIcon & icon )
void setSeparatorsCollapsible (bool collapse )
void setTearOffEnabled (bool)
void setTitle (const QString & title )
void setToolTipsVisible (bool visible )
void showTearOffMenu (const QPoint & pos )
void showTearOffMenu ()
QString title () const
NSMenu * toNSMenu ()
bool toolTipsVisible () const


virtual QSize sizeHint () const override


void aboutToHide ()
void aboutToShow ()
void hovered (QAction * action )
void triggered (QAction * action )


QAction * exec (const QList<QAction *> & actions , const QPoint & pos , QAction * at = nullptr, QWidget * parent = nullptr)
QMenu * menuInAction (const QAction * action )


int columnCount () const
virtual void initStyleOption (QStyleOptionMenuItem * option , const QAction * action ) const


virtual void actionEvent (QActionEvent * e ) override
virtual void changeEvent (QEvent * e ) override
virtual void enterEvent (QEnterEvent *) override
virtual bool event (QEvent * e ) override
virtual bool focusNextPrevChild (bool next ) override
virtual void hideEvent (QHideEvent *) override
virtual void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * e ) override
virtual void leaveEvent (QEvent *) override
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * e ) override
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * e ) override
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * e ) override
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent * e ) override
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent * e ) override
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * e ) override


菜单 Widget 是选择菜单。它可以是菜单栏中的下拉菜单 (或独立上下文菜单)。下拉菜单通过菜单栏展示当用户点击各项 (或按下指定快捷键) 时。使用 QMenuBar::addMenu () 以将菜单插入菜单栏。上下文菜单通常通过一些特殊键盘键 (或右键点击) 援引。可以异步执行它们采用 popup () 或同步采用 exec ()。菜单也可以为响应按钮按下被援引;这些就像上下文菜单,除如何援引它们外。


菜单由动作项列表组成。动作的添加是采用 addAction(), addActions () 和 insertAction () 函数。动作垂直表示且渲染是通过 QStyle 。此外,动作可以拥有文本标签、在很左侧绘制的可选图标、及快捷键序列 (譬如 Ctrl+X)。

可以找到由菜单保持的现有动作采用 actions ().

有 4 种动作项:分隔符、展示子菜单的动作、Widget 和履行动作的动作。分隔符的插入是采用 addSeparator (),子菜单采用 addMenu (),和所有其它项被认为是动作项。

当插入动作项时,通常指定接收者和槽。会通知接收者,每当项被 triggered ()。此外,QMenu 提供 2 信号 triggered () 和 hovered (),信号 QAction 被触发从菜单。

清零菜单采用 clear () 和移除单个动作项采用 removeAction ().

QMenu 还可以提供撕离菜单。撕离菜单是包含菜单副本的顶层窗口。这使用户撕离常用菜单并将它们放在屏幕方便位置处,成为可能。若想要特定菜单具有此功能,插入撕离手柄采用 setTearOffEnabled ()。当使用撕离菜单时,请记住此概念通常不用于 Microsoft Windows,因此某些用户可能对它不熟悉。考虑使用 QToolBar 代替。

可以将 Widget 插入菜单采用 QWidgetAction 类。此类的实例用于保持 Widget,并被插入菜单采用 addAction() 重载接受 QAction 。若 QWidgetAction 激发 triggered () 信号,菜单将关闭。

警告: 要使 QMenu 在屏幕上可见, exec () 或 popup () 应该被使用而非 show () 或 setVisible ()。要隐藏 (或禁用) 菜单栏中的菜单,或将它作为子菜单添加到另一菜单,分别使用特性化的 menuAction () 代替。

在 macOS 采用 Qt 构建针对 Cocoa 的 QMenu

QMenu 只可以插入菜单/菜单栏一次。后续插入不起作用 (或将导致禁用菜单项)。

菜单 范例,了解如何使用 QMenuBar 和 QMenu 在应用程序中。

重要继承函数: addAction(), removeAction (), clear (), addSeparator (),和 addMenu ().

另请参阅 QMenuBar , Qt Widgets - 应用程序范例 ,和 菜单范例 .


icon : QIcon


这相当于 QAction::icon 特性为 menuAction ().

默认情况下,若未明确设置图标,此特性包含 null 图标。


QIcon icon () const
void setIcon (const QIcon & icon )

separatorsCollapsible : bool


This property specifies whether consecutive separators in the menu should be visually collapsed to a single one. Separators at the beginning or the end of the menu are also hidden.

默认情况下,此特性为 true .


bool separatorsCollapsible () const
void setSeparatorsCollapsible (bool collapse )

tearOffEnabled : bool


当为 true 时,菜单包含特殊可撕离项 (经常在菜单顶部展示成虚线),当触发它时会创建菜单副本。


默认情况下,此特性为 false .


bool isTearOffEnabled () const
void setTearOffEnabled (bool)

title : QString


这相当于 QAction::text 特性为 menuAction ().



QString title () const
void setTitle (const QString & title )

toolTipsVisible : bool


This property specifies whether action menu entries show their tooltip.

默认情况下,此特性为 false .


bool toolTipsVisible () const
void setToolTipsVisible (bool visible )


[explicit] QMenu:: QMenu ( QWidget * parent = nullptr)

构造菜单采用父级 parent .

Although a popup menu is always a top-level widget, if a parent is passed the popup menu will be deleted when that parent is destroyed (as with any other QObject ).

[explicit] QMenu:: QMenu (const QString & title , QWidget * parent = nullptr)

构造菜单采用 titleparent .

Although a popup menu is always a top-level widget, if a parent is passed the popup menu will be deleted when that parent is destroyed (as with any other QObject ).

另请参阅 title .

[virtual] QMenu:: ~QMenu ()


[signal] void QMenu:: aboutToHide ()


另请参阅 aboutToShow () 和 hide ().

[signal] void QMenu:: aboutToShow ()


另请参阅 aboutToHide () 和 show ().

QAction *QMenu:: actionAt (const QPoint & pt ) const

返回项在 pt ;返回 nullptr 若那里没有项。

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: actionEvent ( QActionEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::actionEvent (QActionEvent *event).

QRect QMenu:: actionGeometry ( QAction * act ) const

返回几何体对于动作 act .

QAction *QMenu:: activeAction () const

返回目前突显动作,或 nullptr 若没有动作目前被突显。

另请参阅 setActiveAction ().

QAction *QMenu:: addMenu ( QMenu * menu )

此方便函数添加 menu as a submenu to this menu. It returns menu 's menuAction (). This menu does not take ownership of menu .

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction () 和 QMenu::menuAction ().

QMenu *QMenu:: addMenu (const QString & title )

追加新的 QMenu with title to the menu. The menu takes ownership of the menu. Returns the new menu.

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction () 和 QMenu::menuAction ().

QMenu *QMenu:: addMenu (const QIcon & icon , const QString & title )

追加新的 QMenu with icon and title to the menu. The menu takes ownership of the menu. Returns the new menu.

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction () 和 QMenu::menuAction ().

QAction *QMenu:: addSection (const QString & text )

此方便函数创建新区间动作,即:动作具有 QAction::isSeparator () 返回 true,但还有 text hint, and adds the new action to this menu's list of actions. It returns the newly created action.

The rendering of the hint is style and platform dependent. Widget styles can use the text information in the rendering for sections, or can choose to ignore it and render sections like simple separators.

QMenu 拥有所有权对于返回的 QAction .

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction ().

QAction *QMenu:: addSection (const QIcon & icon , const QString & text )

此方便函数创建新区间动作,即:动作具有 QAction::isSeparator () 返回 true,但还有 text and icon hints, and adds the new action to this menu's list of actions. It returns the newly created action.

The rendering of the hints is style and platform dependent. Widget styles can use the text and icon information in the rendering for sections, or can choose to ignore them and render sections like simple separators.

QMenu 拥有所有权对于返回的 QAction .

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction ().

QAction *QMenu:: addSeparator ()

此方便函数创建新分隔符动作,即:动作具有 QAction::isSeparator () 返回 true,并将新动作添加到此菜单的动作列表。它返回新近创建动作。

QMenu 拥有所有权对于返回的 QAction .

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction ().

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: changeEvent ( QEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::changeEvent (QEvent *event).

void QMenu:: clear ()

Removes all the menu's actions. Actions owned by the menu and not shown in any other widget are deleted.

另请参阅 removeAction ().

[protected] int QMenu:: columnCount () const

If a menu does not fit on the screen it lays itself out so that it does fit. It is style dependent what layout means (for example, on Windows it will use multiple columns).

This functions returns the number of columns necessary.

QAction *QMenu:: defaultAction () const


另请参阅 setDefaultAction ().

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: enterEvent ( QEnterEvent *)

重实现: QWidget::enterEvent (QEnterEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] bool QMenu:: event ( QEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::event (QEvent *event).

QAction *QMenu:: exec ()


这相当于 exec(pos()) .

这返回被触发 QAction 在弹出菜单 (或其某一子菜单),或 nullptr 若没有项被触发 (通常因为用户按下 Esc 键)。



或对齐 Widget:


或反应 QMouseEvent *e:


QAction *QMenu:: exec (const QPoint & p , QAction * action = nullptr)



弹出菜单以便动作 action 将在指定 global 位置 p . To translate a widget's local coordinates into global coordinates, use QWidget::mapToGlobal ().

这返回被触发 QAction 在弹出菜单 (或其某一子菜单),或 nullptr 若没有项被触发 (通常因为用户按下 Esc 键)。

Note that all signals are emitted as usual. If you connect a QAction to a slot and call the menu's exec(), you get the result both via the signal-slot connection and in the return value of exec().

Common usage is to position the menu at the current mouse position:


或对齐 Widget:

exec(somewidget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)));

或反应 QMouseEvent *e:


When positioning a menu with exec() or popup (), bear in mind that you cannot rely on the menu's current size (). For performance reasons, the menu adapts its size only when necessary. So in many cases, the size before and after the show is different. Instead, use sizeHint () which calculates the proper size depending on the menu's current contents.

另请参阅 popup () 和 QWidget::mapToGlobal ().

[static] QAction *QMenu:: exec (const QList < QAction *> & actions , const QPoint & pos , QAction * at = nullptr, QWidget * parent = nullptr)



The menu's actions are specified by the list of actions . The menu will pop up so that the specified action, at ,出现在全局位置 pos 。若 at 未指定,则菜单出现在位置 pos . parent 是菜单的父级 Widget;指定父级将提供上下文当 pos 单凭这不足以决定菜单应该放在哪里 (如:具有多个桌面或父级被嵌入 QGraphicsView ).

函数返回被触发 QAction 在弹出菜单 (或其某一子菜单),或 nullptr 若没有项被触发 (通常因为用户按下 Esc 键)。


QMenu menu;
QAction *at = actions[0]; // Assumes actions is not empty
for (QAction *a : std::as_const(actions))
menu.exec(pos, at);

另请参阅 popup () 和 QWidget::mapToGlobal ().

[override virtual protected] bool QMenu:: focusNextPrevChild ( bool next )

重实现: QWidget::focusNextPrevChild (bool next).

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: hideEvent ( QHideEvent *)

重实现: QWidget::hideEvent (QHideEvent *event).

void QMenu:: hideTearOffMenu ()


另请参阅 showTearOffMenu (), isTearOffMenuVisible (),和 isTearOffEnabled ().

[signal] void QMenu:: hovered ( QAction * action )

此信号被发射当突显菜单动作时; action 是导致信号被发射的动作。


另请参阅 triggered () 和 QAction::hovered ().

[virtual protected] void QMenu:: initStyleOption ( QStyleOptionMenuItem * option , const QAction * action ) const

初始化 option with the values from this menu and information from action 。此方法对子类是有用的,当需要 QStyleOptionMenuItem ,但不希望自己填充所有信息。

另请参阅 QStyleOption::initFrom () 和 QMenuBar::initStyleOption ().

QAction *QMenu:: insertMenu ( QAction * before , QMenu * menu )

此方便函数插入 menu 先于动作 before 并返回菜单 menuAction ().

另请参阅 QWidget::insertAction () 和 addMenu ().

QAction *QMenu:: insertSection ( QAction * before , const QString & text )

此方便函数创建新标题动作,即:动作具有 QAction::isSeparator () 返回 true,但还有 text hint. The function inserts the newly created action into this menu's list of actions before action before and returns it.

The rendering of the hint is style and platform dependent. Widget styles can use the text information in the rendering for sections, or can choose to ignore it and render sections like simple separators.

QMenu 拥有所有权对于返回的 QAction .

另请参阅 QWidget::insertAction () 和 addSection ().

QAction *QMenu:: insertSection ( QAction * before , const QIcon & icon , const QString & text )

此方便函数创建新标题动作,即:动作具有 QAction::isSeparator () 返回 true,但还有 text and icon hints. The function inserts the newly created action into this menu's list of actions before action before and returns it.

The rendering of the hints is style and platform dependent. Widget styles can use the text and icon information in the rendering for sections, or can choose to ignore them and render sections like simple separators.

QMenu 拥有所有权对于返回的 QAction .

另请参阅 QWidget::insertAction () 和 addSection ().

QAction *QMenu:: insertSeparator ( QAction * before )

此方便函数创建新分隔符动作,即:动作具有 QAction::isSeparator () returning true. The function inserts the newly created action into this menu's list of actions before action before and returns it.

QMenu 拥有所有权对于返回的 QAction .

另请参阅 QWidget::insertAction () 和 addSeparator ().

bool QMenu:: isEmpty () const

返回 true if there are no visible actions inserted into the menu, false otherwise.

另请参阅 QWidget::actions ().

bool QMenu:: isTearOffMenuVisible () const

当菜单被撕离时,第 2 展示菜单会在新窗口中显示菜单内容。当菜单处于此模式下且菜单可见时,返回 true ;否则 false。

另请参阅 showTearOffMenu (), hideTearOffMenu (),和 isTearOffEnabled ().

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: leaveEvent ( QEvent *)

重实现: QWidget::leaveEvent (QEvent *event).


Returns the menu contained by action ,或 nullptr if action does not contain a menu.

In widget applications, actions that contain menus can be used to create menu items with submenus, or inserted into toolbars to create buttons with popup menus.

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event).

显示菜单以便动作 atAction 将在指定 global 位置 p . To translate a widget's local coordinates into global coordinates, use QWidget::mapToGlobal ().

When positioning a menu with exec () or popup(), bear in mind that you cannot rely on the menu's current size (). For performance reasons, the menu adapts its size only when necessary, so in many cases, the size before and after the show is different. Instead, use sizeHint () which calculates the proper size depending on the menu's current contents.

另请参阅 QWidget::mapToGlobal () 和 exec ().

void QMenu:: setActiveAction ( QAction * act )

把目前突显动作设为 act .

另请参阅 activeAction ().

void QMenu:: setAsDockMenu ()

Set this menu to be the dock menu available by option-clicking on the application dock icon. Available on macOS only.

void QMenu:: setDefaultAction ( QAction * act )

This sets the default action to act . The default action may have a visual cue, depending on the current QStyle . A default action usually indicates what will happen by default when a drop occurs.

另请参阅 defaultAction ().

void QMenu:: showTearOffMenu (const QPoint & pos )

此函数将强制展示撕离菜单,使之出现在用户桌面指定 global 位置 pos .

另请参阅 hideTearOffMenu (), isTearOffMenuVisible (),和 isTearOffEnabled ().

void QMenu:: showTearOffMenu ()



另请参阅 hideTearOffMenu (), isTearOffMenuVisible (),和 isTearOffEnabled ().

[override virtual] QSize QMenu:: sizeHint () const

重实现访问函数为特性: QWidget::sizeHint .

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * e )

重实现: QObject::timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event).

NSMenu *QMenu:: toNSMenu ()

返回此菜单的本机 NSMenu。只可用于 macOS。

注意: Qt sets the delegate on the native menu. If you need to set your own delegate, make sure you save the original one and forward any calls to it.

[signal] void QMenu:: triggered ( QAction * action )


action 是导致信号被发射的动作。

Normally, you connect each menu action's triggered () signal to its own custom slot, but sometimes you will want to connect several actions to a single slot, for example, when you have a group of closely related actions, such as "left justify", "center", "right justify".

注意: This signal is emitted for the main parent menu in a hierarchy. Hence, only the parent menu needs to be connected to a slot; sub-menus need not be connected.

另请参阅 hovered () 和 QAction::triggered ().

[override virtual protected] void QMenu:: wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event).