QAction 类

QAction 类提供可以被添加到不同用户界面组件的用户命令的抽象。 更多...

头: #include <QAction>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 6.0
继承: QObject
继承者: QWidgetAction


enum ActionEvent { Trigger, Hover }
enum MenuRole { NoRole, TextHeuristicRole, ApplicationSpecificRole, AboutQtRole, AboutRole, …, QuitRole }
enum Priority { LowPriority, NormalPriority, HighPriority }



QAction (QObject * parent = nullptr)
QAction (const QString & text , QObject * parent = nullptr)
QAction (const QIcon & icon , const QString & text , QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QAction ()
QActionGroup * actionGroup () const
void activate (QAction::ActionEvent event )
QList<QObject *> associatedObjects () const
bool autoRepeat () const
QVariant data () const
QFont font () const
QIcon icon () const
QString iconText () const
bool isCheckable () const
bool isChecked () const
bool isEnabled () const
bool isIconVisibleInMenu () const
bool isSeparator () const
bool isShortcutVisibleInContextMenu () const
bool isVisible () const
QMenu * menu () const
QAction::MenuRole menuRole () const
QAction::Priority priority () const
void setActionGroup (QActionGroup * group )
void setAutoRepeat (bool)
void setCheckable (bool)
void setData (const QVariant & data )
void setFont (const QFont & font )
void setIcon (const QIcon & icon )
void setIconText (const QString & text )
void setIconVisibleInMenu (bool visible )
void setMenu (QMenu * menu )
void setMenuRole (QAction::MenuRole menuRole )
void setPriority (QAction::Priority priority )
void setSeparator (bool b )
void setShortcut (const QKeySequence & shortcut )
void setShortcutContext (Qt::ShortcutContext context )
void setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu (bool show )
void setShortcuts (const QList<QKeySequence> & shortcuts )
void setShortcuts (QKeySequence::StandardKey key )
void setStatusTip (const QString & statusTip )
void setText (const QString & text )
void setToolTip (const QString & tip )
void setWhatsThis (const QString & what )
QKeySequence shortcut () const
Qt::ShortcutContext shortcutContext () const
QList<QKeySequence> shortcuts () const
bool showStatusText (QObject * object = nullptr)
QString statusTip () const
QString text () const
QString toolTip () const
QString whatsThis () const


void hover ()
void resetEnabled ()
void setChecked (bool)
void setDisabled (bool b )
void setEnabled (bool)
void setVisible (bool)
void toggle ()
void trigger ()


void changed ()
void checkableChanged (bool checkable )
void enabledChanged (bool enabled )
void hovered ()
void toggled (bool checked )
void triggered (bool checked = false)
void visibleChanged ()


virtual bool event (QEvent * e ) override


在应用程序中,许多常见命令可以凭借菜单、工具栏按钮及键盘快捷键援引。由于用户期望每个命令以相同方式履行,不管所用用户界面,它是有用的将每个命令表示成 action .

Actions can be added to user interface elements such as menus and toolbars, and will automatically keep the UI in sync. For example, in a word processor, if the user presses a Bold toolbar button, the Bold menu item will automatically be checked.

A QAction may contain an icon, descriptive text, icon text, a keyboard shortcut, status text, "What's This?" text, and a tooltip. All properties can be set independently with setIcon (), setText (), setIconText (), setShortcut (), setStatusTip (), setWhatsThis (),和 setToolTip (). Icon and text, as the two most important properties, can also be set in the constructor. It's possible to set an individual font with setFont (), which e.g. menus respect when displaying the action as a menu item.


在 Widget 应用程序中的 QAction

一旦 QAction 被创建,就应把它添加到相关菜单和工具栏,然后连接到将履行动作的槽。例如:

    const QIcon openIcon = QIcon::fromTheme("document-open", QIcon(":/images/open.png"));
    QAction *openAct = new QAction(openIcon, tr("&Open..."), this);
    openAct->setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing file"));
    connect(openAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::open);

动作被添加到 Widget 使用 QWidget::addAction () 或 QGraphicsWidget::addAction ()。注意,动作必须被添加到 Widget,在可以使用它之前。这也为 true 当快捷方式应该全局的 (即 Qt::ApplicationShortcut as Qt::ShortcutContext ).

动作可以被创建成独立对象。但也可以创建它们在菜单构造期间。 QMenu 类包含创建适于用作菜单项的动作的方便函数。

另请参阅 QMenu , QToolBar ,和 Qt Widgets - 应用程序范例 .


enum QAction:: ActionEvent

使用此枚举类型当调用 QAction::activate ()

常量 描述
QAction::Trigger 0 这将导致 QAction::triggered () 信号被发射。
QAction::Hover 1 这将导致 QAction::hovered () 信号被发射。

此枚举描述应该如何把动作移入 macOS 应用程序菜单。

常量 描述
QAction::NoRole 0 不应将此动作放入应用程序菜单
QAction::TextHeuristicRole 1 This action should be put in the application menu based on the action's text as described in the QMenuBar 文档编制。
QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole 2 应按应用程序特定角色,将此动作放入应用程序菜单
QAction::AboutQtRole 3 此动作处理 About Qt 菜单项。
QAction::AboutRole 4 This action should be placed where the "About" menu item is in the application menu. The text of the menu item will be set to "About <application name>". The application name is fetched from the Info.plist file in the application's bundle (See Qt for macOS - 部署 ).
QAction::PreferencesRole 5 This action should be placed where the "Preferences..." menu item is in the application menu.
QAction::QuitRole 6 This action should be placed where the Quit menu item is in the application menu.

Setting this value only has effect on items that are in the immediate menus of the menubar, not the submenus of those menus. For example, if you have File menu in your menubar and the File menu has a submenu, setting the MenuRole for the actions in that submenu have no effect. They will never be moved.

enum QAction:: Priority


常量 描述
QAction::LowPriority 0 动作不应该在用户界面中被优先。
QAction::NormalPriority 128
QAction::HighPriority 256 动作应该在用户界面中被优先。

另请参阅 priority .


autoRepeat : bool


若为 true,动作会自动重复当按下键盘快捷方式组合时,前提是系统启用了键盘自动重复。默认值为 true。


bool autoRepeat () const
void setAutoRepeat (bool)


void changed ()

checkable : bool


A checkable action is one which has an on/off state. For example, in a word processor, a Bold toolbar button may be either on or off. An action which is not a toggle action is a command action; a command action is simply executed, e.g. file save. By default, this property is false .

In some situations, the state of one toggle action should depend on the state of others. For example, "Left Align", "Center" and "Right Align" toggle actions are mutually exclusive. To achieve exclusive toggling, add the relevant toggle actions to a QActionGroup with the QActionGroup::exclusive property set to true.


bool isCheckable () const
void setCheckable (bool)


void checkableChanged (bool checkable )

另请参阅 setChecked ().

checked : bool


仅可复选动作可以被复选。默认情况下,这为 false (动作未被复选)。

注意: 此特性的通知信号为 toggled ()。作为触发 QAction 改变其状态,它还会发射 changed () 信号。


bool isChecked () const
void setChecked (bool)


void toggled (bool checked )

另请参阅 checkable and toggled ().

enabled : bool


Disabled actions cannot be chosen by the user. They do not disappear from menus or toolbars, but they are displayed in a way which indicates that they are unavailable. For example, they might be displayed using only shades of gray.

What's This? help on disabled actions is still available, provided that the QAction::whatsThis property is set.

An action will be disabled when all widgets to which it is added (with QWidget::addAction ()) are disabled or not visible. When an action is disabled, it is not possible to trigger it through its shortcut.

默认情况下,此特性为 true (动作被启用)。


bool isEnabled () const
void setEnabled (bool)
void resetEnabled ()


void enabledChanged (bool enabled )

另请参阅 text .

font : QFont


字体特性用于渲染文本设置在 QAction . The font can be considered a hint as it will not be consulted in all cases based upon application and style.



QFont font () const
void setFont (const QFont & font )


void changed ()

另请参阅 setText ().

icon : QIcon



若 null 图标 ( QIcon::isNull ()) 被传入此函数,动作图标被清零。


QIcon icon () const
void setIcon (const QIcon & icon )


void changed ()

iconText : QString


QToolBar::toolButtonStyle is set to a value that permits text to be displayed, the text defined held in this property appears as a label in the relevant tool button.

It also serves as the default text in menus and tooltips if the action has not been defined with setText () 或 setToolTip (), and will also be used in toolbar buttons if no icon has been defined using setIcon ().




QString iconText () const
void setIconText (const QString & text )


void changed ()

另请参阅 setToolTip () 和 setStatusTip ().

iconVisibleInMenu : bool


In some applications, it may make sense to have actions with icons in the toolbar, but not in menus. If true, the icon (if valid) is shown in the menu, when it is false, it is not shown.

The default is to follow whether the Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus attribute is set for the application. Explicitly settings this property overrides the presence (or absence) of the attribute.


QApplication app(argc, argv);
app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus);  // Icons are *no longer shown* in menus
// ...
QAction *myAction = new QAction();
// ...
myAction->setIconVisibleInMenu(true);   // Icon *will* be shown in menus for *this* action.


bool isIconVisibleInMenu () const
void setIconVisibleInMenu (bool visible )


void changed ()

另请参阅 icon and QCoreApplication::setAttribute ().


This indicates what role the action serves in the application menu on macOS. By default all actions have the TextHeuristicRole , which means that the action is added based on its text (see QMenuBar for more information).

The menu role can only be changed before the actions are put into the menu bar in macOS (usually just before the first application window is shown).


QAction::MenuRole menuRole () const
void setMenuRole (QAction::MenuRole menuRole )


void changed ()

priority : Priority



对于实例,当工具栏拥有 Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon 模式设置,那么动作具有 LowPriority 被不展示文本标签。


QAction::Priority priority () const
void setPriority (QAction::Priority priority )


void changed ()

shortcut : QKeySequence


可以找到此特性的有效键码在 Qt::Key and Qt::Modifier 。没有默认的快捷键。


QKeySequence shortcut () const
void setShortcut (const QKeySequence & shortcut )


void changed ()

shortcutContext : Qt::ShortcutContext


可以找到此特性的有效值在 Qt::ShortcutContext 。默认值为 Qt::WindowShortcut .


Qt::ShortcutContext shortcutContext () const
void setShortcutContext (Qt::ShortcutContext context )


void changed ()

shortcutVisibleInContextMenu : bool


In some applications, it may make sense to have actions with shortcuts in context menus. If true, the shortcut (if valid) is shown when the action is shown via a context menu, when it is false, it is not shown.

The default is to follow whether the Qt::AA_DontShowShortcutsInContextMenus attribute is set for the application. Explicitly setting this property overrides the attribute.


bool isShortcutVisibleInContextMenu () const
void setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu (bool show )


void changed ()

另请参阅 shortcut and QCoreApplication::setAttribute ().

statusTip : QString


状态提示显示在由动作的顶层父级 Widget 提供的所有状态栏上。



QString statusTip () const
void setStatusTip (const QString & statusTip )


void changed ()

另请参阅 setToolTip () 和 showStatusText ().

text : QString


If the action is added to a menu, the menu option will consist of the icon (if there is one), the text, and the shortcut (if there is one). If the text is not explicitly set in the constructor, or by using setText(), the action's description icon text will be used as text. There is no default text.

Certain UI elements, such as menus or buttons, can use '&' in front of a character to automatically create a mnemonic (a shortcut) for that character. For example, "&File" for a menu will create the shortcut Alt+F , which will open the File menu. "E&xit" will create the shortcut Alt+X for a button, or in a menu allow navigating to the menu item by pressing "x". (use '&&' to display an actual ampersand). The widget might consume and perform an action on a given shortcut.


QString text () const
void setText (const QString & text )


void changed ()

另请参阅 iconText .

toolTip : QString





QString toolTip () const
void setToolTip (const QString & tip )


void changed ()

另请参阅 setStatusTip () 和 setShortcut ().

visible : bool

此特性保持动作是否可见 (如在菜单和工具栏中)

visible is true the action can be seen (e.g. in menus and toolbars) and chosen by the user; if visible is false the action cannot be seen or chosen by the user.

Actions which are not visible are not grayed out; they do not appear at all.

默认情况下,此特性为 true (动作可见)。


bool isVisible () const
void setVisible (bool)


void visibleChanged ()

whatsThis : QString

此特性保持动作的 What's This? 帮助文本

The "What's This?" text is used to provide a brief description of the action. The text may contain rich text. There is no default "What's This?" text.


QString whatsThis () const
void setWhatsThis (const QString & what )


void changed ()

另请参阅 QWhatsThis .


[explicit] QAction:: QAction ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造动作采用 parent 。若 parent 是动作组,动作会被自动插入组中。

注意: The parent 自变量是可选的,从 Qt 5.7 起。

[explicit] QAction:: QAction (const QString & text , QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造动作采用一些 text and parent 。若 parent 是动作组,动作会被自动插入组中。

A stripped version of text (for example, "&Menu Option..." becomes "Menu Option") will be used for tooltips and icon text unless you specify a different text using setToolTip () 或 setIconText () 分别。

另请参阅 text .

[explicit] QAction:: QAction (const QIcon & icon , const QString & text , QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造动作采用 icon 和一些 text and parent 。若 parent 是动作组,动作会被自动插入组中。

A stripped version of text (for example, "&Menu Option..." becomes "Menu Option") will be used for tooltips and icon text unless you specify a different text using setToolTip () 或 setIconText () 分别。

另请参阅 text and icon .

[virtual] QAction:: ~QAction ()


QActionGroup *QAction:: actionGroup () const

Returns the action group for this action. If no action group manages this action, then nullptr 将被返回。

另请参阅 QActionGroup and setActionGroup ().

void QAction:: activate ( QAction::ActionEvent event )

发送相关信号为 ActionEvent event .

基于动作的 Widget 使用此 API 来导致 QAction 发射信号及发射它们自己。

[since 6.0] QList < QObject *> QAction:: associatedObjects () const


该函数在 Qt 6.0 引入。

另请参阅 QWidget::addAction () 和 QGraphicsWidget::addAction ().

[signal] void QAction:: changed ()

This signal is emitted when an action has changed. If you are only interested in actions in a given widget, you can watch for QWidget::actionEvent () sent with an QEvent::ActionChanged .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 autoRepeat 。通知程序信号对于特性 font 。通知程序信号对于特性 icon 。通知程序信号对于特性 iconText 。通知程序信号对于特性 iconVisibleInMenu 。通知程序信号对于特性 menuRole 。通知程序信号对于特性 priority 。通知程序信号对于特性 shortcut 。通知程序信号对于特性 shortcutContext 。通知程序信号对于特性 shortcutVisibleInContextMenu 。通知程序信号对于特性 statusTip 。通知程序信号对于特性 text 。通知程序信号对于特性 toolTip 。通知程序信号对于特性 whatsThis .

另请参阅 QWidget::actionEvent ().

QVariant QAction:: data () const

返回用户设置数据在 QAction::setData .

另请参阅 setData ().

[override virtual protected] bool QAction:: event ( QEvent * e )

重实现: QObject::event (QEvent *e).

[slot] void QAction:: hover ()

这是调用 activate(Hover) 的方便槽。

[signal] void QAction:: hovered ()


另请参阅 activate ().

bool QAction:: isSeparator () const

返回 true 若此动作是分隔符动作;否则它返回 false .

另请参阅 setSeparator ().

Returns the menu contained by this action.

In widget applications, actions that contain menus can be used to create menu items with submenus, or inserted into toolbars to create buttons with popup menus.

另请参阅 setMenu (), QMenu::addAction (),和 QMenu::menuInAction ().

void QAction:: setActionGroup ( QActionGroup * group )

把此动作组设为 group 。动作会被自动添加到组的动作列表。


另请参阅 QActionGroup and actionGroup ().

void QAction:: setData (const QVariant & data )

把动作的内部数据设为给定 data .

另请参阅 data ().

[slot] void QAction:: setDisabled ( bool b )

这是方便函数对于 enabled property, that is useful for signals–slots connections. If b is true the action is disabled; otherwise it is enabled.

void QAction:: setMenu ( QMenu * menu )

把由此动作包含的菜单设为指定 menu .

另请参阅 menu ().

void QAction:: setSeparator ( bool b )

b 为 true,则此动作将被认为是分隔符。

如何表示分隔符从属插入其的 Widget。在大多数情况下,文本、子菜单及图标会被分隔符动作忽略。

另请参阅 isSeparator ().

void QAction:: setShortcut (const QKeySequence & shortcut )

设置 shortcut 作为触发动作的唯一快捷方式。

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 shortcut .

另请参阅 shortcut and setShortcuts ().

void QAction:: setShortcuts (const QList < QKeySequence > & shortcuts )

设置 shortcuts 作为触发动作的快捷方式列表。列表的第一元素是首要快捷方式。

另请参阅 shortcuts (), shortcut ,和 setShortcut ().

void QAction:: setShortcuts ( QKeySequence::StandardKey key )

设置从属平台的快捷方式列表基于 key . The result of calling this function will depend on the currently running platform. Note that more than one shortcut can assigned by this action. If only the primary shortcut is required, use setShortcut 代替。

另请参阅 QKeySequence::keyBindings ().

QKeySequence QAction:: shortcut () const


注意: Getter 函数对于特性 shortcut。

另请参阅 setShortcuts ().

QList < QKeySequence > QAction:: shortcuts () const


另请参阅 setShortcuts ().

bool QAction:: showStatusText ( QObject * object = nullptr)

Updates the relevant status bar for the UI represented by object by sending a QStatusTipEvent 。返回 true if an event was sent, otherwise returns false .

若指定 null 小部件,则事件被发送给动作的父级。

另请参阅 statusTip .

[slot] void QAction:: toggle ()

这是方便函数对于 checked 特性。连接到它以将复选状态更改为其的相反状态。

[signal] void QAction:: toggled ( bool checked )

此信号被发射每当可复选动作改变其 isChecked () 状态。这可能是用户交互结果,或因为 setChecked () 被调用。因为 setChecked () 改变 QAction ,它发射 changed () 除 toggled() 外。

checked 为 true 若动作被复选,或 false 若动作被取消复选。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 checked .

另请参阅 activate (), triggered (),和 checked .

[slot] void QAction:: trigger ()

这是调用 activate(Trigger) 的方便槽。

[signal] void QAction:: triggered ( bool checked = false)

此信号被发射当动作被激活由用户;例如:当用户点击菜单选项、工具栏按钮或按下动作的快捷键组合时,或当 trigger () 被调用。显而易见,它是 not 被发射当 setChecked () 或 toggle () 被调用。

若动作是可复选的, checked 为 true 若动作被复选,或 false 若动作被取消复选。

另请参阅 activate (), toggled (),和 checked .