Pane QML Type

Provides a background matching with the application style and theme. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
Since: Qt 5.7
继承: Control
继承者: Frame , Page , ScrollView ,和 ToolBar



Pane provides a background color that matches with the application style and theme. Pane does not provide a layout of its own, but requires you to position its contents, for instance by creating a RowLayout ColumnLayout .

Items declared as children of a Pane are automatically parented to the Pane's contentItem . Items created dynamically need to be explicitly parented to the contentItem .

Content Sizing

If only a single item is used within a Pane, it will resize to fit the implicit size of its contained item. This makes it particularly suitable for use together with layouts.

Pane {
    ColumnLayout {
        anchors.fill: parent
        CheckBox { text: qsTr("E-mail") }
        CheckBox { text: qsTr("Calendar") }
        CheckBox { text: qsTr("Contacts") }

Sometimes there might be two items within the pane:

Pane {
    SwipeView {
        // ...
    PageIndicator {
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

In this case, Pane cannot calculate a sensible implicit size. Since we're anchoring the PageIndicator over the SwipeView , we can simply set the content size to the view's implicit size:

Pane {
    contentWidth: view.implicitWidth
    contentHeight: view.implicitHeight
    SwipeView {
        id: view
        // ...
    PageIndicator {
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

contentItem has no implicit size and only one child, Pane will use the implicit size of that child. For example, in the following code, the Pane assumes the size of the Rectangle:

Pane {
    Item {
        Rectangle {
            implicitWidth: 200
            implicitHeight: 200
            color: "salmon"

另请参阅 Customizing Pane , 容器控件 , Focus Management in Qt Quick Controls ,和 事件处理 .


contentChildren : list < Item >

This property holds the list of content children.

The list contains all items that have been declared in QML as children of the pane.

注意: 不像 contentData , contentChildren does not include non-visual QML objects.

另请参阅 Item::children and contentData .

[default] contentData : list < Object >

This property holds the list of content data.

The list contains all objects that have been declared in QML as children of the pane.

注意: 不像 contentChildren , contentData does include non-visual QML objects.

另请参阅 Item::data and contentChildren .

contentHeight : real

This property holds the content height. It is used for calculating the total implicit height of the pane.

更多信息,见 Content Sizing .

另请参阅 contentWidth .

contentWidth : real

This property holds the content width. It is used for calculating the total implicit width of the pane.

更多信息,见 Content Sizing .

另请参阅 contentHeight .