Focus Management in Qt Quick Controls

Qt Quick Controls follows the standard Qt Quick focus system , while also providing some added convenience. For example, the focusPolicy property can be used to control the ways in which a control receives focus.

Focus Scope Controls

Qt Quick Controls offers a selection of controls that act as focus scopes :

ApplicationWindow Styled top-level window with support for a header and footer
ComboBox Combined button and popup list for selecting options
MenuBar Provides a window menu bar
Page Styled page control with support for a header and footer
Pane Provides a background matching with the application style and theme
Popup Base type of popup-like user interface controls
RangeSlider Used to select a range of values by sliding two handles along a track
ScrollView 可卷动视图
SpinBox Allows the user to select from a set of preset values
SplitView Lays out items with a draggable splitter between each item
StackView Provides a stack-based navigation model
SwipeView Enables the user to navigate pages by swiping sideways
TabBar Allows the user to switch between different views or subtasks

另请参阅 Qt Quick 中的键盘聚焦 .