Page QML Type

Styled page control with support for a header and footer. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
Since: Qt 5.7
继承: Pane



Page is a container control which makes it convenient to add a header and footer item to a page.

Items declared as children of a Page are:

  • automatically parented to the Page's contentItem. Items created dynamically need to be explicitly parented to the contentItem.
  • not automatically positioned or resized.

The following example snippet illustrates how to use a page-specific toolbar header and an application-wide tabbar footer.

import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    StackView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        initialItem: Page {
            header: ToolBar {
                // ...
            ColumnLayout {
                anchors.fill: parent
                // ...
    footer: TabBar {
        // ...

另请参阅 ApplicationWindow , 容器控件 ,和 Focus Management in Qt Quick Controls .


This property holds the page footer item. The footer item is positioned to the bottom, and resized to the width of the page. The default value is null .

注意: Assigning a ToolBar , TabBar ,或 DialogButtonBox as a page footer automatically sets the respective ToolBar::position , TabBar::position ,或 DialogButtonBox::position 特性到 Footer .

另请参阅 header and ApplicationWindow::footer .

header : Item

This property holds the page header item. The header item is positioned to the top, and resized to the width of the page. The default value is null .

注意: Assigning a ToolBar , TabBar ,或 DialogButtonBox as a page header automatically sets the respective ToolBar::position , TabBar::position ,或 DialogButtonBox::position 特性到 Header .

另请参阅 footer and ApplicationWindow::header .

[read-only, since QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12)] implicitFooterHeight : real

This property holds the implicit footer height.

值等于 footer && footer.visible ? footer.implicitHeight : 0 .

该特性在 QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12) 引入。

另请参阅 implicitFooterWidth and implicitHeaderHeight .

[read-only, since QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12)] implicitFooterWidth : real

This property holds the implicit footer width.

值等于 footer && footer.visible ? footer.implicitWidth : 0 .

该特性在 QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12) 引入。

另请参阅 implicitFooterHeight and implicitHeaderWidth .

[read-only, since QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12)] implicitHeaderHeight : real

This property holds the implicit header height.

值等于 header && header.visible ? header.implicitHeight : 0 .

该特性在 QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12) 引入。

另请参阅 implicitHeaderWidth and implicitFooterHeight .

[read-only, since QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12)] implicitHeaderWidth : real

This property holds the implicit header width.

值等于 header && header.visible ? header.implicitWidth : 0 .

该特性在 QtQuick.Controls 2.5 (Qt 5.12) 引入。

另请参阅 implicitHeaderHeight and implicitFooterWidth .

title : string

This property holds the page title.

The title is often displayed at the top of a page to give the user context about the page they are viewing.

Page does not render the title itself, but instead relies on the application to do so. For example:

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 400
    height: 400
    header: Label {
        text: view.currentItem.title
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    SwipeView {
        id: view
        anchors.fill: parent
        Page {
            title: qsTr("Home")
        Page {
            title: qsTr("Discover")
        Page {
            title: qsTr("Activity")