QRhiTexture Class

Texture resource. 更多...

头: #include <QRhiTexture>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
Since: Qt 6.6
继承: QRhiResource


struct NativeTexture
enum Flag { RenderTarget, CubeMap, MipMapped, sRGB, UsedAsTransferSource, …, OneDimensional }
flags Flags
enum Format { UnknownFormat, RGBA8, BGRA8, R8, RG8, …, ASTC_12x12 }


int arrayRangeLength () const
int arrayRangeStart () const
int arraySize () const
virtual bool create () = 0
virtual bool createFrom (QRhiTexture::NativeTexture src )
int depth () const
QRhiTexture::Flags flags () const
QRhiTexture::Format format () const
virtual QRhiTexture::NativeTexture nativeTexture ()
QSize pixelSize () const
int sampleCount () const
void setArrayRange (int startIndex , int count )
void setArraySize (int arraySize )
void setDepth (int depth )
void setFlags (QRhiTexture::Flags f )
void setFormat (QRhiTexture::Format fmt )
virtual void setNativeLayout (int layout )
void setPixelSize (const QSize & sz )
void setSampleCount (int s )


virtual QRhiResource::Type resourceType () const override


A QRhiTexture encapsulates a native texture object, such as a VkImage or MTLTexture .

A QRhiTexture instance is always created by calling the QRhi's newTexture() function . This creates no native graphics resources. To do that, call create () after setting the appropriate options, such as the format and size, although in most cases these are already set based on the arguments passed to newTexture ().

设置 flags correctly is essential, otherwise various errors can occur depending on the underlying QRhi backend and graphics API. For example, when a texture will be rendered into from a render pass via QRhiTextureRenderTarget , the texture must be created with the RenderTarget flag set. Similarly, when the texture is going to be read back UsedAsTransferSource flag must be set upfront. Mipmapped textures must have the MipMapped flag set. And so on. It is not possible to change the flags once create () has succeeded. To release the existing and create a new native texture object with the changed settings, call the setters and call create () again. This then might be a potentially expensive operation.


To create a 2D texture with a size of 512x512 pixels and set its contents to all green:

QRhiTexture *texture = rhi->newTexture(QRhiTexture::RGBA8, QSize(512, 512));
if (!texture->create()) { error(); }
QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *batch = rhi->nextResourceUpdateBatch();
QImage image(512, 512, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
batch->uploadTexture(texture, image);
// ...
commandBuffer->resourceUpdate(batch); // or, alternatively, pass 'batch' to a beginPass() call

Common patterns

A call to create () destroys any existing native resources if create () was successfully called before. If those native resources are still in use by an in-flight frame (i.e., there's a chance they are still read by the GPU), the destroying of those resources is deferred automatically. Thus a very common and convenient pattern to safely change the size of an already existing texture is the following. In practice this drops and creates a whole new native texture resource underneath, so it is not necessarily a cheap operation, but is more convenient and still faster than the alternatives, because by not destroying the texture object itself, all references to it stay valid in other data structures (e.g., in any QShaderResourceBinding the QRhiTexture is referenced from).

// determine newSize, e.g. based on the swapchain's output size or other factors
if (texture->pixelSize() != newSize) {
    if (!texture->create()) { error(); }
// continue using texture, fill it with new data

注意: This is a RHI API with limited compatibility guarantees, see QRhi 了解细节。

另请参阅 QRhiResourceUpdateBatch , QRhi ,和 QRhiTextureRenderTarget .


enum QRhiTexture:: Flag
flags QRhiTexture:: Flags

Flag values to specify how the texture is going to be used. Not honoring the flags set before create () and attempting to use the texture in ways that was not declared upfront can lead to unspecified behavior or decreased performance depending on the backend and the underlying graphics API.

常量 描述
QRhiTexture::RenderTarget 1 << 0 The texture going to be used in combination with QRhiTextureRenderTarget .
QRhiTexture::CubeMap 1 << 2 The texture is a cubemap. Such textures have 6 layers, one for each face in the order of +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z. Cubemap textures cannot be multisample.
QRhiTexture::MipMapped 1 << 3 The texture has mipmaps. The appropriate mip count is calculated automatically and can also be retrieved via QRhi::mipLevelsForSize (). The images for the mip levels have to be provided in the texture uploaded or generated via QRhiResourceUpdateBatch::generateMips (). Multisample textures cannot have mipmaps.
QRhiTexture::sRGB 1 << 4 Use an sRGB format.
QRhiTexture::UsedAsTransferSource 1 << 5 The texture is used as the source of a texture copy or readback, meaning the texture is given as the source in QRhiResourceUpdateBatch::copyTexture () 或 QRhiResourceUpdateBatch::readBackTexture ().
QRhiTexture::UsedWithGenerateMips 1 << 6 The texture is going to be used with QRhiResourceUpdateBatch::generateMips ().
QRhiTexture::UsedWithLoadStore 1 << 7 The texture is going to be used with image load/store operations, for example, in a compute shader.
QRhiTexture::UsedAsCompressedAtlas 1 << 8 The texture has a compressed format and the dimensions of subresource uploads may not match the texture size.
QRhiTexture::ExternalOES 1 << 9 The texture should use the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES target with OpenGL. This flag is ignored with other graphics APIs.
QRhiTexture::ThreeDimensional 1 << 10 The texture is a 3D texture. Such textures should be created with the QRhi::newTexture () overload taking a depth in addition to width and height. A 3D texture can have mipmaps but cannot be multisample. When rendering into, or uploading data to a 3D texture, the layer specified in the render target's color attachment or the upload description refers to a single slice in range [0..depth-1]. The underlying graphics API may not support 3D textures at run time. Support is indicated by the QRhi::ThreeDimensionalTextures feature.
QRhiTexture::TextureRectangleGL 1 << 11 The texture should use the GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE target with OpenGL. This flag is ignored with other graphics APIs. Just like ExternalOES, this flag is useful when working with platform APIs where native OpenGL texture objects received from the platform are wrapped in a QRhiTexture , and the platform can only provide textures for a non-2D texture target.
QRhiTexture::TextureArray 1 << 12 The texture is a texture array, i.e. a single texture object that is a homogeneous array of 2D textures. Texture arrays are created with QRhi::newTextureArray (). The underlying graphics API may not support texture array objects at run time. Support is indicated by the QRhi::TextureArrays feature. When rendering into, or uploading data to a texture array, the layer specified in the render target's color attachment or the upload description selects a single element in the array.
QRhiTexture::OneDimensional 1 << 13 The texture is a 1D texture. Such textures can be created by passing a 0 height and depth to QRhi::newTexture (). Note that there can be limitations on one dimensional textures depending on the underlying graphics API. For example, rendering to them or using them with mipmap-based filtering may be unsupported. This is indicated by the QRhi::OneDimensionalTextures and QRhi::OneDimensionalTextureMipmaps feature flags.

Flags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <Flag>。它存储 Flag 值的 OR 组合。

enum QRhiTexture:: Format

Specifies the texture format. See also QRhi::isTextureFormatSupported () and note that flags () can modify the format when QRhiTexture::sRGB 有设置。

常量 描述
QRhiTexture::UnknownFormat 0 Not a valid format. This cannot be passed to setFormat ().
QRhiTexture::RGBA8 1 Four component, unsigned normalized 8 bit per component. Always supported.
QRhiTexture::BGRA8 2 Four component, unsigned normalized 8 bit per component.
QRhiTexture::R8 3 One component, unsigned normalized 8 bit.
QRhiTexture::RG8 4 Two components, unsigned normalized 8 bit.
QRhiTexture::R16 5 One component, unsigned normalized 16 bit.
QRhiTexture::RG16 6 Two component, unsigned normalized 16 bit.
QRhiTexture::RED_OR_ALPHA8 7 Either same as R8, or is a similar format with the component swizzled to alpha, depending on RedOrAlpha8IsRed .
QRhiTexture::RGBA16F 8 Four components, 16-bit float per component.
QRhiTexture::RGBA32F 9 Four components, 32-bit float per component.
QRhiTexture::R16F 10 One component, 16-bit float.
QRhiTexture::R32F 11 One component, 32-bit float.
QRhiTexture::RGB10A2 12 Four components, unsigned normalized 10 bit R, G, and B, 2-bit alpha. This is a packed format so native endianness applies. Note that there is no BGR10A2. This is because RGB10A2 maps to DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM with D3D, MTLPixelFormatRGB10A2Unorm with Metal, VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32 with Vulkan, and GL_RGB10_A2/GL_RGB/GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV on OpenGL (ES). This is the only universally supported RGB30 option. The corresponding QImage formats are QImage::Format_BGR30 and QImage::Format_A2BGR30_Premultiplied .
QRhiTexture::D16 13 16-bit depth (normalized unsigned integer)
QRhiTexture::D24 14 24-bit depth (normalized unsigned integer)
QRhiTexture::D24S8 15 24-bit depth (normalized unsigned integer), 8 bit stencil
QRhiTexture::D32F 16 32-bit depth (32-bit float)
QRhiTexture::BC1 17
QRhiTexture::BC2 18
QRhiTexture::BC3 19
QRhiTexture::BC4 20
QRhiTexture::BC5 21
QRhiTexture::BC6H 22
QRhiTexture::BC7 23
QRhiTexture::ETC2_RGB8 24
QRhiTexture::ETC2_RGB8A1 25
QRhiTexture::ETC2_RGBA8 26
QRhiTexture::ASTC_4x4 27
QRhiTexture::ASTC_5x4 28
QRhiTexture::ASTC_5x5 29
QRhiTexture::ASTC_6x5 30
QRhiTexture::ASTC_6x6 31
QRhiTexture::ASTC_8x5 32
QRhiTexture::ASTC_8x6 33
QRhiTexture::ASTC_8x8 34
QRhiTexture::ASTC_10x5 35
QRhiTexture::ASTC_10x6 36
QRhiTexture::ASTC_10x8 37
QRhiTexture::ASTC_10x10 38
QRhiTexture::ASTC_12x10 39
QRhiTexture::ASTC_12x12 40


int QRhiTexture:: arrayRangeLength () const

Returns the exposed array range size when setArrayRange () 被调用。

另请参阅 setArrayRange ().

int QRhiTexture:: arrayRangeStart () const

Returns the first array layer when setArrayRange () 被调用。

另请参阅 setArrayRange ().

int QRhiTexture:: arraySize () const

Returns the texture array size.

另请参阅 setArraySize ().

[pure virtual] bool QRhiTexture:: create ()

Creates the corresponding native graphics resources. If there are already resources present due to an earlier create() with no corresponding destroy (),然后 destroy () is called implicitly first.

返回 true when successful, false when a graphics operation failed. Regardless of the return value, calling destroy () is always safe.

[virtual] bool QRhiTexture:: createFrom ( QRhiTexture::NativeTexture src )

类似 create (), except that no new native textures are created. Instead, the native texture resources specified by src 被使用。

This allows importing an existing native texture object (which must belong to the same device or sharing context, depending on the graphics API) from an external graphics engine.

Returns true if the specified existing native texture object has been successfully wrapped as a non-owning QRhiTexture .

注意: format (), pixelSize (), sampleCount (),和 flags () must still be set correctly. Passing incorrect sizes and other values to QRhi::newTexture () and then following it with a createFrom() expecting that the native texture object alone is sufficient to deduce such values is wrong and will lead to problems.

注意: QRhiTexture does not take ownership of the texture object. destroy () does not free the object or any associated memory.

The opposite of this operation, exposing a QRhiTexture -created native texture object to a foreign engine, is possible via nativeTexture ().

注意: When importing a 3D texture, or a texture array object, or, with OpenGL ES, an external texture, it is then especially important to set the corresponding flags ( ThreeDimensional , TextureArray , ExternalOES ) via setFlags () before calling this function.

int QRhiTexture:: depth () const

Returns the depth for 3D textures.

另请参阅 setDepth ().

QRhiTexture::Flags QRhiTexture:: flags () const

Returns the texture flags.

另请参阅 setFlags ().

QRhiTexture::Format QRhiTexture:: format () const

Returns the texture format.

另请参阅 setFormat ().

[virtual] QRhiTexture::NativeTexture QRhiTexture:: nativeTexture ()

Returns the underlying native resources for this texture. The returned value will be empty if exposing the underlying native resources is not supported by the backend.

另请参阅 createFrom ().

QSize QRhiTexture:: pixelSize () const

Returns the size in pixels.

另请参阅 setPixelSize ().

[override virtual] QRhiResource::Type QRhiTexture:: resourceType () const

重实现: QRhiResource::resourceType() const .

Returns the resource type.

int QRhiTexture:: sampleCount () const

Returns the sample count. 1 means no multisample antialiasing.

另请参阅 setSampleCount ().

void QRhiTexture:: setArrayRange ( int startIndex , int count )

Normally all array layers are exposed and it is up to the shader to select the layer via the third coordinate passed to the texture() GLSL function when sampling the sampler2DArray 。当 QRhi::TextureArrayRange is reported as supported, calling setArrayRange() before create () 或 createFrom () requests selecting only the specified range, count elements starting from startIndex . The shader logic can then be written with this in mind.

另请参阅 QRhi::TextureArrayRange .

void QRhiTexture:: setArraySize ( int arraySize )

Sets the texture arraySize .

另请参阅 arraySize ().

void QRhiTexture:: setDepth ( int depth )

设置 depth for a 3D texture.

另请参阅 depth ().

void QRhiTexture:: setFlags ( QRhiTexture::Flags f )

Sets the texture flags to f .

另请参阅 flags ().

void QRhiTexture:: setFormat ( QRhiTexture::Format fmt )

Sets the requested texture format to fmt .

注意: The value set is only taken into account upon the next call to create (), i.e. when the underlying graphics resource are (re)created. Setting a new value is futile otherwise and must be avoided since it can lead to inconsistent state.

另请参阅 format ().

[virtual] void QRhiTexture:: setNativeLayout ( int layout )

With some graphics APIs, such as Vulkan, integrating custom rendering code that uses the graphics API directly needs special care when it comes to image layouts. This function allows communicating the expected layout the image backing the QRhiTexture is in after the native rendering commands.

For example, consider rendering into a QRhiTexture 's VkImage directly with Vulkan in a code block enclosed by QRhiCommandBuffer::beginExternal () 和 QRhiCommandBuffer::endExternal (), followed by using the image for texture sampling in a QRhi -based render pass. To avoid potentially incorrect image layout transitions, this function can be used to indicate what the image layout will be once the commands recorded in said code block complete.

Calling this function makes sense only after QRhiCommandBuffer::endExternal () and before a subsequent QRhiCommandBuffer::beginPass ().

This function has no effect with QRhi backends where the underlying graphics API does not expose a concept of image layouts.

注意: With Vulkan layout VkImageLayout . With Direct 3D 12 layout is a value composed of the bits from D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES .

void QRhiTexture:: setPixelSize (const QSize & sz )

Sets the texture size, specified in pixels, to sz .

注意: The value set is only taken into account upon the next call to create (), i.e. when the underlying graphics resource are (re)created. Setting a new value is futile otherwise and must be avoided since it can lead to inconsistent state. The same applies to all other setters as well.

另请参阅 pixelSize ().

void QRhiTexture:: setSampleCount ( int s )

Sets the sample count to s .

另请参阅 sampleCount ().