NativeTexture Struct

struct QRhiTexture ::NativeTexture

Contains information about the underlying native resources of a texture. 更多...


int layout
quint64 object



int NativeTexture:: layout

Specifies the current image layout for APIs like Vulkan.

For Vulkan, layout 包含 VkImageLayout 值。

quint64 NativeTexture:: object

64-bit integer containing the native object handle.

With OpenGL, the native handle is a GLuint value, so object can then be cast to a GLuint. With Vulkan, the native handle is a VkImage, so object can be cast to a VkImage. With Direct3D 11 and Metal object contains a ID3D11Texture2D or MTLTexture pointer, respectively. With Direct3D 12 object contains a ID3D12Resource pointer.