QGenericMatrix 类

template <int N, int M, typename T> class QGenericMatrix

QGenericMatrix 类是表示具有 N 列和 M 行的 NxM 变换矩阵的模板类。 更多...

头: #include <QGenericMatrix>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui


QGenericMatrix ()
QGenericMatrix (const T * values )
const T * constData () const
void copyDataTo (T * values ) const
T * data ()
const T * data () const
void fill (T value )
bool isIdentity () const
void setToIdentity ()
QGenericMatrix<M, N, T> transposed () const
bool operator!= (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & other = N) const
const T & operator() (int row , int column ) const
T & operator() (int row , int column )
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & operator*= (T factor )
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & operator+= (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & other = N)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & operator-= (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & other = N)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & operator/= (T divisor )
bool operator== (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & other = N) const
QGenericMatrix<M1, M2, TT> operator* (const QGenericMatrix<NN, M2, TT> & m1 = NN, const QGenericMatrix<M1, NN, TT> & m2 = M1)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> operator* (T factor , const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & matrix = N)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> operator* (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & matrix = N, T factor )
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> operator+ (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & m1 = N, const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & m2 = N)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> operator- (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & m1 = N, const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & m2 = N)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> operator- (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & matrix = N)
QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> operator/ (const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & matrix = N, T divisor )
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & stream , const QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & matrix = N)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & stream , QGenericMatrix<N, M, T> & matrix = N)


QGenericMatrix 模板拥有 3 个参数:

N 列数。
M 行数。
T 类用户可见的元素类型。

另请参阅 QMatrix4x4 .


QGenericMatrix:: QGenericMatrix ()

构造 NxM 恒等矩阵。

[explicit] QGenericMatrix:: QGenericMatrix (const T * values )

Constructs a matrix from the given N * M floating-point values . The contents of the array values is assumed to be in row-major order.

另请参阅 copyDataTo ().

const T *QGenericMatrix:: constData () const

Returns a constant pointer to the raw data of this matrix.

另请参阅 data ().

void QGenericMatrix:: copyDataTo ( T * values ) const

Retrieves the N * M items in this matrix and copies them to values in row-major order.

T *QGenericMatrix:: data ()

Returns a pointer to the raw data of this matrix.

另请参阅 constData ().

const T *QGenericMatrix:: data () const

Returns a constant pointer to the raw data of this matrix.

另请参阅 constData ().

void QGenericMatrix:: fill ( T value )

Fills all elements of this matrix with value .

bool QGenericMatrix:: isIdentity () const

返回 true if this matrix is the identity; false otherwise.

另请参阅 setToIdentity ().

void QGenericMatrix:: setToIdentity ()


另请参阅 isIdentity ().

QGenericMatrix < M , N , T > QGenericMatrix:: transposed () const

Returns this matrix, transposed about its diagonal.

bool QGenericMatrix:: operator!= (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & other = N) const

返回 true if this matrix is not identical to other ; false otherwise.

const T &QGenericMatrix:: operator() ( int row , int column ) const

Returns a constant reference to the element at position ( row , column ) in this matrix.

T &QGenericMatrix:: operator() ( int row , int column )

Returns a reference to the element at position ( row , column ) in this matrix so that the element can be assigned to.

QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > &QGenericMatrix:: operator*= ( T factor )

Multiplies all elements of this matrix by factor .

QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > &QGenericMatrix:: operator+= (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & other = N)

Adds the contents of other to this matrix.

QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > &QGenericMatrix:: operator-= (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & other = N)

Subtracts the contents of other from this matrix.

QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > &QGenericMatrix:: operator/= ( T divisor )

Divides all elements of this matrix by divisor .

bool QGenericMatrix:: operator== (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & other = N) const

返回 true if this matrix is identical to other ; false otherwise.



The QMatrix2x2 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 2 columns, 2 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix2x3 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 2 columns, 3 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix2x4 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 2 columns, 4 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix3x2 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 3 columns, 2 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix3x3 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 3 columns, 3 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix3x4 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 3 columns, 4 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix4x2 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 4 columns, 2 rows, and float as the element type.


The QMatrix4x3 type defines a convenient instantiation of the QGenericMatrix template for 4 columns, 3 rows, and float as the element type.

template <int NN, int M1, int M2, typename TT> QGenericMatrix < M1 , M2 , TT > operator* (const QGenericMatrix < NN , M2 , TT > & m1 = NN, const QGenericMatrix < M1 , NN , TT > & m2 = M1)

Returns the product of the NNxM2 matrix m1 and the M1xNN matrix m2 to produce a M1xM2 matrix result.

template <int N, int M, typename T> QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > operator* ( T factor , const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & matrix = N)

Returns the result of multiplying all elements of matrix by factor .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > operator* (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & matrix = N, T factor )

Returns the result of multiplying all elements of matrix by factor .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > operator+ (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & m1 = N, const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & m2 = N)

Returns the sum of m1 and m2 .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > operator- (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & m1 = N, const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & m2 = N)

Returns the difference of m1 and m2 .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > operator- (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & matrix = N)


Returns the negation of matrix .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > operator/ (const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & matrix = N, T divisor )

Returns the result of dividing all elements of matrix by divisor .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream , const QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & matrix = N)

写入给定 matrix 到给定 stream 并返回流引用。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .

template <int N, int M, typename T> QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream , QGenericMatrix < N , M , T > & matrix = N)

Reads a NxM matrix from the given stream 进给定 matrix 并返回流引用。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .