QWaylandXdgToplevel Class

The QWaylandXdgToplevel class represents the toplevel window specific parts of an xdg surface. 更多...

头: #include <QWaylandXdgToplevel>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS WaylandCompositor)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::WaylandCompositor)
qmake: QT += waylandcompositor
实例化: XdgToplevel
继承: QObject


enum DecorationMode { ServerSideDecoration, ClientSideDecoration }



QWaylandXdgToplevel (QWaylandXdgSurface * xdgSurface , QWaylandResource & resource )
bool activated () const
QString appId () const
QWaylandXdgToplevel::DecorationMode decorationMode () const
bool fullscreen () const
QSize maxSize () const
bool maximized () const
QSize minSize () const
QWaylandXdgToplevel * parentToplevel () const
bool resizing () const
void sendClose ()
uint sendConfigure (const QSize & size , const QList<QWaylandXdgToplevel::State> & states )
uint sendFullscreen (const QSize & size )
uint sendMaximized (const QSize & size )
uint sendResizing (const QSize & maxSize )
uint sendUnmaximized (const QSize & size = QSize(0, 0))
QSize sizeForResize (const QSizeF & size , const QPointF & delta , Qt::Edges edges ) const
QString title () const
QWaylandXdgSurface * xdgSurface () const


void activatedChanged ()
void appIdChanged ()
void decorationModeChanged ()
void fullscreenChanged ()
void maxSizeChanged ()
void maximizedChanged ()
void minSizeChanged ()
void parentToplevelChanged ()
void resizingChanged ()
void statesChanged ()
void titleChanged ()


QWaylandXdgToplevel * fromResource (::wl_resource * resource )
QWaylandSurfaceRole * role ()


此类属于 QWaylandXdgShell extension and provides a way to extend the functionality of an QWaylandXdgSurface with features specific to desktop-style windows.

It corresponds to the Wayland interface xdg_toplevel .


enum QWaylandXdgToplevel:: DecorationMode

This enum type is used to specify the window decoration mode for toplevel windows.

常量 描述
QWaylandXdgToplevel::ServerSideDecoration 2 The compositor should draw window decorations.
QWaylandXdgToplevel::ClientSideDecoration 1 The client should draw window decorations.


[read-only] activated : const bool

This property holds whether toplevel is drawing itself as having input focus.


bool activated () const


void activatedChanged ()

[read-only] appId : const QString

This property holds the app id of the QWaylandXdgToplevel .


QString appId () const


void appIdChanged ()

[read-only] decorationMode : const DecorationMode

This property holds the current window decoration mode for this toplevel.


QWaylandXdgToplevel::DecorationMode decorationMode () const


void decorationModeChanged ()

另请参阅 QWaylandXdgDecorationManagerV1 .

[read-only] fullscreen : const bool

This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it should be fullscreen.


bool fullscreen () const


void fullscreenChanged ()

[read-only] maxSize : const QSize

This property holds the maximum size of the QWaylandXdgToplevel .

The compositor is free to ignore this value and request a larger size.


QSize maxSize () const


void maxSizeChanged ()

[read-only] maximized : const bool

This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it should be maximized.


bool maximized () const


void maximizedChanged ()

[read-only] minSize : const QSize

This property holds the minimum size of the QWaylandXdgToplevel .

The compositor is free to ignore this value and request a smaller size.


QSize minSize () const


void minSizeChanged ()

[read-only] parentToplevel : QWaylandXdgToplevel * const

此特性保持 XdgToplevel parent of this XdgToplevel .


QWaylandXdgToplevel * parentToplevel () const


void parentToplevelChanged ()

[read-only] resizing : const bool

This property holds whether the client has acknowledged that it is being resized.


bool resizing () const


void resizingChanged ()

[read-only] states : const QList < int >

This property holds the last states the client acknowledged for this QWaylandToplevel.


void statesChanged ()

[read-only] title : const QString

This property holds the title of the QWaylandXdgToplevel .


QString title () const


void titleChanged ()

[read-only] xdgSurface : QWaylandXdgSurface * const

此特性保持 QWaylandXdgSurface for this QWaylandXdgToplevel .


QWaylandXdgSurface * xdgSurface () const


[explicit] QWaylandXdgToplevel:: QWaylandXdgToplevel ( QWaylandXdgSurface * xdgSurface , QWaylandResource & resource )

Constructs a QWaylandXdgToplevel for the given xdgSurface and resource .

[static] QWaylandXdgToplevel *QWaylandXdgToplevel:: fromResource ( ::wl_resource * resource )

返回 QWaylandXdgToplevel corresponding to the resource .

[static] QWaylandSurfaceRole *QWaylandXdgToplevel:: role ()

Returns the surface role for the QWaylandToplevel.

[invokable] void QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sendClose ()

Sends a close event to the client. The client may choose to ignore the event.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

uint QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sendConfigure (const QSize & size , const QList < QWaylandXdgToplevel::State > & states )

Sends a configure event to the client. Parameter size contains the pixel size of the surface. A size of zero means the client is free to decide the size. Known states are enumerated in QWaylandXdgToplevel::State.

[invokable] uint QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sendFullscreen (const QSize & size )

Convenience for sending a configure event with the fullscreen state set, and maximized and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.

size is the new size of the window.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

另请参阅 sendUnmaximized .

[invokable] uint QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sendMaximized (const QSize & size )

Convenience for sending a configure event with the maximized state set, and fullscreen and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.

size is the new size of the window.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[invokable] uint QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sendResizing (const QSize & maxSize )

Convenience for sending a configure event with the resizing state set, and maximized and fullscreen removed. The activated state is left in its current state.

maxSize is the new size of the window.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[invokable] uint QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sendUnmaximized (const QSize & size = QSize(0, 0))

Convenience for sending a configure event with the maximized, fullscreen and resizing states removed, and fullscreen and resizing removed. The activated state is left in its current state.

size is the new size of the window. If size is zero, the client decides the size.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

[invokable] QSize QWaylandXdgToplevel:: sizeForResize (const QSizeF & size , const QPointF & delta , Qt::Edges edges ) const

Convenience for computing the new size given the current sizedelta ,和 edges active in the drag.

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .