Qt Wayland Compositor C++ 类

提供用于编写自定义 Wayland 显示服务器的 C++ 类。 更多...

QWaylandBufferRef 保持对表面缓冲的引用
QWaylandClient Represents a client connecting to the QWaylandCompositor
QWaylandCompositor 管理 Wayland 显示服务器
QWaylandCompositorExtension The base class for compositor extensions
QWaylandCompositorExtensionTemplate Convenience class for subclassing QWaylandCompositorExtension
QWaylandIdleInhibitManagerV1 Provides an extension that allows to inhibit the idle behavior of the compositor
QWaylandIviApplication 用于嵌入式样式用户界面的扩展
QWaylandIviSurface Simple way to identify and resize a surface
QWaylandKeyboard Represents a keyboard device
QWaylandObject The base class for objects that can contain Wayland extensions
QWaylandOutput Represents a displayable area managed by the compositor
QWaylandOutputMode Holds the resolution and refresh rate of an output
QWaylandPointer Represents a pointer device
QWaylandPresentationTime Extension to get timing for on-screen presentation
QWaylandQtTextInputMethodManager Provides access to input methods in the compositor
QWaylandQuickItem Qt Quick item representing a QWaylandView
QWaylandQuickShellIntegration Provides support for shell surface integration with QtQuick
QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem Qt Quick item that represents a QWaylandShellSurface
QWaylandResource Container for a wl_resource
QWaylandSeat Access to keyboard, mouse, and touch input
QWaylandShellSurface Common interface for surface roles specified by shell extensions
QWaylandShellSurfaceTemplate Convenience class for creating custom shell surface classes
QWaylandSurface Represents a rectangular area on an output device
QWaylandSurfaceGrabber Allows to read the content of a QWaylandSurface
QWaylandSurfaceRole Represents the role of the surface in context of wl_surface
QWaylandTextInputManager Provides access to input methods in the compositor
QWaylandTouch Access to a touch device
QWaylandView Represents a view of a surface on an output
QWaylandViewporter Provides an extension for surface resizing and cropping
QWaylandWlShell Extension for desktop-style user interfaces
QWaylandWlShellSurface Desktop-style compositor-specific features to a surface
QWaylandXdgDecorationManagerV1 Provides an extension for negotiation of server-side and client-side window decorations
QWaylandXdgOutputManagerV1 Provides an extension for describing outputs in a desktop oriented fashion
QWaylandXdgPopup Represents the popup specific parts of an xdg surface
QWaylandXdgShell Extension for desktop-style user interfaces
QWaylandXdgSurface Desktop-style compositor-specific features to an xdg surface
QWaylandXdgToplevel Represents the toplevel window specific parts of an xdg surface



使用 Qt 模块的 C++ API 要求直接 (或透过其它依赖) 链接到模块库。几个构建工具对此有专用支持,包括 CMake and qmake .

构建采用 CMake

使用 find_package() 命令定位所需模块组件在 Qt6 包:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS WaylandCompositor)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::WaylandCompositor)

For more details, see the Build with CMake overview.

采用 qmake 构建

要配置采用 qmake 构建模块,添加模块作为值为 QT 变量在工程的 .pro 文件:

QT += waylandcompositor

有关在应用程序中使用这些类的更多信息,见 Qt Wayland Compositor 文档编制。