QRenderTargetOutput Class

class Qt3DRender ::QRenderTargetOutput

The QRenderTargetOutput class allows the specification of an attachment of a render target (whether it is a color texture, a depth texture, etc... ). 更多...

头: #include <QRenderTargetOutput>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3drender)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3drender)
qmake: QT += 3drender
实例化: RenderTargetOutput
继承: Qt3DCore::QNode


enum AttachmentPoint { Color0, Color1, Color2, Color3, Color4, …, DepthStencil }



QRenderTargetOutput (Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint () const
QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace face () const
int layer () const
int mipLevel () const
Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture () const


void setAttachmentPoint (Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint )
void setFace (QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace face )
void setLayer (int layer )
void setMipLevel (int level )
void setTexture (Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture )


void attachmentPointChanged (Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint )
void faceChanged (QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace face )
void layerChanged (int layer )
void mipLevelChanged (int mipLevel )
void textureChanged (Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture )


A QRenderTargetOutput specifies the attachment point and parameters for texture that is attached to render target. In addition to the attachment point, texture miplevel, layer and cubemap face can be specified. The texture attached to the QRenderTargetOutput must be compatible with the given parameters.


enum QRenderTargetOutput:: AttachmentPoint

This enumeration specifies the values for the attachment point.

常量 描述
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color0 0 Color attachment point at index 0
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color1 1 Color attachment point at index 1
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color2 2 Color attachment point at index 2
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color3 3 Color attachment point at index 3
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color4 4 Color attachment point at index 4
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color5 5 Color attachment point at index 5
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color6 6 Color attachment point at index 6
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color7 7 Color attachment point at index 7
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color8 8 Color attachment point at index 8
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color9 9 Color attachment point at index 9
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color10 10 Color attachment point at index 10
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color11 11 Color attachment point at index 11
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color12 12 Color attachment point at index 12
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color13 13 Color attachment point at index 13
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color14 14 Color attachment point at index 14
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Color15 15 Color attachment point at index 15
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Depth 16 Depth attachment point
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::Stencil 17 Stencil attachment point
Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::DepthStencil 18 DepthStencil attachment point


attachmentPoint : AttachmentPoint

Holds the attachment point of the QRenderTargetOutput .


Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint () const
void setAttachmentPoint (Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint )


void attachmentPointChanged (Qt3DRender::QRenderTargetOutput::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint )

face : Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace

Holds the face of the attached cubemap texture the rendering is directed to.


QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace face () const
void setFace (QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace face )


void faceChanged (QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace face )

layer : int

Holds the layer of the attached texture the rendering is directed to.


int layer () const
void setLayer (int layer )


void layerChanged (int layer )

mipLevel : int

Holds the miplevel of the attached texture the rendering is directed to.


int mipLevel () const
void setMipLevel (int level )


void mipLevelChanged (int mipLevel )

texture : QAbstractTexture *

Holds the texture attached to the attachment point.


Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture () const
void setTexture (Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture )


void textureChanged (Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture )


[explicit] QRenderTargetOutput:: QRenderTargetOutput ( Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

The constructor creates a new QRenderTargetOutput::QRenderTargetOutput instance with the specified parent .