QScreen 类

QScreen 类用于查询屏幕特性。 更多...

头: #include <QScreen>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
继承: QObject



virtual ~QScreen ()
int angleBetween (Qt::ScreenOrientation a , Qt::ScreenOrientation b ) const
QRect availableGeometry () const
QSize availableSize () const
QRect availableVirtualGeometry () const
QSize availableVirtualSize () const
int depth () const
qreal devicePixelRatio () const
QRect geometry () const
QPixmap grabWindow (WId window = 0, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = -1, int height = -1)
QPlatformScreen * handle () const
bool isLandscape (Qt::ScreenOrientation o ) const
bool isPortrait (Qt::ScreenOrientation o ) const
qreal logicalDotsPerInch () const
qreal logicalDotsPerInchX () const
qreal logicalDotsPerInchY () const
QString manufacturer () const
QRect mapBetween (Qt::ScreenOrientation a , Qt::ScreenOrientation b , const QRect & rect ) const
QString model () const
QString name () const
Qt::ScreenOrientation nativeOrientation () const
Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation () const
qreal physicalDotsPerInch () const
qreal physicalDotsPerInchX () const
qreal physicalDotsPerInchY () const
QSizeF physicalSize () const
Qt::ScreenOrientation primaryOrientation () const
qreal refreshRate () const
QString serialNumber () const
QSize size () const
QTransform transformBetween (Qt::ScreenOrientation a , Qt::ScreenOrientation b , const QRect & target ) const
QRect virtualGeometry () const
QScreen * virtualSiblingAt (QPoint point )
QList<QScreen *> virtualSiblings () const
QSize virtualSize () const


void availableGeometryChanged (const QRect & geometry )
void geometryChanged (const QRect & geometry )
void logicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )
void orientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )
void physicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )
void physicalSizeChanged (const QSizeF & size )
void primaryOrientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )
void refreshRateChanged (qreal refreshRate )
void virtualGeometryChanged (const QRect & rect )


注意逻辑点每英寸 vs 物理点每英寸:物理 DPI (点每英寸) 基于实际物理像素尺寸当可用时,且对打印预览及其它期望知道屏幕显示内容的精确物理维度的情况很有用。

逻辑点每英寸用于将字体和用户界面元素从点大小转换为像素大小,且可能不同于物理点每英寸。逻辑点每英寸有时是用户可在桌面环境设置面板中设置的,以让用户全局控制不同应用程序的 UI 和字体大小。

注意: Both physical and logical DPI are expressed in device-independent dots. Multiply by QScreen::devicePixelRatio () to get device-dependent density.


[read-only] availableGeometry : const QRect

此特性保持屏幕的可用几何体 (以像素为单位)

可用几何体是除窗口管理器预留区域 (譬如:任务栏和系统菜单) 外的几何体。

Note, on X11 this will return the true available geometry only on systems with one monitor and if window manager has set _NET_WORKAREA atom. In all other cases this is equal to geometry (). This is a limitation in X11 window manager specification.


QRect availableGeometry () const


void availableGeometryChanged (const QRect & geometry )

[read-only] availableSize : const QSize

此特性保持屏幕的可用大小 (以像素为单位)

The available size is the size excluding window manager reserved areas such as task bars and system menus.


QSize availableSize () const


void availableGeometryChanged (const QRect & geometry )

[read-only] availableVirtualGeometry : const QRect

This property holds the available geometry of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs

Returns the available geometry of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.

This is the union of the virtual siblings' individual available geometries.


QRect availableVirtualGeometry () const


void virtualGeometryChanged (const QRect & rect )

另请参阅 availableGeometry () 和 virtualSiblings ().

[read-only] availableVirtualSize : const QSize

This property holds the available size of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs

Returns the available pixel size of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.

This is the combined size of the virtual siblings' individual available geometries.


QSize availableVirtualSize () const


void virtualGeometryChanged (const QRect & rect )

另请参阅 availableSize () 和 virtualSiblings ().

[read-only] depth : const int



int depth () const

[read-only] devicePixelRatio : const qreal

This property holds the screen's ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels

Returns the ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels for the screen.

Common values are 1.0 on normal displays and 2.0 on "retina" displays. Higher values are also possible.


qreal devicePixelRatio () const


void physicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 QWindow::devicePixelRatio () 和 QGuiApplication::devicePixelRatio ().

[read-only] geometry : const QRect

This property holds the screen's geometry in pixels

As an example this might return QRect (0, 0, 1280, 1024), or in a virtual desktop setting QRect (1280, 0, 1280, 1024).


QRect geometry () const


void geometryChanged (const QRect & geometry )

[read-only] logicalDotsPerInch : const qreal


This value can be used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes.

This is a convenience property that's simply the average of the logicalDotsPerInchX and logicalDotsPerInchY 特性。


qreal logicalDotsPerInch () const


void logicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 logicalDotsPerInchX () 和 logicalDotsPerInchY ().

[read-only] logicalDotsPerInchX : const qreal


This value is used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes.


qreal logicalDotsPerInchX () const


void logicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 logicalDotsPerInchY ().

[read-only] logicalDotsPerInchY : const qreal


This value is used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes.


qreal logicalDotsPerInchY () const


void logicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 logicalDotsPerInchX ().

[read-only] manufacturer : const QString



QString manufacturer () const

[read-only] model : const QString



QString model () const

[read-only] name : const QString


For example, on X11 these correspond to the XRandr screen names, typically "VGA1", "HDMI1", etc.

注意: The user presentable string is not guaranteed to match the result of any native APIs, and should not be used to uniquely identify a screen.


QString 名称 () const

[read-only] nativeOrientation : const Qt::ScreenOrientation


The native orientation of the screen is the orientation where the logo sticker of the device appears the right way up, or Qt::PrimaryOrientation if the platform does not support this functionality.

The native orientation is a property of the hardware, and does not change.


Qt::ScreenOrientation nativeOrientation () const

[read-only] orientation : const Qt::ScreenOrientation


The orientation property tells the orientation of the screen from the window system perspective.

Most mobile devices and tablet computers contain accelerometer sensors. The Qt Sensors module provides the ability to read this sensor directly. However, the windowing system may rotate the entire screen automatically based on how it is being held; in that case, this orientation property will change.


Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation () const


void orientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )

另请参阅 primaryOrientation () 和 QWindow::contentOrientation ().

[read-only] physicalDotsPerInch : const qreal


This value represents the pixel density on the screen's display. Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be entirely accurate.

This is a convenience property that's simply the average of the physicalDotsPerInchX and physicalDotsPerInchY 特性。

注意: Physical DPI is expressed in device-independent dots. Multiply by QScreen::devicePixelRatio () to get device-dependent density.


qreal physicalDotsPerInch () const


void physicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 physicalDotsPerInchX () 和 physicalDotsPerInchY ().

[read-only] physicalDotsPerInchX : const qreal

This property holds the number of physical dots or pixels per inch in the horizontal direction

This value represents the actual horizontal pixel density on the screen's display. Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be entirely accurate.

注意: Physical DPI is expressed in device-independent dots. Multiply by QScreen::devicePixelRatio () to get device-dependent density.


qreal physicalDotsPerInchX () const


void physicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 physicalDotsPerInchY ().

[read-only] physicalDotsPerInchY : const qreal

This property holds the number of physical dots or pixels per inch in the vertical direction

This value represents the actual vertical pixel density on the screen's display. Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be entirely accurate.

注意: Physical DPI is expressed in device-independent dots. Multiply by QScreen::devicePixelRatio () to get device-dependent density.


qreal physicalDotsPerInchY () const


void physicalDotsPerInchChanged (qreal dpi )

另请参阅 physicalDotsPerInchX ().

[read-only] physicalSize : const QSizeF

This property holds the screen's physical size (in millimeters)

The physical size represents the actual physical dimensions of the screen's display.

Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be entirely accurate.


QSizeF physicalSize () const


void physicalSizeChanged (const QSizeF & size )

[read-only] primaryOrientation : const Qt::ScreenOrientation


The primary screen orientation is Qt::LandscapeOrientation if the screen geometry's width is greater than or equal to its height, or Qt::PortraitOrientation otherwise. This property might change when the screen orientation was changed (i.e. when the display is rotated). The behavior is however platform dependent and can often be specified in an application manifest file.


Qt::ScreenOrientation primaryOrientation () const


void primaryOrientationChanged (Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )

[read-only] refreshRate : const qreal

此特性保持屏幕的近似垂直刷新率 (以 Hz 为单位)

警告: Avoid using the screen's refresh rate to drive animations via a timer such as QTimer . Instead use QWindow::requestUpdate ().


qreal refreshRate () const


void refreshRateChanged (qreal refreshRate )

另请参阅 QWindow::requestUpdate ().

[read-only] serialNumber : const QString



QString serialNumber () const

[read-only] size : const QSize



QSize size () const


void geometryChanged (const QRect & geometry )

[read-only] virtualGeometry : const QRect

This property holds the pixel geometry of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs

Returns the pixel geometry of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.

This is the union of the virtual siblings' individual geometries.


QRect virtualGeometry () const


void virtualGeometryChanged (const QRect & rect )

另请参阅 virtualSiblings ().

[read-only] virtualSize : const QSize

This property holds the pixel size of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs

Returns the pixel size of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.

This is the combined size of the virtual siblings' individual geometries.


QSize virtualSize () const


void virtualGeometryChanged (const QRect & rect )

另请参阅 virtualSiblings ().


[virtual] QScreen:: ~QScreen ()


int QScreen:: angleBetween ( Qt::ScreenOrientation a , Qt::ScreenOrientation b ) const

方便函数用于计算旋转角度获取自旋转 a 到旋转 b .

结果会是 0、90、180 或 270。

Qt::PrimaryOrientation 被解释为屏幕的 primaryOrientation ().

QPixmap QScreen:: grabWindow ( WId window = 0, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = -1, int height = -1)

创建并返回通过抓取内容构造的像素图,为给定 window 限定通过 QRect ( x , y , width , height )。若 window 为 0,那么将抓取整个屏幕。

自变量 ( x , y ) 指定窗口偏移,而 ( width , height ) 指定要拷贝的区域。若 width 为负,函数将拷贝一切直到窗口右边界。若 height 为负,函数将拷贝一切直到窗口底部。

偏移和尺寸自变量按设备无关像素数指定。返回像素图可能大于请求尺寸,当抓取高 DPI 屏幕时。调用 QPixmap::devicePixelRatio () 以确定是否是这种情况。

窗口系统标识符 ( WId ) 可以检索使用 QWidget::winId () 函数。基本原理是使用窗口标识符而非 QWidget ,允许抓取不属于应用程序的窗口、窗口系统框架、等等。

警告: 抓取不属于应用程序的窗口在 iOS 系统不被支持,sandboxing/security 阻止读取应用程序不拥有的窗口像素。

grabWindow() 函数从屏幕而不是窗口抓取像素,即:若抓取的窗口之上有另一窗口的部分或全部,也会获取上面窗口的像素。通常,鼠标光标不被抓取。

注意:在 X11 若给定 window 没有如根窗口的相同深度,且另一窗口部分 (或完全) 遮盖抓取,将 not 获取上方窗口的像素。像素图遮盖区域的内容将是未定义和未初始化的。

在 Windows、Vista 及更高版本抓取分层窗口,创建通过设置 Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground 属性, 会不工作。相反,抓取桌面 Widget 应该工作。

警告: 一般而言,抓住屏幕外区域是不安全的。这取决于底层窗口系统。

QPlatformScreen *QScreen:: handle () const


另请参阅 QPA (Qt 平台抽象) .

bool QScreen:: isLandscape ( Qt::ScreenOrientation o ) const

方便函数返回 true if o 为横向或倒置横向;否则返回 false .

Qt::PrimaryOrientation 被解释为屏幕的 primaryOrientation ().

bool QScreen:: isPortrait ( Qt::ScreenOrientation o ) const

方便函数返回 true if o 为纵向或倒置纵向;否则返回 false .

Qt::PrimaryOrientation 被解释为屏幕的 primaryOrientation ().

QRect QScreen:: mapBetween ( Qt::ScreenOrientation a , Qt::ScreenOrientation b , const QRect & rect ) const

在 2 屏幕取向之间映射 rect 矩形。

这会翻转 X 和 Y 维度对于矩形 rect 若取向 a is Qt::PortraitOrientation or Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation 和取向 b is Qt::LandscapeOrientation or Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation ,或反之亦然。

Qt::PrimaryOrientation 被解释为屏幕的 primaryOrientation ().

[signal] void QScreen:: orientationChanged ( Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )

此信号被发射当屏幕取向改变时,采用 orientation 作为自变量。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 orientation .

另请参阅 orientation ().

[signal] void QScreen:: primaryOrientationChanged ( Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation )

此信号被发射当屏幕的首要取向改变采用 orientation 作为自变量。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 primaryOrientation .

另请参阅 primaryOrientation ().

QTransform QScreen:: transformBetween ( Qt::ScreenOrientation a , Qt::ScreenOrientation b , const QRect & target ) const

方便函数用于计算变换映射坐标系定义按取向 a 到坐标系定义按取向 b 及目标维度 target .

范例, a 为 Qt::Landscape, b 为 Qt::Portrait,及 target is QRect (0, 0, w, h) 结果变换点 QPoint (0, 0) 被映射到 QPoint (0, w),和 QPoint (h, w) 被映射到 QPoint (0, h)。因此,横向坐标系 QRect (0, 0, h, w) 被映射 (旋转90度) 到纵向坐标系 QRect (0, 0, w, h).

Qt::PrimaryOrientation 被解释为屏幕的 primaryOrientation ().

QScreen *QScreen:: virtualSiblingAt ( QPoint point )

返回屏幕,位于 point within the set of QScreen::virtualSiblings (),或 nullptr 若在任何屏幕之外。

The point is in relation to the virtualGeometry () of each set of virtual siblings.

QList < QScreen *> QScreen:: virtualSiblings () const


虚拟同级是共享同一虚拟桌面的屏幕实例。它们共享公共坐标系,且窗口可以在它们之间自由移动 (或定位) 而不必重新创建。