QQuick3DInstancing Class

Base class for defining instance tables. 更多...

头: #include <QQuick3DInstancing>
Since: Qt 6.2
实例化: Instancing
继承: QQuick3DObject



bool depthSortingEnabled () const
bool hasTransparency () const
int instanceCountOverride () const


void setDepthSortingEnabled (bool enabled )
void setHasTransparency (bool hasTransparency )
void setInstanceCountOverride (int instanceCountOverride )


void depthSortingEnabledChanged ()
void hasTransparencyChanged ()
void instanceCountOverrideChanged ()


virtual QByteArray getInstanceBuffer (int * instanceCount ) = 0
void markDirty ()


QQuick3DInstancing::InstanceTableEntry calculateTableEntry (const QVector3D & position , const QVector3D & scale , const QVector3D & eulerRotation , const QColor & color , const QVector4D & customData = {})
QQuick3DInstancing::InstanceTableEntry calculateTableEntryFromQuaternion (const QVector3D & position , const QVector3D & scale , const QQuaternion & rotation , const QColor & color , const QVector4D & customData = {})


The QQuick3DInstancing class can be inherited to specify a custom instance table for a Model in the Qt Quick 3D scene.

This class is abstract: To use it, create a subclass and implement getInstanceBuffer ().


depthSortingEnabled : bool

Holds the depth sorting enabled value for the instance table. When enabled, instances are sorted and rendered from the furthest instance from the camera to the nearest i.e. back-to-front. If disabled, which is the default, instances are rendered in the order they are specified in the instance table.

注意: The instances are only sorted against each other. Instances are not sorted against other objects in the scene.

注意: The sorting increases the frame preparation time especially with large instance counts.


bool depthSortingEnabled () const
void setDepthSortingEnabled (bool enabled )


void depthSortingEnabledChanged ()

hasTransparency : bool

Set this property to true if the instancing table contains alpha values that should be used when rendering the model. This property only makes a difference if the model is opaque: If the model has a transparent material ,或 opacity less than one, the alpha value from the table will be used regardless.

注意: Enabling alpha blending may cause rendering issues when instances overlap. See the alpha blending and instancing 文档编制了解细节。


bool hasTransparency () const
void setHasTransparency (bool hasTransparency )


void hasTransparencyChanged ()

instanceCountOverride : int

Set this property to limit the number of instances without regenerating or re-uploading the instance table. This allows very inexpensive animation of the number of instances rendered.


int instanceCountOverride () const
void setInstanceCountOverride (int instanceCountOverride )


void instanceCountOverrideChanged ()


[static protected] QQuick3DInstancing::InstanceTableEntry QQuick3DInstancing:: calculateTableEntry (const QVector3D & position , const QVector3D & scale , const QVector3D & eulerRotation , const QColor & color , const QVector4D & customData = {})

转换 position scale eulerRotation color and customData to the instance table format expected by the standard vertex shaders. Typical pattern:

QByteArray MyInstanceTable::getInstanceBuffer(int *instanceCount)
    QByteArray instanceData;
    auto entry = calculateTableEntry({xPos, yPos, zPos}, {xScale, yScale, zScale}, {xRot, yRot, zRot}, color, {});
    instanceData.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&entry), sizeof(entry));

另请参阅 calculateTableEntryFromQuaternion .

[static protected] QQuick3DInstancing::InstanceTableEntry QQuick3DInstancing:: calculateTableEntryFromQuaternion (const QVector3D & position , const QVector3D & scale , const QQuaternion & rotation , const QColor & color , const QVector4D & customData = {})

转换 position scale rotation color and customData to the instance table format expected by the standard vertex shaders.

这如同 calculateTableEntry (), except for using a quaternion to specify the rotation.

[pure virtual protected] QByteArray QQuick3DInstancing:: getInstanceBuffer ( int * instanceCount )

Implement this function to return the contents of the instance table. The number of instances should be returned in instanceCount . The subclass is responsible for caching the result if necessary. If the instance table changes, the subclass should call markDirty ().

[protected] void QQuick3DInstancing:: markDirty ()

Mark that the instance data has changed and must be uploaded again.

另请参阅 getInstanceBuffer and instanceCountOverride .