QPlaceIdReply Class

The QPlaceIdReply class manages operations which return an identifier such as saving and removal operations of places and categories. 更多...

头: #include <QPlaceIdReply>
qmake: QT += location
继承: QPlaceReply


enum OperationType { SavePlace, RemovePlace, SaveCategory, RemoveCategory }


QPlaceIdReply (QPlaceIdReply::OperationType operationType , QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QPlaceIdReply ()
QString id () const
QPlaceIdReply::OperationType operationType () const


virtual QPlaceReply::Type type () const override


void setId (const QString & identifier )


The QPlaceIdReply can be considered a multipurpose reply in that it can be used to save places, save categories, remove places and remove categories. In each case it returns an identifier of the place or category that was added, modified or removed.

Saving a place for an example of how to use an identifier reply.

另请参阅 QPlaceManager .


enum QPlaceIdReply:: OperationType

Defines the type of operation that was used to generate this reply.

常量 描述
QPlaceIdReply::SavePlace 0 The reply was created for a save place operation
QPlaceIdReply::RemovePlace 2 The reply was created for a remove place operation.
QPlaceIdReply::SaveCategory 1 The reply was created for a save category operation
QPlaceIdReply::RemoveCategory 3 The reply was created for a remove category operation.


[explicit] QPlaceIdReply:: QPlaceIdReply ( QPlaceIdReply::OperationType operationType , QObject * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a reply which contains the identifier of the object operated upon. The reply is for the given operationType 和采用 parent .

[virtual] QPlaceIdReply:: ~QPlaceIdReply ()

Destroys the reply.

QString QPlaceIdReply:: id () const

Returns the relevant identifier for the operation. For example for a save place operation, the identifier is that of the saved place. For a category removal operation, it is the identifier of the category that was removed.

另请参阅 setId ().

QPlaceIdReply::OperationType QPlaceIdReply:: operationType () const

Returns the operation type of the reply. This means whether this identifier reply was for a save place operation, remove category operation and so on.

[protected] void QPlaceIdReply:: setId (const QString & identifier )

设置 identifier of the reply.

另请参阅 id ().

[override virtual] QPlaceReply::Type QPlaceIdReply:: type () const

重实现: QPlaceReply::type() const .

Returns the type of reply.