Qt Location C++ Classes

Provides C++ interfaces to retrieve location and navigational information. 更多...


QGeoJson 包含从 GeoJson 文件导入地理位置信息,和导出地理位置信息到 GeoJson 文件的函数
QLocation 包含用于整个 QtLocation 模块的杂项标识符

QGeoCodeReply Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoCodingManager
QGeoCodingManager Support for geocoding operations
QGeoCodingManagerEngine Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide support for geocoding operations
QGeoManeuver Represents the information relevant to the point at which two QGeoRouteSegments meet
QGeoRoute Represents a route between two points
QGeoRouteReply Manages an operation started by an instance of QGeoRoutingManager
QGeoRouteRequest Represents the parameters and restrictions which define a request for routing information
QGeoRouteSegment Represents a segment of a route
QGeoRoutingManager Support for geographic routing operations
QGeoRoutingManagerEngine Interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing information
QGeoServiceProvider Aggregates access to services which provide geographical information
QPlace Represents a set of data about a place
QPlaceAttribute Represents generic attribute information about a place
QPlaceCategory Represents a category that a QPlace can be associated with
QPlaceContactDetail Represents a contact detail such as a phone number or website url
QPlaceContent Holds content about places
QPlaceContentReply Manages a content retrieval operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager
QPlaceContentRequest Represents the parameters of a content request
QPlaceDetailsReply Manages a place details fetch operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager
QPlaceIcon Represents an icon
QPlaceIdReply Manages operations which return an identifier such as saving and removal operations of places and categories
QPlaceManager The interface which allows clients to access places stored in a particular backend
QPlaceManagerEngine Interface for implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to place functionality
QPlaceMatchReply Manages a place matching operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager
QPlaceMatchRequest Used to find places from one manager that match those from another. It represents a set of request parameters
QPlaceProposedSearchResult Represents a search result containing a proposed search
QPlaceRatings Holds rating information about a place
QPlaceReply Manages an operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager and serves as a base class for more specialized replies
QPlaceResult Represents a search result containing a place
QPlaceSearchReply Manages a place search operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager
QPlaceSearchRequest Represents the set of parameters for a search request
QPlaceSearchResult The base class for search results
QPlaceSearchSuggestionReply Manages a search suggestion operation started by an instance of QPlaceManager
QPlaceSupplier Represents a supplier of a place or content associated with a place
QPlaceUser Represents an individual user


The C++ API provides access to geocoding and navigation information, and also place search. Use the QML API to render this information on an interactive map that supports touch gestures, overlays, and so on.

Include the appropriate header in your C++ code. For example, applications using routes can include:

#include <QGeoRoute>

添加 location keyword in the project file to link against the Qt Location library:

QT += location

更多见于 Qt Location Overview .