QPlace Class

The QPlace class represents a set of data about a place. 更多...

头: #include <QPlace>
qmake: QT += location


QPlace ()
QPlace (const QPlace & other )
~QPlace ()
void appendContactDetail (const QString & contactType , const QPlaceContactDetail & detail )
QString attribution () const
QList<QPlaceCategory> categories () const
QList<QPlaceContactDetail> contactDetails (const QString & contactType ) const
QStringList contactTypes () const
QPlaceContent::Collection content (QPlaceContent::Type type ) const
bool detailsFetched () const
QPlaceAttribute extendedAttribute (const QString & attributeType ) const
QStringList extendedAttributeTypes () const
QPlaceIcon icon () const
void insertContent (QPlaceContent::Type type , const QPlaceContent::Collection & content )
bool isEmpty () const
QGeoLocation location () const
QString name () const
QString placeId () const
QString primaryEmail () const
QString primaryFax () const
QString primaryPhone () const
QUrl primaryWebsite () const
QPlaceRatings ratings () const
void removeContactDetails (const QString & contactType )
void removeExtendedAttribute (const QString & attributeType )
void setAttribution (const QString & attribution )
void setCategories (const QList<QPlaceCategory> & categories )
void setCategory (const QPlaceCategory & category )
void setContactDetails (const QString & contactType , QList<QPlaceContactDetail> details )
void setContent (QPlaceContent::Type type , const QPlaceContent::Collection & content )
void setDetailsFetched (bool fetched )
void setExtendedAttribute (const QString & attributeType , const QPlaceAttribute & attribute )
void setIcon (const QPlaceIcon & icon )
void setLocation (const QGeoLocation & location )
void setName (const QString & name )
void setPlaceId (const QString & identifier )
void setRatings (const QPlaceRatings & rating )
void setSupplier (const QPlaceSupplier & supplier )
void setTotalContentCount (QPlaceContent::Type type , int totalCount )
void setVisibility (QLocation::Visibility visibility )
QPlaceSupplier supplier () const
int totalContentCount (QPlaceContent::Type type ) const
QLocation::Visibility visibility () const
QPlace & operator= (const QPlace & other )


QPlace (const QSharedDataPointer<QPlacePrivate> & dd )
bool operator!= (const QPlace & lhs , const QPlace & rhs )
bool operator== (const QPlace & lhs , const QPlace & rhs )


A place is a point of interest, it could be a favorite restaurant, a park or someone's home. A QPlace object represents a place by acting as a container for various information about that place.

This information can be divided into 2 broad classifications

  • 细节
  • Rich content

The place details consist of properties of the place, such as the name, location, contact information and so on. When a place is returned during a search, these details are filled in. Sometimes in order to save bandwidth, there are further details about the place that can be retrieved on an individual place by place basis, if the user is interested. The QPlace::detailsFetched () function can be queried to see if all available details have been fetched, and if not, QPlaceManager::getPlaceDetails () can be used to retrieve them. Precisely which details are populated during a search and which need to be fetched individually may vary from provider to provider. See plugin documentation 了解更多细节。

The rich content of a place consists of items such as images, reviews and editorials. Potentially there may be many rich content items, so they are treated separately from the place details. They can be retrieved in a paged fashion via QPlaceManager::getPlaceContent (). If necessary, the content may be assigned to a place so it can act as a convenient container.

Contact Information

The contact information of a place is based around a common set of contact types . To retrieve all the phone numbers of a place, one would do:

if (place.contactTypes().contains(QPlaceContactDetail::Phone)) {
    for (const QPlaceContactDetail &number : place.contactDetails(QPlaceContactDetail::Phone))
        qDebug() << number.label() << ":" << number.value();

The contact types are string values by design to allow for providers to introduce new contact types.

For convenience there are a set of functions which return the value of the first contact detail of each type.

Extended Attributes

Places may have additional attributes which are not covered in the formal API. Similar to contacts attributes are based around a common set of attribute types . To retrieve an extended attribute one would do:

if (place.extendedAttributeTypes().contains(QPlaceAttribute::OpeningHours))
    qDebug() << place.extendedAttribute(QPlaceAttribute::OpeningHours).text();

The attribute types are string values by design to allow providers to introduce new attribute types.


The QPlace object is only meant to be a convenient container to hold rich content such as images, reviews and so on. Retrieval of content should happen via QPlaceManager::getPlaceContent ().

The content is stored as a QPlaceContent::Collection which contains both the index of the content, as well as the content itself. This enables developers to check whether a particular item has already been retrieved and if not, then request that content.


Places have a field for a rich text attribution string. Some providers may require that the attribution be shown when a place is displayed to a user.


Different categories may be assigned to a place to indicate that the place is associated with those categories. When saving a place, the only meaningful data is the category id, the rest of the category data is effectively ignored. The category must already exist before saving the place (it is not possible to create a new category, assign it to the place, save the place and expect the category to be created).

Saving Caveats

The Places API is currently designed for only saving core details. Saving rich content like images and reviews or details like supplier and rating is not a supported use case. Typically a manager will generally ignore these fields upon save and may produce a warning message if they are populated.

The Places API only supports saving of the following core details :

  • 名称
  • place id
  • location
  • contact details
  • icon
  • categories (tag-like names to describe a place)
  • visibility scope

It is possible that providers may only support a subset of these. See the plugin documentation 了解更多细节。

Saving of properties such as the rating, extended attributes, images, reviews, editorials and supplier is explicitly not supported by the Places API.


QPlace:: QPlace ()

Constructs an empty place object.

[protected] QPlace:: QPlace (const QSharedDataPointer < QPlacePrivate > & dd )

Constructs an place object using dd as private implementation.

QPlace:: QPlace (const QPlace & other )

构造副本为 other .

QPlace:: ~QPlace ()

Destroys this place.

void QPlace:: appendContactDetail (const QString & contactType , const QPlaceContactDetail & detail )

Appends a contact detail of a specified contactType .

QPlaceContactDetail for a list of common contact types .

QString QPlace:: attribution () const

Returns a rich text attribution string of the place. Note, some providers may have a requirement where the attribution must be shown whenever a place is displayed to an end user.

另请参阅 setAttribution ().

QList < QPlaceCategory > QPlace:: categories () const

Returns categories that this place belongs to.

另请参阅 setCategories ().

QList < QPlaceContactDetail > QPlace:: contactDetails (const QString & contactType ) const

Returns a list of contact details of the specified contactType .

QPlaceContactDetail for a list of common contact types .

另请参阅 setContactDetails ().

QStringList QPlace:: contactTypes () const

Returns the type of contact details this place has.

QPlaceContactDetail for a list of common contact types .

QPlaceContent::Collection QPlace:: content ( QPlaceContent::Type type ) const

Returns a collection of content associated with a place. This collection is a map with the key being the index of the content object and value being the content object itself.

The type specifies which kind of content is to be retrieved.

另请参阅 setContent ().

bool QPlace:: detailsFetched () const

Returns true if the details of this place have been fetched, otherwise returns false.

另请参阅 setDetailsFetched ().

QPlaceAttribute QPlace:: extendedAttribute (const QString & attributeType ) const

Returns the exteded attribute corresponding to the specified attributeType . If the place does not have that particular attribute type, a default constructed QPlaceExtendedAttribute is returned.

另请参阅 setExtendedAttribute ().

QStringList QPlace:: extendedAttributeTypes () const

Returns the types of extended attributes that this place has.

QPlaceIcon QPlace:: icon () const

Returns the icon of the place.

另请参阅 setIcon ().

void QPlace:: insertContent ( QPlaceContent::Type type , const QPlaceContent::Collection & content )

Adds a collection of content 为给定 type to the place. Any index in content that already exists is overwritten.

bool QPlace:: isEmpty () const

Returns a boolean indicating whether the all the fields of the place are empty or not.

QGeoLocation QPlace:: location () const

Returns the location of the place.

另请参阅 setLocation ().

QString QPlace:: name () const

Returns the name of the place.

另请参阅 setName ().

QString QPlace:: placeId () const

Returns the identifier of the place. The place identifier is only meaningful to the QPlaceManager that generated it and is not transferable between managers. The place identifier is not guaranteed to be universally unique, but unique for the manager that generated it.

另请参阅 setPlaceId ().

QString QPlace:: primaryEmail () const

Returns the primary email address for this place. This convenience function accesses the first contact detail of the email type . If no email addresses exist, then an empty string is returned.

QString QPlace:: primaryFax () const

Returns the primary fax number for this place. This convenience function accesses the first contact detail of the fax type . If no fax details exist, then an empty string is returned.

QString QPlace:: primaryPhone () const

Returns the primary phone number for this place. This accesses the first contact detail of the phone number type . If no phone details exist, then an empty string is returned.

QUrl QPlace:: primaryWebsite () const

Returns the primary website of the place. This convenience function accesses the first contact detail of the website type . If no websites exist, then an empty string is returned.

QPlaceRatings QPlace:: ratings () const

Returns an aggregated rating of the place.

另请参阅 setRatings ().

void QPlace:: removeContactDetails (const QString & contactType )

Removes all the contact details of a given contactType .

The contactType is no longer returned when QPlace::contactTypes () 被调用。

void QPlace:: removeExtendedAttribute (const QString & attributeType )

Remove the attribute of attributeType from the place.

The attribute will no longer be listed by QPlace::extendedAttributeTypes ()

void QPlace:: setAttribution (const QString & attribution )

设置 attribution string of the place.

另请参阅 attribution ().

void QPlace:: setCategories (const QList < QPlaceCategory > & categories )

设置 categories that this place belongs to.

另请参阅 categories ().

void QPlace:: setCategory (const QPlaceCategory & category )

Sets a single category that this place belongs to.

void QPlace:: setContactDetails (const QString & contactType , QList < QPlaceContactDetail > details )

Sets the contact details of a specified contactType .

details is empty, then the contactType is removed from the place such that it is no longer returned by QPlace::contactTypes ().

QPlaceContactDetail for a list of common contact types .

另请参阅 contactDetails ().

void QPlace:: setContent ( QPlaceContent::Type type , const QPlaceContent::Collection & content )

Sets a collection of content 为给定 type .

另请参阅 content ().

void QPlace:: setDetailsFetched ( bool fetched )

Sets whether the details of this place have been fetched or not.

另请参阅 detailsFetched ().

void QPlace:: setExtendedAttribute (const QString & attributeType , const QPlaceAttribute & attribute )

Assigns an attribute 为给定 attributeType to a place. If the given attributeType already exists in the place, then it is overwritten.

attribute is a default constructed QPlaceAttribute , then the attributeType is removed from the place which means it will not be listed by QPlace::extendedAttributeTypes ().

另请参阅 extendedAttribute ().

void QPlace:: setIcon (const QPlaceIcon & icon )

设置 icon of the place.

另请参阅 icon ().

void QPlace:: setLocation (const QGeoLocation & location )

设置 location of the place.

另请参阅 location ().

void QPlace:: setName (const QString & name )

设置 name of the place.

另请参阅 name ().

void QPlace:: setPlaceId (const QString & identifier )

设置 identifier of the place.

另请参阅 placeId ().

void QPlace:: setRatings (const QPlaceRatings & rating )

Sets the aggregated rating of the place.

另请参阅 ratings ().

void QPlace:: setSupplier (const QPlaceSupplier & supplier )

Sets the supplier of this place to supplier .

另请参阅 supplier ().

void QPlace:: setTotalContentCount ( QPlaceContent::Type type , int totalCount )

设置 totalCount of content objects of the given type .

另请参阅 totalContentCount ().

void QPlace:: setVisibility ( QLocation::Visibility visibility )

Sets the visibility of the place to visibility .

另请参阅 visibility ().

QPlaceSupplier QPlace:: supplier () const

Returns the supplier of this place.

另请参阅 setSupplier ().

int QPlace:: totalContentCount ( QPlaceContent::Type type ) const

Returns the total count of content objects of the given type . This total count indicates how many the manager/provider should have available. (As opposed to how many objects this place instance is currently assigned).

A negative count indicates that the total number of items is unknown. By default the total content count is set to 0.

另请参阅 setTotalContentCount ().

QLocation::Visibility QPlace:: visibility () const

Returns the visibility of the place.

The default visibility of a new place is set to QtLocatin::Unspecified visibility. If a place is saved with unspecified visibility the backend chooses an appropriate default visibility to use when saving.

另请参阅 setVisibility ().

QPlace &QPlace:: operator= (const QPlace & other )

赋值 other to this place and returns a reference to this place.


bool operator!= (const QPlace & lhs , const QPlace & rhs )

返回 true 若 lhs 不等于 rhs ,否则返回 false。

bool operator== (const QPlace & lhs , const QPlace & rhs )

返回 true 若 lhs 等于 rhs ,否则返回 false。