QGrpcOperation Class

The QGrpcOperation class implements common logic to handle communication in Grpc channel. 更多...

头: #include <QGrpcOperation>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)
Since: Qt 6.5
继承: QObject
继承者: QGrpcCallReply and QGrpcStream


T read () const
void setData (const QByteArray & data )
void setData (QByteArray && data )


void errorOccurred (const QGrpcStatus & status )
void finished ()



[signal] void QGrpcOperation:: errorOccurred (const QGrpcStatus & status )

This signal indicates the error occurred during serialization.

This signal is emitted when error with status occurs in channel or during serialization.

[signal] void QGrpcOperation:: finished ()

This signal indicates the end of communication for this call.

If signal emitted by stream this means that stream is successfully closed either by client or server.

template <typename T> T QGrpcOperation:: read () const

Reads message from raw byte array stored in QGrpcCallReply .

Returns a copy of the deserialized message or, on failure, a default-constructed message.

void QGrpcOperation:: setData (const QByteArray & data )

Interface for implementation of QAbstractGrpcChannel .

Should be used to write raw data from channel to reply data raw data received from channel.

void QGrpcOperation:: setData ( QByteArray && data )

Interface for implementation of QAbstractGrpcChannel .

Should be used to write raw data from channel to reply data raw data received from channel.