Qt GRPC C++ Classes

The Qt GRPC module provides support for communicating with gRPC services. 更多...

This module is in Technical Preview 状态。

This module was introduced in Qt 6.5.

QAbstractGrpcChannel Interface that represents common gRPC channel functionality
QAbstractGrpcClient Bridge between gRPC clients and channels
QAbstractGrpcCredentials QAbstractGrpcClient is an abstract storage class used by authentication parameters
QGrpcCallCredentials The base class for gRPC call credentials
QGrpcCallReply Contains data for asynchronous call of gRPC client API
QGrpcChannel GRPC-cpp native api implementation of QAbstractGrpcChannel interface
QGrpcChannelCredentials The base class for gRPC channel credentials
QGrpcCredentials Combination of call and channel credentials that is used by gRPC channels to communicate with services, using the given authentication parameters
QGrpcHttp2Channel HTTP/2 implementation of QAbstractGrpcChannel interface
QGrpcInsecureCallCredentials Dummy implementation of QGrpcCallCredentials
QGrpcInsecureChannelCredentials Dummy implementation of QGrpcChannelCredentials
QGrpcOperation Implements common logic to handle communication in Grpc channel
QGrpcSslCredentials SSL credentials for channel
QGrpcStatus Contains information about last gRPC operation
QGrpcStream Implements logic to handle stream communication in the Grpc channel
QGrpcUserPasswordCredentials Reference implementation of simple user-password call authentication
