QAudioRoom Class

头: #include <QAudioRoom>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SpatialAudio)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::SpatialAudio)
qmake: QT += spatialaudio
继承: QObject


enum Material { Transparent, AcousticCeilingTiles, BrickBare, BrickPainted, ConcreteBlockCoarse, …, UniformMaterial }
enum Wall { LeftWall, RightWall, Floor, Ceiling, FrontWall, BackWall }



QAudioRoom (QAudioEngine * engine )
virtual ~QAudioRoom ()
QVector3D dimensions () const
QVector3D position () const
float reflectionGain () const
float reverbBrightness () const
float reverbGain () const
float reverbTime () const
QQuaternion rotation () const
void setDimensions (QVector3D dim )
void setPosition (QVector3D pos )
void setReflectionGain (float factor )
void setReverbBrightness (float factor )
void setReverbGain (float factor )
void setReverbTime (float factor )
void setRotation (const QQuaternion & q )
void setWallMaterial (QAudioRoom::Wall wall , QAudioRoom::Material material )
QAudioRoom::Material wallMaterial (QAudioRoom::Wall wall ) const


void dimensionsChanged ()
void positionChanged ()
void reflectionGainChanged ()
void reverbBrightnessChanged ()
void reverbGainChanged ()
void reverbTimeChanged ()
void rotationChanged ()
void wallsChanged ()


Defines a room for the spatial audio engine.

If the listener is inside a room, first order sound reflections and reverb matching the rooms properties will get applied to the sound field.

A room is always square and defined by its center position, its orientation and dimensions. Each of the 6 walls of the room can be made of different materials that will contribute to the computed reflections and reverb that the listener will experience while being inside the room.

If multiple rooms cover the same position, the engine will use the room with the smallest volume.


enum QAudioRoom:: Material

Defines different materials that can be applied to the different walls of the room.

常量 描述
QAudioRoom::Transparent 0 The side of the room is open and won't contribute to reflections or reverb.
QAudioRoom::AcousticCeilingTiles 1 Acoustic tiles that suppress most reflections and reverb.
QAudioRoom::BrickBare 2 Bare brick wall.
QAudioRoom::BrickPainted 3 Painted brick wall.
QAudioRoom::ConcreteBlockCoarse 4 Raw concrete wall
QAudioRoom::ConcreteBlockPainted 5 Painted concrete wall
QAudioRoom::CurtainHeavy 6 Heavy curtain. Will mostly reflect low frequencies
QAudioRoom::FiberGlassInsulation 7 Fiber glass insulation. Only reflects very low frequencies
QAudioRoom::GlassThin 8 Thin glass wall
QAudioRoom::GlassThick 9 Thick glass wall
QAudioRoom::Grass 10 Grass
QAudioRoom::LinoleumOnConcrete 11 Linoleum floor
QAudioRoom::Marble 12 Marble floor
QAudioRoom::Metal 13 Metal
QAudioRoom::ParquetOnConcrete 14 Parquet wooden floor on concrete
QAudioRoom::PlasterRough 15 Rough plaster
QAudioRoom::PlasterSmooth 16 Smooth plaster
QAudioRoom::PlywoodPanel 17 Plywodden panel
QAudioRoom::PolishedConcreteOrTile 18 Polished concrete or tiles
QAudioRoom::Sheetrock 19 Rock
QAudioRoom::WaterOrIceSurface 20 Water or ice
QAudioRoom::WoodCeiling 21 Wooden ceiling
QAudioRoom::WoodPanel 22 Wooden panel
QAudioRoom::UniformMaterial 23 Artificial material giving uniform reflections on all frequencies

enum QAudioRoom:: Wall

An enum defining the 6 walls of the room

常量 描述
QAudioRoom::LeftWall 0 Left wall (negative x)
QAudioRoom::RightWall 1 Right wall (positive x)
QAudioRoom::Floor 2 Bottom wall (negative y)
QAudioRoom::Ceiling 3 Top wall (positive y)
QAudioRoom::FrontWall 4 Front wall (negative z)
QAudioRoom::BackWall 5 Back wall (positive z)


dimensions : QVector3D

Defines the dimensions of the room in 3D space. Units are in centimeters by default.


QVector3D dimensions () const
void setDimensions (QVector3D dim )


void dimensionsChanged ()

另请参阅 position and QAudioEngine::distanceScale .

position : QVector3D

Defines the position of the center of the room in 3D space. Units are in centimeters by default.


QVector3D 位置 () const
void setPosition (QVector3D pos )


void positionChanged ()

另请参阅 dimensions and QAudioEngine::distanceScale .

reflectionGain : float

A gain factor for reflections generated in this room. A value from 0 to 1 will dampen reflections, while a value larger than 1 will apply a gain to reflections, making them louder.

The default is 1, a factor of 0 disables reflections. Negative values are mapped to 0.


float reflectionGain () const
void setReflectionGain (float factor )


void reflectionGainChanged ()

reverbBrightness : float

A brightness factor to be applied to the generated reverb. A positive value will increase reverb for higher frequencies and dampen lower frequencies, a negative value does the reverse.

默认为 0。


float reverbBrightness () const
void setReverbBrightness (float factor )


void reverbBrightnessChanged ()

reverbGain : float

A gain factor for reverb generated in this room. A value from 0 to 1 will dampen reverb, while a value larger than 1 will apply a gain to the reverb, making it louder.

The default is 1, a factor of 0 disables reverb. Negative values are mapped to 0.


float reverbGain () const
void setReverbGain (float factor )


void reverbGainChanged ()

reverbTime : float

A factor to be applies to all reverb timings generated for this room. Larger values will lead to longer reverb timings, making the room sound larger.

The default is 1. Negative values are mapped to 0.


float reverbTime () const
void setReverbTime (float factor )


void reverbTimeChanged ()

rotation : QQuaternion

Defines the orientation of the room in 3D space.


QQuaternion rotation () const
void setRotation (const QQuaternion & q )


void rotationChanged ()


[explicit] QAudioRoom:: QAudioRoom ( QAudioEngine * engine )

Constructs a QAudioRoom for engine .

[虚拟] QAudioRoom:: ~QAudioRoom ()

Destroys the room.

void QAudioRoom:: setWallMaterial ( QAudioRoom::Wall wall , QAudioRoom::Material material )

设置 wall to material .

Different wall materials have different reflection and reverb properties that influence the sound of the room.

另请参阅 wallMaterial (), Material ,和 QAudioRoom::Wall .

QAudioRoom::Material QAudioRoom:: wallMaterial ( QAudioRoom::Wall wall ) const

returns the material being used for wall .

另请参阅 setWallMaterial (), Material ,和 QAudioRoom::Wall .

[signal] void QAudioRoom:: wallsChanged ()

Signals when the wall material changes.