SceneLoader QML Type

提供加载现有场景的设施。 更多...

导入语句: import Qt3D.Render 2.2
Since: Qt 5.7
实例化: QSceneLoader
继承: 组件




Given a 3D source file, the SceneLoader will try to parse it and build a tree of Entity objects with proper GeometryRenderer , Transform and Material components.

The loader will try to determine the best material to be used based on the properties of the model file. If you wish to use a custom material, you will have to traverse the tree and replace the default associated materials with yours.

As the name implies, SceneLoader loads a complete scene subtree. If you wish to load a single piece of geometry, you should rather use the Mesh instead.

SceneLoader internally relies on the use of plugins to support a wide variety of 3D file formats. Here is a list of formats that are supported by Qt3D.

注意: this component shouldn't be shared among several Entity instances. Undefined behavior will result.

另请参阅 Mesh and GeometryRenderer .


source : url

Holds the url to the source to be loaded.

[read-only] status : enumeration

Holds the status of scene loading.

另请参阅 Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader::Status .


Entity component ( string entityName , enumeration componentType )

Returns a component matching componentType of a loaded entity with an objectName matching the entityName . If the entity has multiple matching components, the first match in the component list of the entity is returned. If there is no match, an undefined item is returned.

另请参阅 Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader::ComponentType .

Entity entity ( string entityName )

Returns a loaded entity with the objectName matching the entityName parameter. If multiple entities have the same name, it is undefined which one of them is returned, but it will always be the same one.

list entityNames ()

返回列表为 objectNames of the loaded entities.