QCameraLens Class

class Qt3DRender ::QCameraLens

Qt3DRender::QCameraLens specifies the projection matrix that will be used to define a Camera for a 3D scene. 更多...

头: #include <Qt3DRender/QCameraLens>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS 3drender REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3drender)
qmake: QT += 3drender
Since: Qt 5.5
实例化: CameraLens
继承: Qt3DCore::QComponent


enum ProjectionType { OrthographicProjection, PerspectiveProjection, FrustumProjection, CustomProjection }



  QCameraLens (Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
float aspectRatio () const
float bottom () const
float exposure () const
float farPlane () const
float fieldOfView () const
float left () const
float nearPlane () const
QMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix () const
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType () const
float right () const
void setFrustumProjection (float left , float right , float bottom , float top , float nearPlane , float farPlane )
void setOrthographicProjection (float left , float right , float bottom , float top , float nearPlane , float farPlane )
void setPerspectiveProjection (float fieldOfView , float aspectRatio , float nearPlane , float farPlane )
float top () const


void setAspectRatio (float aspectRatio )
void setBottom (float bottom )
void setExposure (float exposure )
void setFarPlane (float farPlane )
void setFieldOfView (float fieldOfView )
void setLeft (float left )
void setNearPlane (float nearPlane )
void setProjectionMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & projectionMatrix )
void setProjectionType (Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType )
void setRight (float right )
void setTop (float top )


void aspectRatioChanged (float aspectRatio )
void bottomChanged (float bottom )
void exposureChanged (float exposure )
void farPlaneChanged (float farPlane )
void fieldOfViewChanged (float fieldOfView )
void leftChanged (float left )
void nearPlaneChanged (float nearPlane )
void projectionMatrixChanged (const QMatrix4x4 & projectionMatrix )
void projectionTypeChanged (QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType )
void rightChanged (float right )
void topChanged (float top )



enum QCameraLens:: ProjectionType

Specifies which parameters of Qt3DRender::QCameraLens are used to compute the projection matrix.

常量 描述
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::OrthographicProjection 0 Orthogonal projection
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection 1 Perspective projection
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::FrustumProjection 2 Frustum projection
Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::CustomProjection 3 Custom user-defined projection


aspectRatio : float

Holds the current aspect ratio of the camera lens.

注意: : The return value may be undefined if the projection type is not Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .


float aspectRatio () const
void setAspectRatio (float aspectRatio )


void aspectRatioChanged (float aspectRatio )

bottom : float

Holds the current bottom plane of the camera lens.

注意: The return value may be undefined if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .


float bottom () const
void setBottom (float bottom )


void bottomChanged (float bottom )

exposure : float

Holds the current exposure of the camera lens.


float exposure () const
void setExposure (float exposure )


void exposureChanged (float exposure )

farPlane : float

Holds the current near plane of the camera lens.


float farPlane () const
void setFarPlane (float farPlane )


void farPlaneChanged (float farPlane )

fieldOfView : float

Holds the current field of view of the camera lens.

注意: : The return value may be undefined if the projection type is not Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .


float fieldOfView () const
void setFieldOfView (float fieldOfView )


void fieldOfViewChanged (float fieldOfView )

left : float

Holds the current left plane of the camera lens.

注意: The return value may be undefined if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .


float left () const
void setLeft (float left )


void leftChanged (float left )

nearPlane : float

Holds the current near plane of the camera lens.


float nearPlane () const
void setNearPlane (float nearPlane )


void nearPlaneChanged (float nearPlane )

projectionMatrix : QMatrix4x4

Holds the current projection matrix of the camera lens.


QMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix () const
void setProjectionMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & projectionMatrix )


void projectionMatrixChanged (const QMatrix4x4 & projectionMatrix )

projectionType : ProjectionType

Holds the type of the camera projection.


Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType () const
void setProjectionType (Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType )


void projectionTypeChanged (QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType )

另请参阅 Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType .

right : float

Holds the current right plane of the camera lens.

注意: The return value may be undefined if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .


float right () const
void setRight (float right )


void rightChanged (float right )

top : float

Holds the current top plane of the camera lens.

注意: The return value may be undefined if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .


float top () const
void setTop (float top )


void topChanged (float top )


QCameraLens:: QCameraLens ( Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a QCameraLens with given parent

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setAspectRatio ( float aspectRatio )

Sets the projection's aspect ratio to aspectRatio . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: this has no effect if the projection type is not Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 aspectRatio .

另请参阅 aspectRatio ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setBottom ( float bottom )

Sets the projection's bottom window coordinate to bottom . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: this has no effect if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 bottom .

另请参阅 bottom ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setExposure ( float exposure )

Sets the camera lens' exposure

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 exposure .

另请参阅 exposure ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setFarPlane ( float farPlane )

Sets the projection's far plane to farPlane . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 farPlane .

另请参阅 farPlane ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setFieldOfView ( float fieldOfView )

Sets the projection's field of view to fieldOfView degrees. This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: this has no effect if the projection type is not Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 fieldOfView .

另请参阅 fieldOfView ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setLeft ( float left )

Sets the projection's lower left window coordinate to left . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: this has no effect if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 left .

另请参阅 left ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setNearPlane ( float nearPlane )

Sets the projection's near plane to nearPlane . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 nearPlane .

另请参阅 nearPlane ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setProjectionMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & projectionMatrix )

Sets the project matrix to projectionMatrix .

注意: This will set the projection type to Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::CustomProjection and thus ignore all other camera parameters that might have been specified.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 projectionMatrix .

另请参阅 projectionMatrix ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setProjectionType ( Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType projectionType )

Sets the lens' projection type projectionType .

注意: Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::Frustum and Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection are two different ways of specifying the same projection.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 projectionType .

另请参阅 projectionType ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setRight ( float right )

Sets the projection's upper right window coordinate to right . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: this has no effect if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 right .

另请参阅 right ().

[slot] void QCameraLens:: setTop ( float top )

Sets the projection's top window coordinate to top . This triggers a projection matrix update.

注意: this has no effect if the projection type is Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 top .

另请参阅 top ().

void QCameraLens:: setFrustumProjection ( float left , float right , float bottom , float top , float nearPlane , float farPlane )

Defines an orthographic projection based on left , right , bottom , top , nearPlane , farPlane .

void QCameraLens:: setOrthographicProjection ( float left , float right , float bottom , float top , float nearPlane , float farPlane )

Defines an orthographic projection based on left , right , bottom , top , nearPlane , farPlane .

void QCameraLens:: setPerspectiveProjection ( float fieldOfView , float aspectRatio , float nearPlane , float farPlane )

Defines a perspective projection based on fieldOfView , aspectRatio , nearPlane , farPlane .