风格化 Qt Quick Controls


Qt Quick Controls comes with a selection of styles.

Basic Style

The Basic Style is a simple and light-weight all-round style that offers the maximum performance for Qt Quick Controls.

Fusion 风格

The light theme of the Fusion style.

The dark theme of the Fusion style.

The Fusion 风格 is a platform-agnostic style that offers a desktop-oriented look and feel for Qt Quick Controls.


The 想象风格 is based on image assets. The style comes with a default set of images which can easily be changed by providing a directory with images using a predefined naming convention.

macOS Style

The light theme of the macOS style.

The dark theme of the macOS style.

The macOS Style is a native-looking style for macOS.

注意: this style is only available for applications running on macOS.

iOS Style

The light theme of the iOS style.

The dark theme of the iOS style.

The iOS Style is a native-looking style for iOS based on image assets.

注意: this style is only available for applications running on iOS.


The light theme of the Material style.

The dark theme of the Material style.

The 材质风格 offers an appealing design based on the Google 材质设计指导方针 , but requires more system resources than the Basic style.


The light theme of the Universal style.

The dark theme of the Universal style.

The 通用风格 offers an appealing design based on the Microsoft 通用设计指导方针 , but requires more system resources than the Basic style.

Windows Style

The Windows Style is a native-looking style for Windows.

注意: this style is only available for applications running on Windows.

在 Qt Quick Controls 中使用风格

Default Styles

If no style is explicitly set, a default style will be used. The style that is used depends on the operating system:

For all other operating systems, the Basic Style 被使用。

Compile-Time Style Selection

Compile-time style selection is a way of specifying a style to use by importing it in QML. For example, to import the Material style:

import QtQuick.Controls.Material
ApplicationWindow {
    // ...

预告 QtQuick .Controls (which is responsible for run-time style selection) is not imported. The fallback style is specified by the qmldir of the style:

module QtQuick.Controls.Material
# ...
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic auto

The benefit of compile-time style selection is that the QML compiler knows which specific style is in use and can generate C++ code for bindings.

Another benefit is that the QtQuick .Controls plugin is not used and therefore does not need to be deployed with the application.

Explicit imports are also necessary if your application is built statically .

A disadvantage of compile-time style selection is that one executable cannot support multiple styles, as each style requires its own.

Run-Time Style Selection

Run-time style selection is a way of specifying a style to use by importing QtQuick.Controls :

import QtQuick.Controls

The QtQuick .Controls plugin will import the style and fallback style that were set at runtime via one of the following approaches:

  • QQuickStyle::setStyle ()
  • The -style command line argument
  • The qtquickcontrols2.conf configuration file

The priority of these approaches follows the order they are listed, from highest to lowest. That is, using QQuickStyle to set the style will always take priority over using the command line argument, for example.

The benefit of run-time style selection is that a single application binary can support multiple styles, meaning that the end user can choose which style to run the application with.

A disadvantage of this approach is that QML compiler can't know which specific style is in use and therefore cannot generate C++ code for bindings on properties of Qt Quick Controls types. This does not affect the QML compiler's abilities to generate C++ for bindings on types from other modules.

使用 QQuickStyle 在 C++

QQuickStyle provides C++ API for configuring a specific style. The following example runs a Qt Quick Controls application with the Material style:


See the detailed description of QQuickStyle 了解更多细节。


Passing a -style command line argument is the convenient way to test different styles. It takes precedence over the other methods listed below. The following example runs a Qt Quick Controls application with the Material style:

./app -style material


设置 QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE environment variable can be used to set a system-wide style preference. It takes precedence over the configuration file mentioned below. The following example runs a Qt Quick Controls application with the Universal style:


Qt Quick Controls 支持的环境变量 for the full list of supported environment variables.


Qt Quick Controls support a special configuration file, :/qtquickcontrols2.conf , that is built into an application's resources.

The configuration file can specify the preferred style (may be overridden by either of the methods described earlier) and certain style-specific attributes. The following example specifies that the preferred style is the Material style.


Qt Quick Controls 配置文件 了解有关配置文件的更多细节。