Qt Quick 3D Physics

Qt Quick 3D Physics provides a high-level API for physics simulation. It supports simulating interactive rigid bodies as well as static meshes and non-colliding bodies used for detecting overlaps. Every simulated body can have its own physical properties like mass, density and friction.



模块的 QML 类型是可用的透过 QtQuick3D.Physics 导入。要使用类型,添加以下 import 语句到 .qml 文件:

import QtQuick3D.Physics

This a pure QML module and it does not have a C++ API.



The best way to see what Qt Quick 3D Physics can do is to check out the examples:


注意: There are API changes compared to the Tech Preview API (Qt version 6.4). See the Qt Quick 3D Physics API Changes from Tech Preview for the difference.


Qt Quick 3D Physics is available under the commercial license from Qt 公司 。此外,它是可用的根据 GNU GPL (一般公共许可) 第 3 版 。见 Qt 许可 进一步了解细节。

Furthermore Qt Quick 3D Physics contains third party modules under the following permissive licenses:

NVIDIA PhysX SDK, version PhysX_4.1.2.29882248

BSD 3 条款新 (或修订) 许可