BlockVariable Struct

struct QShaderDescription ::BlockVariable

Describes a member of a uniform or push constant block. 更多...

This struct was introduced in Qt 6.6.


QList<int> arrayDims
int arrayStride
bool matrixIsRowMajor
int matrixStride
QByteArray name
int offset
int size
QList<QShaderDescription::BlockVariable> structMembers
QShaderDescription::VariableType type
bool operator== (const QShaderDescription::BlockVariable & lhs , const QShaderDescription::BlockVariable & rhs )


注意: This is a RHI API with limited compatibility guarantees, see QShaderDescription 了解细节。


QList < int > BlockVariable:: arrayDims

int BlockVariable:: arrayStride

bool BlockVariable:: matrixIsRowMajor

int BlockVariable:: matrixStride

QByteArray BlockVariable:: name

int BlockVariable:: offset

int BlockVariable:: size

QList < QShaderDescription::BlockVariable > BlockVariable:: structMembers

QShaderDescription::VariableType BlockVariable:: type


[noexcept] bool operator== (const QShaderDescription::BlockVariable & lhs , const QShaderDescription::BlockVariable & rhs )

返回 true 若两 BlockVariable 对象 lhs and rhs 相等。