QTextDocumentFragment 类

QTextDocumentFragment 类表示一块格式化文本,来自 QTextDocument . 更多...

头: #include <QTextDocumentFragment>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


QTextDocumentFragment ()
QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocument * document )
QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextCursor & cursor )
QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )
~QTextDocumentFragment ()
bool isEmpty () const
QString toHtml () const
QString toMarkdown (QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features = QTextDocument::MarkdownDialectGitHub) const
QString toPlainText () const
QString toRawText () const
QTextDocumentFragment & operator= (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )


QTextDocumentFragment fromHtml (const QString & text , const QTextDocument * resourceProvider = nullptr)
QTextDocumentFragment fromMarkdown (const QString & markdown , QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features = QTextDocument::MarkdownDialectGitHub)
QTextDocumentFragment fromPlainText (const QString & plainText )


A QTextDocumentFragment is a fragment of rich text, that can be inserted into a QTextDocument . A document fragment can be created from a QTextDocument , from a QTextCursor 's selection, or from another document fragment. Document fragments can also be created by the static functions, fromPlainText () 和 fromHtml ().

The contents of a document fragment can be obtained as raw text by using the toRawText () function, as ASCII with toPlainText (), as HTML with toHtml (), or as Markdown with toMarkdown ().


QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment ()

构造空的 QTextDocumentFragment。

另请参阅 isEmpty ().

[explicit] QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocument * document )

转换给定 document into a QTextDocumentFragment. Note that the QTextDocumentFragment only stores the document contents, not meta information like the document's title.

[explicit] QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextCursor & cursor )

Creates a QTextDocumentFragment from the cursor 's selection. If the cursor doesn't have a selection, the created fragment is empty.

另请参阅 isEmpty () 和 QTextCursor::selection ().

QTextDocumentFragment:: QTextDocumentFragment (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )

拷贝构造函数。创建副本针对 other 片段。

[noexcept] QTextDocumentFragment:: ~QTextDocumentFragment ()


[static] QTextDocumentFragment QTextDocumentFragment:: fromHtml (const QString & text , const QTextDocument * resourceProvider = nullptr)

返回 QTextDocumentFragment based on the arbitrary piece of HTML in the given text . The formatting is preserved as much as possible; for example, "<b>bold</b>" will become a document fragment with the text "bold" with a bold character format.

If the provided HTML contains references to external resources such as imported style sheets, then they will be loaded through the resourceProvider .

[static, since 6.4] QTextDocumentFragment QTextDocumentFragment:: fromMarkdown (const QString & markdown , QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features = QTextDocument::MarkdownDialectGitHub)

返回 QTextDocumentFragment based on the given markdown text with the specified features 。默认为 GitHub 方言。

The formatting is preserved as much as possible; for example, **bold** will become a document fragment containing the text "bold" with a bold character style.

注意: Loading external resources is not supported.

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

[static] QTextDocumentFragment QTextDocumentFragment:: fromPlainText (const QString & plainText )

Returns a document fragment that contains the given plainText .

When inserting such a fragment into a QTextDocument the current char format of the QTextCursor used for insertion is used as format for the text.

bool QTextDocumentFragment:: isEmpty () const

返回 true if the fragment is empty; otherwise returns false .

QString QTextDocumentFragment:: toHtml () const

Returns the contents of the document fragment as HTML.

另请参阅 toPlainText (), toMarkdown (),和 QTextDocument::toHtml ().

[since 6.4] QString QTextDocumentFragment:: toMarkdown ( QTextDocument::MarkdownFeatures features = QTextDocument::MarkdownDialectGitHub) const

Returns the contents of the document fragment as Markdown, with the specified features 。默认为 GitHub 方言。

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

另请参阅 toPlainText () 和 QTextDocument::toMarkdown ().

QString QTextDocumentFragment:: toPlainText () const

This function returns the same as toRawText (), but will replace some unicode characters with ASCII alternatives. In particular, no-break space (U+00A0) is replaced by a regular space (U+0020), and both paragraph (U+2029) and line (U+2028) separators are replaced by line feed (U+000A). If you need the precise contents of the document, use toRawText () 代替。

另请参阅 toHtml (), toMarkdown (),和 toRawText ().

[since 6.4] QString QTextDocumentFragment:: toRawText () const

Returns the document fragment's text as raw text (i.e. with no formatting information).

该函数在 Qt 6.4 引入。

另请参阅 toHtml (), toMarkdown (),和 toPlainText ().

QTextDocumentFragment &QTextDocumentFragment:: operator= (const QTextDocumentFragment & other )

赋值 other fragment to this fragment.